The KBG LAN - Infos and Specials

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Its just one week to go until we all meet us again for the weekend we have all been waiting for. With this news we want to give you a lot of important information about the event and the venue. We also try to answer all the questions we've got from you during the past weeks and months. Please read this news as carefully as possible and inform everybody about that so we can eliminate issues beforehand!

The venue

The venue is located at TakeTV Alte Linner Str. 93-97 47799 Krefeld. For people taking the car, we got the information, that there are no parking lots close to the venue. This means you need to find a parking in park houses or other parking lots. As the central station is not far from the venue same goes for parking options. Everything should be within a few minutes of walk. We advise the girls and guys who got their hotel near the venue (IBIS for example) to park their car there and walk to the venue.

As already mentioned, you are only allowed to enter the venue without your street shoes. This means you can either bring your own slippers, you enter only with your socks or you use the slippers which TaKeTV offers. The ones who use the slippers from TaKeTV, have to leave these slippers at the venue if they are leaving!

Inside the venue players are allowed to use everything which is clearly evidently allowed to use. We will try to make the most of the given setup and allow spectating of the community stream in the cinema and on as many TVs as possible. Rooms which are closed or marked as private rooms or what ever are not allowed to enter or use - We need you all to respect this!

We want everybody to feel like home and expect you to use everything carefully and responsible. There are many things you can do next to gaming. If something is damaged or whatever please inform an admin or someone of the TaKeTV as soon as you notice it. Please be also careful with all drinks near technical devices. People who are too drunk to respect our rules or those of TaKeTV will be excluded and might be not allowed to enter the venue again without further notice!

All the PCs which are set up in our areas should only be used for the tournament. No one is allowed to take place at these PC's without asking an admin. If there are spare PCs during the tournament and you want to use a PC, please ask an admin before doing so. We have admins available to tell you where to play your match and where to setup. There is no need to rush to PCs randomly in the morning.

Smoking is permitted only in the smoking area and outside the venue. If you can't find the smoking area don’t hesitate to ask an admin.

If something is unclear at the event just contact an admin and ask him. We will try to help as much as we can.

Here are a few pictures of the venue, which got taken a few weeks ago:
One of the many chil areas with the casting area on the left
One of the setups for the nerdness

The wristbands

All players participating in the tournament will receive one yellow wristband before their first match. You have to wear this wristband during the weekend so TaKeTV crew and admins can identify you as a player. It allows you to access specific areas restricted to players only. There will also be some other humans, who aren't part of the tournament. Someone who doesn't wear a wristband isn't allowed to use a PC. Please handle the wristbands carefully as we don’t have many of them!

People with such a wristband will have access to enter the areas downstairs and the gaming area upstairs. Visitors will not be allowed to enter there.

Admins will wear a different color for their arm wrists, which gives everybody the chance to find one of us faster.

What do I have to bring to join the battlefields

We are gonna provide:
  • A PC with Windows 10, Enemy Territory and Teamspeak installed on it
  • A 144hz screen from ACER and BenQ (Zowie)
  • A chair and a table

This means you have to bring everything else you need to pwn with you. There won't be any keyboards, mice, headsets or other peripherals to lend out. We would like to advise you, to bring your full etmain and etpro folder and just swap these folders at lan to have a faster setup. If you have to install driver/software for your mouse or other peripherals, please bring them compatible with windows 10 on your USB stick. We demand you to uninstall your drivers after you played your games, to ensure that other players’ setup doesn’t get delayed by your drivers!

The Schedule

We released the full schedule for all formats and sessions. We demand everybody to try their best to not cause any delay for the schedule. If we encounter people not taking the setup time as serious as possible, this will have consequences if it ends up in delays. We will give out a warning to the person and/or team and will also give maploses to these teams. Multiple warnings might result in forfeit or disqualification. If you need help or anything is unclear to you we will have an admin at each gaming area you can ask to help out.

If setups are running fine and teams are ready before their regular match time, we will allow to start games earlier if both teams agree. This also helps you to have more freetime and also more sleep during the nights or more time to party. We appreciate any kind of cooperation on this.

We did create a list which server you have to use for your games. This list is located in the schedule file (different tab). Please respect that all the time!

The schedule
The 3on3 match schedule (Group standings and Playoffs included)
The 6on6 match schedule (Group standing, Playoffs and loser's tournament included)

The showmatch

We plan to host a showmatch on Thursday, 18th May 21 CET. We are asking everyone who is attending the LAN to pm stRay here on crossfire, if you would like to be part of that Best of Three showmatch. These guys have to be ready for the setup at around ~20 CET at the venue and have to bring all their stuff on their own. So please make sure that you fill these requirements before signing up.

You got time to send me a message until this sunday. Please also enter, which class you mainly play. We are going to decide the different players based on their classes and we also try to have players from as many teams as possible for this 6on6 match. The full lineups are going to be announced on wednesday (1 day before the lan LATEST).

This game will also be streamed live from the venue with our community stream. The main focus of this showmatch is to bring the community together on Thursday already and test everything on site to avoid useless delays at the main tournaments.

The vote for the MVP

At the end of the lan, after the last game, we will have a the prize ceremony. At this ceremony we will celebrate all the winning teams. During the ceremony we will have a vote on crossfire or twitter to vote the MVP of the lan. We will release further details about voting and candidates in another post and during the event. Stay tuned!

The winner of this vote will be rewarded with a Samsung 850 EVO (250GB), which got sponsored by Estonia couchor. He gave the information, that it got unpacked once and the SSD was even hooked up to a system for a very short time.

Props to him for making this possible. Thank you!

We wish everyone as much fun as possible at the LAN. Leave your questions in the comments.

May the best win!
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Your english improves every newspost stray, I'm impressed!
image: 1131105-10-1438757991595

are these allowed since Poland h2o sposnoring those for all of Poland Team Solo B members?
ofc, but imo gold doesn't suit you ;)
yee as far as we know yes, might be different chairs at some spots and here and there a different screen (but still 144hz)
How many inches are the sceeens?
not entirely. These places are always there. The black wall between won't be in the second area because it is provisional and we organized most of the PCs for the second area on our own (tnx 2 flyingdj and esl). From what we know we have the same chair and a solid table available.
Nice, I love me some space ^^
Looks great! really looking forward to :)

cu there!
still not enough space for dialer :/
you should see how PlAyer plays :D
ahah legendary
Watching PlAyer and Azur playing next to each other was hilarius =D
PlAyer had his nose 2cm away from the screen and Azur has the most lazy position ever on pc, leaning back and swinging mouse a little
Player is playing with a weird keyboard position and takes 2 times the space people normally uses :D
best means of transportation from DUS airport to the IBIS hotel?
train to Krefeld Hauptbahnhof and it's like 300m walk
Who is gonna provide the coverage since Razzah isn't going, feelsbadmanfroxe
How fast is the internet connection in lan area? Can I just have my etmain and etpro in google drive and download the stuff from there instead of USB-stick.
I think better advice is upload those two folders with only the .cfg files and profiles folders remaining. I'm sure some people have a load of shitty public pk3s all over etmain / etpro.

Then on Lan you just do group by file type and delete all .cfg files, .backup files and profiles folders before adding your own. But maybe I'm overestimating some peoples PC kills :D
We can't even guarantee that players will have internet connection. What crumbs said.
what about voice chat like teamspeak? or am I going to have to shout at my teammates irl?
Also you can get apps for your phone to use it as a USB drive if you don't have one!
You can also email it to yourself, download it on your phone then transfer it from there to the PC.
or just get a usb :D? its 2017 who doesnt have one lol. @sherlock dont make things complicated haha
What if I still don't have a cfg n need somones ha
Who has usb 2017? :D Old school tech
A specification on the MVP SSD: It was unpacked, hooked up to a system, but nothing was actually written on it, so in that sense it's still completely "fresh"
If any one is using an old mouse, i.e mx518, wmo 1.1.
Is it even possible to up the hz to 500 in Windows 10? Maybe a heads up for some people!
I'll assume you'll be laying the absolute smackdown with 144hz monitors curbsy boy!!! HAROSH!
Definitely not I'm horrendous.
I'm sure you'll carry that superstar 3on3 team of yours to the final no problem!
Still great donation man. If I get 5 kills during lan I believe I'll win it, as that's an achievement ha
Challenge accepted!
Venue looks fucking ace guys, good stuff! With those setups there's no excuse for people being a load of arse at this LAN!! hf! :O)
Gonna miss you :(
need someone from the LAN crew to deliver me server infos
gonna stream and support Team Solo B matches (unfortunately only at friday)
I take it TosspoT wont be @LAN, i remember him saying it could be possible?
How about you?
I wont be shoutcasting despite the rumours going around esports forums.
How about you?
How about you?
How about you?
How about you?
How bout dat?
FeelsBadMan swani replaced me and he sucks ass so far on LAN 8-€
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