The KBG LAN - Showmatch

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Tomorrow will be the day, that most of the LAN attendees are going to make their way to Krefeld. We already announced, that we will host a little showmatch at 9 p.m.. This news will give you all the needed information, so that you don’t miss out on the action.

We have had many signups for the showmatch, but we couldn’t reach our goal, of one player per team. We had to make a few decisions and could not give all the players the chance to play. We would like to thank everyone signing up for their interest.

The Lineups:

image: d5825f-1495052596

As we already mentioned, the showmatch will also be used as a test for our stream coverage of the event. We will entertain you with our crew of people and will interact on the community stream with suggestions for the weekend by our viewers. We will reveal few details about what we want to bring to you on the community stream this weekend.

MerlinatoR is going to cast this match for testing purposes as well but this topic should not bother you to tune in anyway on both streams.

Finalising our coverage will be the GamesTV servers.

We wish everyone participating good luck and a lot of fun. May the better team win. Hopefully the viewers will have just as much fun spectating. Constructive criticism is very welcome and helps improving our coverage for the whole event.

Info to players participating:
We would like to remind you, that everyone playing in this showmatch has to be at the venue at 8 p.m. and please contact an admin asap. You will need all of your peripherals and in addition to that, everything else you need to play. If you can’t make it for whatever reason, please contact an admin as soon as possible, so we have the chance to look for a replacement.


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Fanta anr mini
Losers pay beers for the winners?
you can challenge them during the pre match interviews :)
CU Sunday I hope strAy
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