one4one changes!

one4one have had a few changes (again)

Quote since our summercup victories it's been a tough time for us, leaving United Kingdom uQ-Gaming to follow United Kingdom rG to his new clan United Kingdom Reason Gaming, but matters being what they are we moved on to Germany/United Kingdom one4one and everything settled down nicely, ready for our eurocup conquest. However over the past 3/4 weeks things have been happening, things that are slightly out of the ordinary, like arguing on ventrilo, flaming ingame and stuff of the like. Eventually it's boiled down to a few changes being implemented in the clan.

United Kingdom h20xygen and Israel CroZz have decided to step down, due to personality clashes between certain members of the clan. There are no hard feelings and I would personally like to say goodbye to all the players who've gave me such nice games over the past 3 months or so. I hope to see you in the future (maybe quake 4 or rtcw2).

This leaves the current Germany/United Kingdom one4one lineup in a very interesting situation, they have a chance to have VERY nice teamplay due to the fact that they're just 6 and things wont have to keep changing around all the time. If the activity can still be kept at a high level then Germany/United Kingdom one4one must be definate contenders for EuroCup success.

The remaining lineup of Germany/United Kingdom one4one is...

United Kingdom Razz
United Kingdom Mztik
United Kingdom syK
Netherlands ovrboost
Hungary Future
United Kingdom Squirrel

[q] Once again I would like to say it's been fun, we've had a good bunch of laughs... Cya again guys! Goodluck in the EuroCup!

h20xygen out.[/q]

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