Hungary is ready too!

image: kep

A lots of change happened, after Hungary CS4f1 passed me the leadership. Many new, youthful and ambitious talents will play a part in this NationsCup.
After reaching the second place in NationsCup VIII, in the last season we reached only the playoffs due to losing some motivation. But now everything is fine, and our main goal isn't less than playing in the finals again, but this time winning it of course!

Hungary Bor!sten (cave'coh) (C)

Hungary fobje (cdap-pi)
Hungary future (cdap-pi)
Hungary seNti (ex-aMenti)
Hungary CS4f1 (sth, elite)
Hungary d3st (cave'coh)
Hungary faith (cless)

Hungary Logic (cdap-pi)
Hungary srph (ex-underscore)
Hungary Nonix (cdap-pi)
Hungary inf3rno (RCW)
Hungary Cujo (RCW)
Hungary kawaru (cave'coh)
Hungary Kimji (cave'coh)
Hungary K4t0n4 (cave'coh)
Hungary Tuvok (inTw)
Hungary sxtn (inTw)

GL to the other nations and HF to the spectators!
nice banner
nice header :D gl hungarians !
shouldnt you all be out on the street trying to get your dictatorship i mean goverment changed?

Actually there are stupid fascists who are trying to change the government.
<3 hungary

gl guys
GL guyz! :) Badly we didnt have enough time to buid team Romania :(. <3 srph
there are 6 etplayers? :)
if yes, whats the problem?
The problem is that we dont want to get owned rly fast :). We need more time...
gl fobje :>
gl immoo hf ladys :)
fooooooobjeee ^.^
gl neighbours!

<3 csafi

hf fobje future & boristen
hf gl mates :)
thats no nationteam, that is the entire Hungary look @ the members :O
Need more numbers! CS4f1, d3st, inf3rno and K4t0n4 are setting a great example.
ok, from tomorrow just call me C54f1 :)
hoi csafi ;o
check italy with capital letters:

fake! i m dio on CB and i m not in anymore!
gl big lineup :o
Weeeee gl phob + future + logic :}
gl fobje, logic, nonix and future <3
senti ftw :)
noob hungarians
nice lineup, gl 8)
gl CS4f1
gl fobje (amsg) :o]
fobje (cdap-pi)
future (cdap-pi)
seNti (ex-aMenti)
CS4f1 (sth)

would be nice 4on4 :D
gl senti :)
mystic (ex-parodia)

would be a nice 1on1 team
funnzy guy :)
you would be a nice 1on6 team !
gl fobje & senti

hope they will play against team belgia...
would be nice to see some new "50% acc is not possible... why mAus is not banned? we will leave this stupid scene.. kthxbbb" journals....
and who will write those, the belgians? :)
well... i need to give some tips.... just try to remember which team made that journal? underscore? yes... and where are those players from? where ya from?

i know it might be hard to find the right answer

but if you won't get what i ment before that... just try to understand what "+3" mark means @ a puzzle ... not a same mark as k-18
If you won't get my joke, please try to read it again :)

But if you wanna know, that was a newspost. And I need remind you, that newspost was about underscore died mainly because of inside problems, and personally I did not reorganise the team because:
- the first underscore died just before EC, and it was much better then the second one, only some team could beat us, reason: no motivation for some players
- the second underscore died during EC, we finished it only in honour bound, reason: no motivation for some players
- in that time there were a lot of cheater reports, razz busted, torspo on trial, is butchji cheater, is mAus cheater? etc... and in that time it was a new thing - at least for me - that there are cheaters in the high-level, before that nobody took care about this question. So this helped me too to decide about making a 3rd underscore which could die again before the main goal coz of less motivation.

Maybe the composition of that newspost wasn't the best, I'm sorry, my English isn't perfect. But I think most of the readers understood what I was talking about:
- You cannot prove that somebody is cheating or not! Enemy Territory doesn't have a good anticheat system. This is a fact. And if somebody pay a lot for his/her hax, and using it wisely, he/she will never busted.

And although this fact had not changed during the last half year, something changed: my approach.
In the present days I really don't care about cheaters, I resigned that I can do nothing against them, I resigned that nobody took care about this question, and I'm sure that nothing will change in the future too.

I don't know when did you start playing, maybe you remember efterlyst or BiO some years ago. I don't remember that somebody used cheats there for example 2 years ago. Now try to connect somewhere...3 cheaters in the same time on efterlyst for example, all of them 80% acc 3hs/kill, and all of them kicked and banned ofc, but coming back in some minutes with other guids. So things changed in the last years...personally I don't like this change, but finally I got used to this, so I don't care, although I'm not so active nowadays.

Anyways, I could have my own opinion about all players, and after watching how they played on lans, I could decide, and you could decide it too. But don't forget, you could never prove that they used cheats before that event when they played online, or not...for example if mAus will have 20% acc in the next lan, and you say that "omg, he haxed, sure 100%, ban, etc", nothing will happen, because you don't have a proof. That's all.

And for the end, 2 days ago I played vs. vib, and we won 4-0, but maybe they lost just because mAus had only 48% acc...but np, maybe next time :(

I hope you enjoyed reading...
yeah.. i know what you mean..
and i understood / remembered that background material about underscore ... and i have played ET 2 years.. and i know nowadays we have more cheaters in ET scene.. i can agree that

"- in that time there were a lot of cheater reports, razz busted, torspo on trial, is butchji cheater, is mAus cheater? etc... and in that time it was a new thing - at least for me - that there are cheaters in the high-level, before that nobody took care about this question."

it's common argument when somebody says "highskilled player isn't all about aim" .... well... true... but hard to win if all players will get owned in every duel... have to say that i thought butchji cheated... but didn't see anything special when i heard about "cheaters" like razz, mAus or torspo..

but when i noticed that butchji ain't cheating, i knew that we don't have as many cheaters in ET-scene what we think... it kinda opened my eyes... many ppl just have got much help because we can nowadays follow different players because of ETTV etc... + ppl has played more and more = they has learned also what aim "really" means

and i m sorry if i missed your point... just woke up and i didnt have enough time to think what you said because i m @ work (if i missed smth)

but gonna read that later again

and good morning :p
you didn't miss the point, i totally agree with you :)
lotto imo :o but let's make love <3
gl Go logic!
Good luck :-)
Drink some Palinka for me and say hi to Lazlo in Panonhalma from me ! :D
gl sxtn <3
gl guys! :D
sxtn seNti future gl ! ^^

<3 header : o
magyoro + sör
btw köszönöm and mogyoro :)
sorry :<
lived in budapest 11th district for 2 years!!! but my hungarian skillz are sort of rusty
gl Hungary
gl CS4fi, hope to knife you again :p
gl fobje, logic & dest <3
gl guys :o)
gl ervin <3
sok szerencsét team magyarok

:) we will reach the top
we won't gonna reach round2

look at the lineup omg :D
tanuljál meg angolul :D
nem beszelni madzsar sry
btw szerintem jo volt a mondat
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