Return to KBG - Updates

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It has been rather quiet around the upcoming LAN event in Krefeld. Today we would like to update you on a few things.

A lot of people have contacted us regarding the amount of teams interested to go the event, the amount of teams, that have already signed up and if there are already teams, that have made their payment. Unfortunately we’re not gonna be able to update you about that today, but we will update the LAN announcement news post soon.

We are very happy and thankful, that we are able to tell you, that United KingdomMoe has once again made a donation worth 550 €. Obviously deducted by the paypal fee (around 10€) will increase the prize pool!
We highly appreciate your contribution and we would like to thank you for your contribution in the name of the whole community!

I would like to remind you, that the deadline for the early bird ticket is coming up. Early bird advantages will be available until February 28th! From March 1st on, the entrance fee ist raised by 15 € for both 3on3 and 6on6.

The last update we got for you today is about the seeding tournament. As always we will hold a seeding tournament, which is gonna start around the end of March. Only teams that have paid the full entrance fee are eligible to take part in the seeding tournament! If a team has not paid until the start of the seeding tournament, it will be seeded by the admins!

image: teamoxid image: ttv_black

Sign up

6on6 tournament
  • 65.00 Euro Early Bird
  • After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
  • PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

3on3 tournament
  • 35.00 Euro Early Bird
  • After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
  • PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

Please contact an admin as soon as possible if you have any issues to pay until Feb 28th.

The event
Pack your things, because the Venue is booked and the date is confirmed. There is enough space to have up to 16 teams in each tournament. Of course more teams will result in more prize money and vice versa for teams less than the amount of teams we did mention. In any case we guarantee each and every single participant at least 5 matches in the 6on6 tournament and at least 4 matches in the 3on3 tournament.

You can donate money using PayPal or Bank and you can donate your CSGO, DOTA2 or other Steam items so that we can sell and add the money to our donations. Every cent of your donation will be added to the prize pool.

image: logo-dark

can the early bird me extended has taken until 17th fed before any form of teams or players looking for teams were updated, how many teams have signed up? Right now looking at posts its not many teams so before committing to lan I think a lot of players would like to know how many teams and so it, why its been very quiet as no one knows.
Despite having no interest in participating, I agree with your very cryptic message.

Give us the teams that have signed up thus far! :D
Yes :D its all very slow.. I'm interested in going but its 1 week away from early bird... last year we knew all the teams and all the players this time lan might not even happen or have the players
I'm guessing there is 1 team only just a guess though
If we don't reach the minimum amount of teams for the lan every one will get his money back! So no risk or so at all! But still we sre trying to update the list of interested/signed up teams as soon as possible!
I wouldn't trust germans when it comes to returning money.
delayed payments of the prizepool will result in an extra fee as listed below:

Payment between 14 days after the LAN: 0%* fee.
Payment between 14 days and 2 months: 50%* fee.
Payment after 2 months: 100%* fee.

*proportionate fee above final prizepool.

quid pro quo
Thanks for your support of our events. I'm glad you stopped to pretend you didn't receive any money yet.
Hey! Dont take it personal i was sarcastic eventhough its the truth. Thank you for your transparancy as responsible factor with paying out the prizepool, surely beneficial for the upcoming attendance. You should have taken care of your debtors with your own money and not the money of donators and attendees so you could afterward pay the winners. Take it in consideration because in all honesty its not a one way street, you need the community and we need stray and ekto.

Quid pro quo once again.

Oh and for the donators and supporters: your donation went straight to the free-drinks-for-staff-possibly-food-aswell-taking-into-mind-that-those-pizzas-didnt-pay-for-themselves-category. Bottom line: if there is money involved dont estimate your expenses on variable factors such as food and drinks.

Thanks good luck
Moe MVP!
People are just ungrateful.
Just wanted to add this.

For a long time I haven't been a part anymore of this community. But whenever there was a Lan announcement I had some interest in returning to play a few months.

Same for this Lan, I gathered some belgians willing to play and if there was some clarity about the teams attending I would have signed up already.

But for now I just have the impression that neither of the "decent" teams is attending ( thinking about the top 5 teams last Lan ). I heard some comments in the community that alot of people are unable to play that weekend. Also I am not going to sign up not knowing that there are decent teams going to play.

Obviously you can say people will get a total refund of their money if you don't get enough teams but what about the money people are paying for hotel / airplane etc? If we have to book all that with cancellation insurance prizes go up aswell..

I am not planning to spend 200+ euro for a weekend to play "Janneke & Mieke". It feels abit like paying an expensive champions league ticket to view a game in belgian competition if you know what I mean.

I have the greatest respect for you guys organizing this event but for now I have a feeling that the event most likely will have to be cancelled or at best delayed and rescheduled to a later date ( oktober - november ? :) ).

Time is ticking for people that don't want the raise of the entry fee but at the other hand time is also ticking for you guys organizing it. Every day that passes costs of hotel / airplane raises and people will be less eager to attend.
This post for me personally has only confirmed my fear that at this point in time there probably haven't been too many teams that signed up.

My advice: open up asap about how many teams that signed up and if there haven't been many then reschedule the event asap to a later date and try to get some clarity first about some of the better teams still playing this game if they are able/willing to come.

Too bad the good old times are over. I remember we had a pre-lan tournament even to be able to participate and that was easily filled with 16 teams ( next to 8 teams that were invited ). And it is not like at that time people were getting rich when they won the event. First team got 1500 euro.

If i knew there would be decent competition ( say like at cpc 2 ) then I would have no problem if there even wasn't any money at all. I would guess people that are still playing this game after all this time are just doing it for fun and if you are not willing to spend 250 euro's ( look at what you have to pay for a city trip ) to have some fun then you better don't spend it at all and stay home ( yes i'm looking at you mister fanatic )

On the other hand, if you promise prize money then I guess the money should be transfered or even given at the moment the event ends and not months later. ( don't see why this would not be possible if you calculated everything ) So dutchies, I have your back but can you please stop whining about it :D begint een beetje afgezaagd te worden.

Hopefully you can come up with a bit more clarifying news about the teams attending and best of luck further in organizing everything.
Well written :)
+1 Good post. This time theres a different feeling about the event compared to the last three lans. I agree mostly but decent competition wouldnt be my requirement, just a plus :p more interested in people and having fun experience
Lio just want to drink some beckskes.. he vent ? <3
I asked the same, the response from the admins were. ' it doesn't matter how many teams that are interested just pay your money and if it doesn't happen you will get it back '

If that response the team I had planned have decided its not worth booking flights and hotels for a maybe. We are 8 days until end of early bird and still no teams posted. compared to last year its not organized well.
Any of you know if waiting 9 months for delivery hard drive from germany to poland is normal time or does it take slightly longer than usual?
Is normal time
dude, the ssd is still packed at chosens home.. i asked u several times for your adress and never got it. your awnser were some like u are too scared to give it to me because it might get in FiREBALL hands :D:D:D:D:D

send me your adress somewhere (would be the best here at cf) and we send it directly to you.
I have given you my address atleast twice already, seems it's not enough.
the SSD was the topping on Fireball's kebab pizza
wish i had been invited :/
There's just 8 days left for the early-bird pricing. Without a list of interested teams I don't think anybody will go ahead to sign up and pay....

It's a (small) community game now so this can only work when there is complete transparency. Just post updates of teams that are interested and their projected line-ups, even if they are incomplete. Without this info ppl will not be motivated to form teams, sign up, book travel/hotel etc.

And like Lio said, if the amount of interest is too low, then postpone it to a later date. Night and I will come anyway and form a fun team as usual.
Ronner, I have been asking for weeks on dead ears. They keep saying just pay and if lan doesn't happen we will return money..

problem is will they return hotel cancellation fee's, flight fees and time booked off work too...
Don't book anything yet please.
stray, that's the point no one has now apart from 4 teams no one else is planning to go, we been asking for teams and players. when I have asked I always got same answer... just pay and we give money back if no one goes.

I wanted to go to lan and would have brought a team. At start was interest too but you announced lan then just did nothing, not 6 days before early bird ends and still no teams announced even after been asking for 3 weeks.

anyhoo et now official dead gg
Williams, we are aware of that and this also has a good reason. We will be doing a post about that in a few days and will also try to explain people why this happened. It's not our first project and there are reasons why it happened like this this time. We also know that it has reasons at both sides - at ours and also the community side. I've never ever said to anybody "just pay and we give money back".. the only thing i said was that there are reasons why we couldn't make registered teams more public at that point than the recruitment post and that theres no risk in paying the early bird. But as i said more transparancy about the lan and reasons for these things will be shown at the next newspost from us.

stay tuned :)
You really should hurry a bit more. Deadline is coming soon and players (like me) would like to warn their job about getting 2 days off or not at that time.
Post about interested teams to be posted 1 day before early bird fee is over so you have to pay full fee so stray can get some nice pizza
Time to get popcorn ready!
any updates?
It has been rather quiet around the upcoming LAN event in Krefeld. Today we would like to update you on a few things.

A lot of people have contacted us regarding the amount of teams interested to go the event, the amount of teams, that have already signed up and if there are already teams, that have made their payment. Unfortunately we’re not gonna be able to update you about that today, but we will update the LAN announcement news post soon.

We are very happy and thankful, that we are able to tell you, that United KingdomMoe has once again made a donation worth 550 €. Obviously the whole amount will increase the prize pool!
We highly appreciate your contribution and we would like to thank you for your contribution in the name of the whole community!

I would like to remind you, that the deadline for the early bird ticket is coming up. Early bird advantages will be available until February 28th! From March 1st on, the entrance fee ist raised by 15 € for both 3on3 and 6on6.

The last update we got for you today is about the seeding tournament. As always we will hold a seeding tournament, which is gonna start around the end of March. Only teams that have paid the full entrance fee are eligible to take part in the seeding tournament! If a team has not paid until the start of the seeding tournament, it will be seeded by the admins!

image: teamoxid image: ttv_black

Sign up

6on6 tournament
65.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

3on3 tournament
35.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

Please contact an admin as soon as possible if you have any issues to pay until Feb 28th.

The event
Pack your things, because the Venue is booked and the date is confirmed. There is enough space to have up to 16 teams in each tournament. Of course more teams will result in more prize money and vice versa for teams less than the amount of teams we did mention. In any case we guarantee each and every single participant at least 5 matches in the 6on6 tournament and at least 4 matches in the 3on3 tournament.
► Competition

You can donate money using PayPal or Bank and you can donate your CSGO, DOTA2 or other Steam items so that we can sell and add the money to our donations. Every cent of your donation will be added to the prize pool.
❤ Donate
not bad :D
wanted to know if thers any updates on teams and so on
It has been rather quiet around the upcoming LAN event in Krefeld. Today we would like to update you on a few things.

A lot of people have contacted us regarding the amount of teams interested to go the event, the amount of teams, that have already signed up and if there are already teams, that have made their payment. Unfortunately we’re not gonna be able to update you about that today, but we will update the LAN announcement news post soon.

We are very happy and thankful, that we are able to tell you, that United KingdomMoe has once again made a donation worth 550 €. Obviously the whole amount will increase the prize pool!
We highly appreciate your contribution and we would like to thank you for your contribution in the name of the whole community!

I would like to remind you, that the deadline for the early bird ticket is coming up. Early bird advantages will be available until February 28th! From March 1st on, the entrance fee ist raised by 15 € for both 3on3 and 6on6.

The last update we got for you today is about the seeding tournament. As always we will hold a seeding tournament, which is gonna start around the end of March. Only teams that have paid the full entrance fee are eligible to take part in the seeding tournament! If a team has not paid until the start of the seeding tournament, it will be seeded by the admins!

image: teamoxid image: ttv_black

Sign up

6on6 tournament
65.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

3on3 tournament
35.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

Please contact an admin as soon as possible if you have any issues to pay until Feb 28th.

The event
Pack your things, because the Venue is booked and the date is confirmed. There is enough space to have up to 16 teams in each tournament. Of course more teams will result in more prize money and vice versa for teams less than the amount of teams we did mention. In any case we guarantee each and every single participant at least 5 matches in the 6on6 tournament and at least 4 matches in the 3on3 tournament.
► Competition

You can donate money using PayPal or Bank and you can donate your CSGO, DOTA2 or other Steam items so that we can sell and add the money to our donations. Every cent of your donation will be added to the prize pool.
❤ Donate
It has been rather quiet around the upcoming LAN event in Krefeld. Today we would like to update you on a few things.

A lot of people have contacted us regarding the amount of teams interested to go the event, the amount of teams, that have already signed up and if there are already teams, that have made their payment. Unfortunately we’re not gonna be able to update you about that today, but we will update the LAN announcement news post soon.

We are very happy and thankful, that we are able to tell you, that United KingdomMoe has once again made a donation worth 550 €. Obviously the whole amount will increase the prize pool!
We highly appreciate your contribution and we would like to thank you for your contribution in the name of the whole community!

I would like to remind you, that the deadline for the early bird ticket is coming up. Early bird advantages will be available until February 28th! From March 1st on, the entrance fee ist raised by 15 € for both 3on3 and 6on6.

The last update we got for you today is about the seeding tournament. As always we will hold a seeding tournament, which is gonna start around the end of March. Only teams that have paid the full entrance fee are eligible to take part in the seeding tournament! If a team has not paid until the start of the seeding tournament, it will be seeded by the admins!

image: teamoxid image: ttv_black

Sign up

6on6 tournament
65.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

3on3 tournament
35.00 Euro Early Bird
After 28th of February: +15.00 Euro
PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up

Please contact an admin as soon as possible if you have any issues to pay until Feb 28th.

The event
Pack your things, because the Venue is booked and the date is confirmed. There is enough space to have up to 16 teams in each tournament. Of course more teams will result in more prize money and vice versa for teams less than the amount of teams we did mention. In any case we guarantee each and every single participant at least 5 matches in the 6on6 tournament and at least 4 matches in the 3on3 tournament.
► Competition

You can donate money using PayPal or Bank and you can donate your CSGO, DOTA2 or other Steam items so that we can sell and add the money to our donations. Every cent of your donation will be added to the prize pool.
❤ Donate
Canceled? Any updates?
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