RTCW: Crossfire XMAS Onedaycup

So, we all saw the journal of United Kingdom TosspoT about possibly shutting down our beloved crossfire website. Also, competition is low on both RTCW and ET. I was already toying with the idea to create another one day cup for RTCW. So I asked TosspoT if he was interested in shoutcasting the event. He said yes, and we both worked out a date that would be possible for him to shoutcast the event. So I'm very pleased to announce the RTCW Crossfire XMAS Onedaycup! It's time to dust off those MP40's for one very last time.

image: xmas_rtcw_2018_banner

Date: Sunday 16 December 2018
Start: 19.00 CET
Format: 6v6
Map pool: Beach, Village, Ice, Frostbite, Base
Format: Single Elimination
Shoutcast: United Kingdom TosspoT, United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Stream link: https://www.twitch.tv/merl1nator
Signup: Reply in this news post

Aiming towards getting 4 teams in total. Players looking for a team or trying to form one I would suggest on joining up on our RTCW Discord Channel. The communications during the cup will also happen there! If we don't get enough signups, we might also draft some teams just before the event starts. More on that during the coming weeks!

Tournament Brackets:

VOD Replay

Teams signed up (8):
Sweden KiH: Sweden Malmen, Sweden askungen, Sweden wuf, Sweden ozzy, Belgium syL, Sweden smutzig
Finland fixed: Finland Sipperi, Finland jonzi, Finland Sirkka, Finland Sanctity, Finland Olden, Finland rokkeri, Finland lettu
Belgium Baboonsquad: Belgium vila, Belgium lio, Belgium SneeK, Belgium Jetro, Belgium Amni, Belgium RedoX
Jamaica flowerpower: Netherlands bully, United Kingdom jam, Belgium homie, Germany fro, Netherlands TwA, Belgium faster
Europe dog: Estonia mata, Norway kris, United Kingdom razz, Latvia clown, United Kingdom sharky, United Kingdom crumbs
Europe roznorodnosc: Poland h2o, United Kingdom mini, United States of America parcher, Canada murkey, Finland raw, Netherlands kylie, Netherlands vis
Europe Rage: Netherlands Joep, Netherlands rezta, Netherlands Prowler, United Kingdom Dash, United Kingdom Whitewolf, United Kingdom Ditto, United Kingdom Nova
Europe Fast Forward: Estonia ZeD, Canada brandon, Germany Clffdark, Netherlands crabje, Poland Risk, France dubard


- Teams will be seeded according to predicted strength
- Discord is the official channel for communication during the cup
- Each team need to have a captain who must communicate with other team captain to arrange game. There is a channel on discord specifically for this
- Available servers are listed at faq on discord
- Format is single elimination. The 4 losing teams of the first match can play a consolidation tournament if they want.
- All shoutcasted games will be on a specific server. If your match is being shoutcasted you need to join a specific server, this will be communicated.

Map Rules:
- Maplist: mp_beach, mp_base, mp_village, mp_ice, te_frostbite
- mp_base timelimit should be set to 10 minutes instead of 15 (/callvote timelimit 10 at start of each SW round)
- Map pick process: Team A Elims, Team B Elims, Team B Picks First Map, Team A Picks Second map - Remaining map decider if needed. Team A is highest seed, Team B lowest seed

Game Rules:
- 1 panzerfaust maximum per team
- If after 4 stopwatch rounds (2 on each map: ABBA) there is no winner decider map gets played, best of 2 stopwatch rounds. If still tied, play another one, etc..
- No weaponboosting, no passing the docs on village through the fence, making doors unable to be opened, revive blocking etc
- A player can only play for 1 team maximum, unless opponent team agrees

Useful Links:
RTCW Discord Channel
Download RTCW 1.4 (pre-installed)
RTCW Configs
RTCW Troubleshoot FAQ

Active Public servers:
AoD DM (deathmatch):
ECGN (shrub):
Nice, good luck!
Thanks! I hope you can also set something up for ET!
NA Teams/Players Available? If this takes place on a weekend you could double your participation from this side of the pond.
Ready to roll crossbreed
Yes NA teams and players can sign up. But we will play on EU servers only to avoid wasting time and confusion during the event.
If you get Thomas and Co back playing ill make up a number for sure!!!
:+: ipod available

However, I have never played RTCW before.
One more time!
One very last time avi :)
Would be interested in playing!
Avi to play with my buddies ZeD and Clown.
Willing to play with anyone!
I hesitate to participate
Dunno how to say xD I'm wondering if I should sign up or not :D
I wonder why
Will ask my pmcg fellas to team up for this
ooo they are still alive ?
Selbstverständlich :-) Liebe Grüße von Micha
worüber haltet ihr Kontakt zueinander ? Liebe Grüße zurück an alle :)
Vorwiegend über Durex Fundawear
sorry didnt sell em -- no one ever ask for them -- but this could keep this community together
me and sirkka might be avi
yes you will

tuutko oldeni kehii, ollaa pistääs suomi-porukka kasaa xd
juuu, sirkka ulkomail saattas olla kiinnostunu
joo seo messis

Our only chance to see mxture and Potty fighting in the same team
Well, I would accept
Can we get DOG together? Night, Clown, crumbs, razz , Mata, Kris Sup!
Still waiting for you
I think I'm available
Might be available
Nice effort!
What? Is this 2006 ?
Need some sanctity and sirkka
if theres a way to find sancci im all ears
I might be available. Most likely i would just be on the way. I havent touched any game for few years now.
Tein just palveluksen! Summosin legendan paikalle! Jos tarttee oldenin ni seki järjestyy!
Need some sanctity and sirkka
Obviously KiH is already signed up. ^-^
Avi if someone needs!
Where is alexL?
Need a link for OSX Sierra
For Mac check out

Latest release by the maker of this mod: http://www.ecgnetwork.co/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=26722

And u get full version here: https://github.com/iortcw/iortcw
bigggggz, how are ya mate? be jealous of the ping! I know a team playing this if you don't end up finding anyone <3
will be like 2am here in SG on a Monday! Maybe p:

image: 398g6m8

enjoying being a stay at home dad atm :{D
Mata :D:D going to make a team for this let's go fuckers
I've been trying to reach you poopiepants, but besides discord where you don't show up, I have no idea where you lurk around for me to contact.
discord lols I still use ts m8 :D u got steam?
discord is now used as a replacement for #rtcw.wars
sent you a pm mate
Break3r/Showtime asks whether you might want to play the cup with us. Send me a pm if you're interested :-)
avi as vodka!
Nice to see things happening again, hope similiar can be done for ET.
syL die blijft gaan !

cg_fov 94 ftw !
Avi johki suomiporukkaan, en oo pelannu pariin vuoteen mitään.
Avi for this also!
It is time for Isl4m to enter the cave
tosspot putting the site down? rip :(
He will be putting the site down as efficiently as rtcw community put you down.
lets get badazz back? might have like 4 guys alrdy... let me know
Sure im in!
Ah ah nize. How do i find you beside cf? Are you on that cave fb Page? Pm a phm number and we make a whatsapp group or so
add me on steam: crabooh
Meh whats steam? Install discord mate
haha i found this. need to find the others, dts xperia leonneke and kevin

fanta and mini are carrying h2dno as usual
You ain't seen nothing yet
I believe in you
haha :D h2o 100% carried wp fantasy m8
1v1 me valhalla m8
Kk sign is UP homie

caveAZZ: osiris, faster, cliff, crabje, islam so far... Needing 1 ultra skilled med Who can carry us while we have a fun on ts.
Looking forward to the cup!
100th comment #StayMad
cool <3
Ez Clap for gstars!
me xTragic and krepox need 3 more players. Please be available Saturday for a prac run
Hf with 148 ping at eu servers without antilag :D
It's for the lulz
Wow... Logged in for the first time in 6 years and there's a cup on the way. :)
No! ... Well, actually I don't know the exact dates, just recovered my account from CF3. :p

ei muuta ku game on!
Todellaki. Nyt nukkumaan!
Will try to dust off the old steering wheel for this one

There any servers these days that I can go on?
join discord, all info there
awesome :D
Dubard is drkje? :P
why? XD
last 3v3 tournament?
Need 1 more skilled player pm or write on discord
Sanctity :o
Need 1 more skilled player pm or write on discord !!!
KiH ftw, but also gl to mata and the rest. HF all.
Sanctity and Syl :o
wow :D the names
that was fun, thank you :)
GG missed the Last RTCW Cup :(
Still in time for the ET version!
gg wp men
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