The ETernity LAN

ET-Community, today is the day, we can finally announce the locked in date and location for the LAN. Having talked to a lot of people and discussed several options over the past weeks, we made the decision to go with a location, where we know, what we are getting. We would like to thank everyone for their recommendations!

image: JlpZOzw

A lot of people are working hard to offer ET and its players a good platform to compete. Seeing the increased activity, the comebacks, the hard work by so many people in the background, divided on different portals and not to forget people organizing OneDayCups, is really great to see and motivates us. Too many people to list and thank them all in this post. The aforementioned motivation made us set up an offline-event, which we are really looking forward to.

Together we can make the impossible happen!

Event details

  • Where? TaKeTV Venue in Krefeld
  • When? From Friday, May 17th 09:00 CEST to Sunday, May 19th 20:00 CEST
  • What? 6on6 & 3on3 Tournament
  • Who? Tournament staff: Sweden Ekto, Netherlands Sebhes, Germany stRay
For now, we do not make an announcement concerning the prize pool, because it will depend on the amount of sign-ups.

Sign ups

Team Captains should always keep in touch with the admins! Sign-ups will be done via private messaging at least one of the three admins. Deadline for sign-ups and payments will be the 7th of April 2019, 11.59 pm. After the deadline there will be a seeding tournament to keep the event as fair and competitive as possible.

6on6 tournament
  • 65 € per person
  • PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up by sending a pm either to Sweden Ekto, Netherlands Sebhes or Germany stRay with the flag, the teamname and the actual lineup

3on3 tournament
  • 35 € per person
  • PayPal fee: +5.00 Euro per Transaction (no fee for bank transfer)
►► Sign up by sending a pm either to Sweden Ekto, Netherlands Sebhes or Germany stRay with the flag, the teamname and the actual lineup

After the team captain has provided us with the necessary information and their interest in taking part in the event, we will provide him with the payment details and if needed, other necessary information. Please contact an admin as soon as possible, if you have any issues to pay until April 7th 2019.


Europe Netherlands Enigma
France Francis
United Kingdom niSmO
United Kingdom Potty
Germany Parzi
Germany Rayzed

Europe Germany Ava
Denmark gyzr
Netherlands mENACE
Germany Specula
Netherlands stib
Netherlands Testi

Finland Slovakia Kimi
Finland raspberry
Netherlands rezta
Slovenia seareal
Finland smak
Finland tOMBA

Europe United Kingdom fantasy
Finland mAhla
Poland samraj
Belgium JuiCy
France quake
Netherlands Ronner

Benelux Belgium aNGER
Netherlands base
Belgium ChilAx
Belgium eron
Netherlands kApot
Netherlands xtrm

Belgium Belgium chry
Belgium jetro
Belgium lio
Belgium mAus
Belgium mesq
Belgium vila

Europe Netherlands GiZmOoO
Netherlands hayaa
Netherlands iNsAne
Belgium Jere
Netherlands outlAw
Netherlands Sebhes

Europe Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Nitro
United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
Netherlands Thomm1e

Europe Czech Republic BOBiKA
Germany gr0ss
Germany mental
Germany s1LENT
Finland Swanidius
Germany stownage

Poland Abj
Poland BloOdje
Poland dialer
Finland lEku
Finland toNy
Poland h2o

Germany Switzerland Aqi
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FloPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Germany stRay

Europe United Kingdom Shaman
Finland Sherclock
Netherlands Sebhes

Belgium eron
Belgium Jere
Belgium JuiCy

Switzerland Aq
Germany gr0ss
Germany s1lent

Germany Ava
Czech Republic BOBiKA
Netherlands miraya

Netherlands Joep
Netherlands rezta
Europe seareal

Germany Bl4d3
Netherlands iNsAne
Netherlands kApot

Denmark gyzr
Netherlands stib
Netherlands Testi

Netherlands Bossah
Netherlands mAxwell
Netherlands Thomm1e

Poland Abj
Finland lEku
Poland h2o

United Kingdom fantasy
Finland mAhla
France quake

Germany mental
Germany stownage
Finland Swanidius

Europe Netherlands GiZmOoO
Netherlands Jay
Netherlands outlAw

Germany Turkey FiREBALL
Germany kReSti
Germany stRay

More information surrounding the event, the location and other tournaments are to come. We will do our very best to provide an awesome and high quality event. Expect to see some special stuff, which we will be announcing as soon as we can. We are hoping for a smooth event, a lot of fun and some exciting matches. Bear in mind, this is a community oriented event. Together we made a lot happen and we are not done yet! Questions, criticism and suggestions are appreciated. We are doing our best to eliminate problems as fast and good as possible.

Feel free to contact us! We can be reached via discord or through a Crossfire PM.

Sweden Ekto
Netherlands Sebhes
Germany stRay

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever
gg playing but spamming f5 for 1st post
gg becks normal & lemon incoming
gg janika & alex
becks normal & lemon please
recruitment article when
What happened to low entry fee?
The place is expensive as fuck
65 euros to play 3 matches where we get completely stomped sounds like a bit of a rip off tbh. Could get that pc place in London for £5 an hour for 3 hours cheaper than that!
Trust me u will have more than three games! I can understand you tho!
Ofc he has the best ET coach on his side
Kinda makes me wanna turn up to spectate again. But if there's more people and teams with that mentality it'll just not happen again :s
Totally right.. its not like that we didn't try our best to lower costs or anything.. even with different locations!
Bear in mind that the last three successful LAN editions had the same entree fee costs. From a financial point of view it seems therefore rational to keep the same entree fee to make sure we are able to cover the costs for the entire LAN. We are not convinced a lower fee would result in more sign ups.

Furthermore, I am personally convinced that the reason for last LAN not happening was not caused by the height of the entree fee. That having said, we would love to have you attending the LAN!
I'm talking from my pov. I'd rather turn up get shit faced with my team without playing a handful of 1 sided games for, what I consider, a higher than nessasary price. I honestly didn't expect the venue to cost 2k a day.
Let us hope for the best. We are a tight community and we can make this a success. For example, I have also other stuff to do in real life than organizing events for Enemy Territory, however me and the others do so because we love the game. We did not pick the entree fee at random, we did so because we thought it to be to most rational amount. With the right mind set we are convinced this is going to be a great event.
Over 10 sign ups within the first two hours of the announcement! That's incredible
games alivee
I was hoping to see a lower entry fee as well. I'm sure there are reasons for not reducing this but I do believe that it might dissuade 1-2 teams from signing up.

Are you able to share a little more regarding where the money is being spent? Last year there were 13 6v6 teams if I recall correctly, meaning they paid a total of €5070 for entry. The prize pool totalled ~€3050 meaning there was about €2000 left. How was that remaining money spent? I imagine a big chunk would be going to the Take TV venue but it would be nice to have a little more transparency on where the remaining funds are going.
You nearly did awnser your question on your own already!! ;) all the rest went into the venue, the pc's, monitors and all the stuff around that! It sounds like people think we take 2k for our own :D people should try to contact different locations and ask for prices. You will see that we are quite lucky with taketv at this point with the whole venue which is very very nice for everybody even next to playing (which is btw on a perfect setup which you wouldn't get anywhere else too)

And trust me.. this time we compared many different venues in europe with TakeTV and we even had talks to some people who would also have liked to have us but couldn't fullfill our expectations/wishes for the same money we pay at taketv
hey stray, was speaking to sebhes last night on whatsapp!
I'm confident that all the money paid is being used for the event, I'm not trying to suggest you guys of stealing any at all. But as you suggested, I personally have no idea how much these things cost. I imagine a few others are the same. I was just hoping for a very basic breakdown of where the rest of the money is going.

Last year, around 50% of the funds were used for the prize pool. That means that the final 50% was used for the event itself. But, I have no idea if renting TakeTV place for the weekend costs 500€ or 2000€. Would you be able to expand on this and give a brief list of general costs for running the event?

I'm not "whining" about the €65 entry fee for 6v6. Yes I would've liked to have seen it lower but again I have very little understanding of how much the running fees are.
making costs transparent would help to understand. always good to play with open cards
This. Just make some list with all the costs. People will understand and maybe will give some donations to raise the prizepool ;)
It's impossible to share the costs for the previous LAN because everyone will know how much it cost to bribe the hotel to lock your team in a lift

LOL! Good one!
Noice! Can sponsor the prizepool if needed. will be there, but are currently discussing whether to actually play because of the entry fee/prize pool. A lot for us are feeling that 70e pp is a lot when we don't realistically have a chance of recouping any of it back. Would prefer a lower price and lower prize pool?
Have participated in both 6on6 and 3on3 at last three lans while having absolutely no chance of winning anything back. Still have enjoyed to be able to join gaming :)
Don't fucking cry over the entry fee its 65 E. Don't be a poor bitch this sit is grest. Gj admins
half of my wages fu
cu there! =)

maybe add a donation button so we can rise the prizepool and ppl will sign up even if the entry fee is high for some!

the location is great and its worth the money
A newspost regarding donations will be done in the upcoming days too!

We apreciate the big interest and are rly hyped!! Thank you all for your wise words!!
wtf u guys cry about entry fee of 65 € ? -- i am sure no matter where u go out to club or disco u speng more than this

good job nice to read -- btw a post with aviable players and teams searching would be nice
I'd rather cover the cost of the lan center rather than pay for a prize pool. Follow might be able to get a map against 1 team in that sign up list.

I think people need to see the bigger picture. Most of these teams play active every day. For teams that are considering going that don't play like follow or fantasy it is pointless for us to sign up.

The transparency thing would be good as you haven't mentioned a prize purse which goes to show most teams are not playing for a prize. With the venue costing just over 1k a day I think the sign up fee should reflect that.
Dont worry mate. Im trying to arrange oldschool lineup for the lan. If I can make it happen, you will have a decent chance of winning one match.
i doubt most of us going there to win something -- i think we are going or we want to just to have some fun with our lovely game and see people we know since years - spending some money on this is a good investment in my opinion -- no matter i win one game or not -- but yes there should be at least 5 games per team
This lan wwas described as a final call for ET. They said they'd considerably lower the prize fund to allow the entry fee to come down so people like myself who has zero interest in winning the lan for money can sign up. I don't see why we need a prize pool for a game that maybe 3-4 teams will practice for.
Quotei doubt most of us going there to win something

so prizepool is useless then? :XD
i wrote the most - yes for me it isnt important -- and as i said we all know there are maybe 3 teams which have a chance for the win other teams are there just to play and have a good time

or are u going because u think u have a chance to win ?
QuoteI'd rather cover the cost of the lan center rather than pay for a prize pool.


I agree, nobody can pretend this is a particularly competitive game in 2019. I think it's perfectly valid that you don't want to subsidise someone else's trip. (Especially when we all have girlfriends and mortgages to worry about #financiallyviable)

Though I also get that winning the tournament "for nothing" is kinda bleh. But maybe the prize is some swag/peripherals or a bar tab or something rather than straight cash.
I agree, expect this post next week!
Quotegood job nice to read -- btw a post with aviable players and teams searching would be nice

logo need some tweaking
Feedback is appreciated, in what way?
I would make something simple without so many effects + this font doesn’t fit at all
Feel free to come with an alternative. Always open for ideas, thank you
just use my banner ;(
it's coming homie
I love how that's your biggest concern here
Looking forward to this, great job guys!
Love it!

Team: Talented


Good luck everyone! Hopefully there will be some good matches.
Classic! Heard he got a house alredy but wedding coming up now :S
I would honestly say that ppl should stop looking at the entrance fee, u go there to enjoy your time with ppl who u normally play online and spend a decent amount of time together, u go there to meet other ppl and finally able to drink some beers together. Those 60-70€ we literally trash out week in, week out and noone is moaning about it, so i would say that LAN happening once per year or even the last, shouldn't give u the bad feelings just because the entry fee is a bit high.
A lot of players grew up thro the years and got the jobs as well as steady income to support their day to day life, so giving a chip of that cash into ET and have fun there should be the main view for everyone willing to attending this LAN.
We won't just play, we're gonna slay.... the bar!

image: giagunn-1495548913
great job!
Soon on Sebhes's profile:

mAus approved my newspost

e: tho I got more of them
Avi for Nismo
mate, if you want it you could have it
A big shout out to my man Netherlands timbolina himself for the confidence and being the first one to pay for his team Benelux
avi for both formats :) pmme here or discord channel :)
Best of luck guys! Sadly we'll have left the EU and won't be allowed out of the country without government approval so back to Blackpool 'Pleasure Beach' this year again! Can't wait! I'll be taking the 4 kids and my guide dog.

image: article-2320454-19936C85000005DC-800_634x423
You seriously not coming?
No mini no scarzy, the rest is history
Don't be a salty sausage and come lan you bender. If you don't come ill round up all the edl in you area and tell then you're from Syria you stole the NHS benefits and job from a local. In other words you will be fucked
But it's all true, I stole my job in the local boozer from Darren the Dealer who was a right character, but couldn't keep his nose out of his own stock. Amaeur mistake. Now every weekend is a white Christmas and you bet I'm playing Santa.
Shady you are
you better come brutha
Scarzy u have to come!!!!
sad day for et community
if anyone wants to share an apartment. we will book one. so far its ekto, kimi and me. pm me here or discord
Ok boys and girls ill Be 100% goin. Looking forward seeing all of you (not you potty)
Wow shit talk is real. Get your pimple head ready my biceps will make short work of that puss filled skull of yours. Can't wait to destroy you.
did you get flights already?
Not yet. And still need to book hotel :P
cu there =)
have fun bro!!!
Hope to see you there mate!
gg for winning the LAN :)
Any UK players flying out of Stansted to cologne on the Thursday returning Monday? Pm me as it'd be nice to not fly alone :(
How much are flights? I'd normally fly from Birmingham but the flights aren't ideal
26 return.
Is flying to Dusseldorf airport more expensive?
3 times the price
wow, oke thx
Ok boys and girls ill Be 100% goin. Looking forward seeing all of you (not you potty)
Wow shit talk is real. Get your pimple head ready my biceps will make short work of that puss filled skull of yours. Can't wait to destroy you.
puss filled skull
the one weekend i definately cant :/
Low- joining the party.

TBH the price is cheap, at least if you compare it to any actual hobby or sport. Or simply going out.
Just to clarify's professional position, we have decided that 70e isn't outrageous and we will pay and play.

Cheers for this statement, now decided to pay also
Ok boys and girls ill Be 100% goin. Looking forward seeing all of you :)
Nice man, cu
Paid as well
received the money and updated the post :)
Germany velerion attending. /qry tALi 4 lineup + payment.
would like to see him on LAN =-(
wann kommt nookie mich abholen?
anyone from EE going? and wanna go together?
I enjoyed the 2017 LAN as a spectator but sadly I won't be able to come this year due to some serious events conflict (two already overlapping and this is the third one) so good luck TSB, but you have to buy them shots yourselves this time. Potty, be nice to young Dutch players (at least in front of the stream) :-) Have a good event everyone!
haha bro, I wish
its really nice to see the activity rising again especially due to the discord, however I recently just moved to Detroit, bought a new car, a shit load of new furniture and what not so I am kinda a little low on money
Who knows tho. Maybe as we get closer I'll reconsider
Quote by ipodMaybe as we get closer I'll reconsider

Hmmm... interesting. Bring [NbK] cash with you
Yeah okay that's reasonable :D

Just thought I'd apply some pressure on you seeing as you've always seemed enthusiastic about the game! Should you reconsider attending, or any other NA player for that matter, it'd be worthwhile checking flights to Amsterdam as it might be a bit cheaper and a pick-up is easily arranged. We've flown to AMS for both the Brussels & Krefeld LAN and Freddy/woott have picked us up.
Nice to see some teams paying up. Can I ask what are the minimum numbers for this lan?
8 teams is the minimum amount! Considering how things are going, his should be easily met
Nondeju Jeroen, wat ga je toch hard in dit spel. Trots op jou, kusje.
;O this game is still alive

after 10 years i come back to this site and see this ... damn
Lol long time :-D Heette jij eerder geen MeesterMongool? Of was dat iemand anders :p
een naam die ik nooit meer kwijt raak :(
Will the schedule be the same as last time?
I remember 6v6 games started fridayevening / saturdaymorning.
we will most likely have 3on3 on friday (maybe the final on sunday) and 6on6 on saturday and sunday
great then most likely we will be able to come ( still trying to get some belgians together )
Jere en ik zoeken nog nen 3e voor vrijdags! :-)
Zou wel willen maar ik geraak er pas tegen vrijdagavond vrees ik.. :(
Ahja, cva! Moest het toch lukken, geef je maar een seintje. Als we dan nog geen 3e hebben kunnen we samen knallen!
max. some 6on6 groupgames in the evening but we will find solutions for the ones who cant come by friday!
lineups and teams updated or outofdate?
I think they did an update of the LU's a few days ago :)
can i donate this event?
Yes, you can! The link fAntasy give is the correct one. We greatly appreciated all the support
Can spectators attend the event as well? Will there be any entrance fee for them?
They can attend for free
Luckily they aren't that greedy just yet.
It saddens me to hear you saying this
Excellent! It feels amazing to see that ET still has this much activity. If it is its destiny to become only an "Indian summer," let it be a warm one.
change my flag pls + change name to ext3 according to pds
Seeding tournament will be announced on Wednesday
3v3 is going to be more interesting than 6v6.
Name team should get mKs.
Our 3o3 team can be added:



For 6o6:
add gr0ss <3
s1lent playing for 2 3v3 teams, gg
With lan being less than a month away and the deadline to pay was two weeks ago... Admins should tell player to pay up or be seeded lower than followet
Dr. Strange checked all possibilities and there was no situation where someone was seeded lower than
for the sake of potty's witty comeback - I had to do it
If you wanted my cum back you should go pull it out ya mums stomach.... Booooom
Nice, might drop by!
hf stray :)

time for bF comeback fast bradda!
bit too late :D
Lol cant believe so many old dudes still play this. I remember 80% of the names on team rosters and i am not playing et for years now. GJ! Have fun!
noobs =p
you better clean dust off on ET icon on your desktop mate
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