The ETernity LAN: Seeding Tournament

We are down to thirty-eight days before the start of The ETernity LAN and we want to invite every 6on6 and 3on3 team to participate in our seeding tournament, to battle for their accurate spots on site. Matchdays will be mainly on the upcoming Sundays. Starting times will be 18.00 CET for 3on3 and 20.00 CET for 6on6.

image: JlpZOzw


Maps: adlernest, bremen_b3, frostbite, radar, supply, sw_goldrush_te
Tournament Schedule: Starts Sunday, April 14th
Default Match Time: Sundays, 20.00CET


Maps: adlernest, braundorf_b4, erdenberg_t1, et_ice, frostbite, supply, sw_goldrush_te, sp_delivery_te
Tournament Schedule: Starts Sunday, April 14th
Default Match Time: Sundays, 18.00CET


We made this schedule expecting every registered team is participating! When teams drop out from the tournament, we might need them to play one additional match to determine more precise seedings. If that is the case, admins will get in touch with your team over PM.

Rounds and date:
  • 04/14: UB - 1/8 Finals
  • 04/21: UB - Quarter Finals + LB: Round 1
  • 04/28: LB - Round 2
  • 04/28: UB - Semi Finals + LB - Round 3
  • 05/05: LB - Round 4
  • 05/05: UB - Final + LB - Semi Final
  • 05/12: LB - Final
  • 05/12: Grand Final

The Brackets

Additional Rules

In addition to the common rules, that we expect you to know, we want to make the following points clear to everyone. In case of issues, our tournament admins will always help out and might start a democratic process on their level to decide. Nonetheless, here are our additional rules:
  • (1) Teams must be using their anticipated LAN lineup for the event. If this is going to be an issue, then get in touch with one of the seeding tournament admins.
  • (2) Stands in will be allowed if he is on the same level as the team and the player he will replace. Always inform your opponent and admins before the game starts about it. Admin will confirm in case of issues rating the player.
  • (3) Every match is played in best-of three format. The maps will be chosen by each team. With the limitation, that every team can pick each map only once. The team with the higher seed needs to pick the map first. Third map is decided by coin toss and map elimination of the remaining maps. If a match has the same map twice because teams can’t pick another map the admins will force the second map. Once a team drops out to the lower bracket, their map pool resets. The same holds for the Grand Final.
  • (4) Every match needs to be on, match servers are going to be forced
  • (5) Cheating within any of our competition will result in a ban from the offline and online tournament with no refund from this and any future event we organize
  • (6) Matches will be played on common global 3on3 and global 6on6 config accordingly
  • (7) Matches can be rescheduled only if both parties agree. In any case matches need to be played before the next round is scheduled for both lower and upper bracket
  • (8) Teams not participating in the seeding tournament will be seeded by admins

Feel free to contact us! We can be reached via discord or through a Crossfire PM.

Sweden Ekto
Netherlands Sebhes
Germany stRay

The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever
Seeding tournament
image: NiftySophisticatedGemsbuck-small
like professional eSports cklub has time for this
image: giphy
Great work boys!
Thanks, always appreciated kApot
Announced 4 days before matches start, imagine actually having a social life/holiday/work situation.

+ nice backstab on the rtcw cup, that also is played this sunday (announced 4 days earlier)
It was announced in the most recent LAN newspost that the seeding tournament would start "right after the deadline" to pay which was last Sunday the 7th, so it's not exactly a surprise. Also, most teams who signed up for the LAN are fairly active (obviously), and Sundays are typical days for ET gaming anyway.

The last two RTCW cups featured only one player who will be attending the ET LAN, and both his teams have a bye in the first round of the seeding tournament. I think you guys will be fine.
do u even have teams that have paid enuff to make this happen?
how so?

ps: how does it feel to be voted worst finnish player since 2008?
read the previous news better and lay off the drugs finally bro

thx for asking , feels really good
you are still continuing your biggest retard spree since 2007 grats =]]
How does it feel to be unemployed loser who spends his nights in twitch chats reminiscing the good old days of ET?
probably make more money not working than u doing 8 hour a day at ur shit job :D

ps. who are you?
We do, the list of teams and their payment status can be found in the original post:
looking good from the last time it was updated! well done, have nice one!
Very happy everything worked out so far, thank you very much! We will do our best to have the best coverage available
i will be sure to tune up to watch a game or two
Please edit exiLANium to Europe exiLANtium

Germany Ava
Czech Republic BOBiKA
Netherlands miraya

carrypds will carry
thanks buddy, add me on discord miraya #1879 <3
doesnt find u, lulz. caej#3028
QuoteTeams not participating in the seeding tournament will be seeded by admins

Why wouldn't you play a tournament to decide what you play in the tournament

We put a tournament inside your tournament so you can tournament while you tournament
where can I sign up?
Details on walls
Taketv studio bathrooms
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