The ETernity LAN: Results

Yet again the ET community has shown how tight and strong it is. We made the impossible happen and experienced another LAN, 16 years (!) after its release. Europe Elysium were the happy winners and took the trophy at the ETernity LAN. We would like to thank everyone involved for making this a pleasure to host and to make this a lifelong memory for all of us.

image: JlpZOzw

6on6 tournament

Europe Elysium - € 1100.00
GiZmOoO, hayaa, iNsAne, Jere, outlAw, Sebhes

Germany Made in Germany - € 600.00
Aqi, Bl4d3, FiREBALL, FLoPJEHZ, kReSti, stRay

Poland to Make odds even - € 300.00
Abj, BloOdje, dialer, h2o, lEku, toNi

3on3 tournament

Netherlands Team-Visual - € 540.00
Jay, GiZmOoO, outlAw

Netherlands TCGOnline - € 270.00
Abj, lEku, h2o

Germany Teamoxid - € 150.00

Thanks for helping us:

  • Msh100 (and Teamspeak) for setting up the game servers and teamspeak
  • Daniel (TakeTV) for hosting us and offering a brilliant venue
  • fnsipai for offering us with the streamgraphics
  • Kimi for creating the replays
  • The crew at the bar for setting up beer pong and letting us drink
  • Aqi, Bl4d3, DirtyHarry, FiREBALL, kReSti for preparing every PC
  • Everyone who helped cleaning, especially Jere
  • Ekto for being the most responsible and available admin
  • pds, Rayzed, mental, eujen and the entire for being our core moderators of the stream
  • Merl1natoR for streaming the entire weekend on his channel
  • FiREBALL, Aquila, Bl4d3, Jere, Ava, stownage, kReSti for taking screens to the lan
  • Everyone attending and watching from home <3




Give this money to Fantasy so he can finally get laid.

Loves from International Army Gaming

great succes my friends

grüBe nach krefeld

thx for broadcasting and matches

Here you go boys n girls, enjoy avas body 8)


Best LAN

For the professional casting of the professional team!

For some b33rs

Greetings from the spectators. Keep it going! Best regards


Keep in touch

The VODs will disappear in one week, unless anyone is able to help us out on how to save them.
The tans will fade, but the memories will last forever

was a pleasure ladies and gentleman!
Future events: TBA!
make it happen
Was great!
almost broke even !
almost broke
Great lan. Watched almost every single game :)
we all watched every game. i was even watching it at work xD
also, was jacking off on your lan pics between games. dat gipsy angel face and dat killer physique. just thinking about it makes me.... brb
xDDD You'd better come next lan m8
hope they do one more
Thanks for organizing the event, it was a lot of fun!
i'm downloading the vods to my computer, will upload on my channel soon
Appreciate all the material you save for the community last few years <3
wery professional idea m8
when is the lan?
Elysium = Astralis of ET ?
Which game was the most exciting one?
obviously every single one Professional eSports Cklub since 2008 (top11world) was involved!
Couldn't agree more. I heard it involves some nice trickjumping skills on Frostbite using external player.
EDiT vs Name
should watch edit vs name
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