RTCW: 6v6 XMAS Onedaycup

There was some request by players to have another Christmas onedaycup again like last year, so here we are! United Kingdom MerlinatoR will provide a stream and will shoutcast the event. It's time to dust off those MP40's once again boys and girls!

image: ZWrYUXi

Date: Sunday 22 December 2019
Start: 19.00 CET
Format: 6v6
Map pool: Beach, Village, Ice, Frostbite, Base
Format: Single Elimination, with optional loser games
Shoutcast: United Kingdom MerlinatoR
Stream link: https://www.twitch.tv/merl1nator
Signup: Reply in this news post or pm me on discord

Aiming towards getting 4 / 6 / 8 teams in total. Players looking for a team or trying to form one I would suggest on joining up on our RTCW Discord Channel. The communications during the cup will also happen there! If we don't get enough signups, we might also draft some teams just before the event starts. American teams and players are more than welcome to sign up as well. I can't promise yet that playing on American servers will be a possibility though. We are looking into the matter, more on that during the coming weeks!

Teams signed up (7):
Jamaica hype: Netherlands bully, United Kingdom jam, Belgium homie, Germany fro, Netherlands Mirage, United Kingdom dusty
Europe roz: Poland h2o, United Kingdom mini, United States of America parcher, Canada murkey, Netherlands kylie, Netherlands vis, Netherlands max, Finland raw
Germany Old man gaming: Germany Showtime, Germany Cobra, Germany Thrill, Germany Kali, Germany Shizzel, Germany Heldor, Germany stownage
Sweden KiH: Sweden Malmen, Sweden FeTTe, Sweden ozzy, Norway Kris, Sweden Askungen, Belgium syL
Europe Bonkas: Netherlands Joep, Netherlands rezta, Netherlandscrabje, France mxt0r, Slovenia seareal, TBD
United States of America MNAGA: United States of America Nigel, United States of America Brujah, United States of America Kittens, Canada Tragic, United States of America Playa, United States of America Cypher, United States of America DeadEye, United States of America Virus047
Europe Fast Forward: Germany Cliffdark, Denmark Vaf, Belgium faster, Estonia mata, Germany oxy, United Kingdom sharky

Brackets and final results
VOD of entire cup!

Useful Links:
RTCW Discord Channel
Download RTCW 1.4 (pre-installed)
RTCW Configs
RTCW Troubleshoot FAQ

Active Public servers:
ECGN (shrub):
Chicago DM (deathmatch):
Osp Pub server:
i am avi!
need a team tho, don't think PMCG will make a team
Showtime is looking to form a team i believe
Heyhey stownage, best greetings from Showtime :D . You can find us on TeamSpeak 3 (, no pass) and www.team-pmcg.de .. See you there ;) .
hi :)
würd auch gern mitmachen wenns geht :) viele grüße an alle
Hey, du kannst mich auch bei Discord, Twitter, Instagram oder woanders unter "c0nsecro" anschreiben. Oder du gibst mir Kontaktdaten als PM
okay, schau ich die Tage mal vorbei ;-)
Hey, für dich gilt auch: Entweder du schreibst mir hier oder per Discord, Twitter, Instagram unter "c0nsecro"
woulda been down but gonna be out of country :<
AVI pm me on Discord ;)
Nice :D
still powning haha
Where are you ?
You can remove me please ! :/ I can't play this cup, Thanks ;)
i used my vacation days for this
Looking forward to the fun!
Wanna play TK Pow? :D NA can always use more peeps.
Thanks for asking but do not want to give anyone the shaft with my dismal play :-)
ok i have the game now :XD, i'm avi !
too many noobs like United Kingdomdusty
omg mata :O
Please keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading more of your wonderful blog posts. Slope game is a three-dimensional game with infinite slopes because no one has ever reached the bottom of the slope. Keep the ball from falling off the platform and successfully guiding it to the finish line by taking advantage of every opportunity.
We are also looking forward to the Christmas Day cup again this Christmas. basketball legends
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