RTCW Corona NationsCup

image: pYcuiDQ

Last week, some players of the remaining RTCW community had the idea to have a Nationscup given the current corona crisis. Belgium Faster and me decided to organise one! The last Nationscup on RTCW was held about 10 years ago, so this is a nice opportunity to have another one! Given the current playerbase, some nations will join forces. The idea is to have it in 1 weekend, while taking a break between the groupstage and playoffs of the Winter Cup that is currently ongoing. United Kingdom MerlinatoR will shoutcast games that he is not playing, and there might also be a chance that United Kingdom TosspoT will join the cast, fingers crossed!

Date: Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 April 2020
Start: 19.00 CET
Format: 6v6
Map pool: Assault, Beach, Village, Ice, Frostbite, Base
Format: League (Round Robin)
Shoutcast & Stream:
United Kingdom MerlinatoR (UK games and others whenever he can): https://www.twitch.tv/merl1nator
Poland szczurek (Poland games): https://www.twitch.tv/szczurkowski
Germany c0bra (German games): https://www.twitch.tv/c0nsecro
Belgium vodka (Belgian games): https://www.twitch.tv/vodka_belgium
Netherlands Leonneke (Dutch games): https://m.twitch.tv/leonneke

Nations signed up (7): bold = captains
Belgium Belgium: Belgium Faster, Belgium homie, Belgium Kevin, Belgium syL, Belgium dAv1d, Belgium puma, Belgium vodka
Netherlands The Netherlands: Netherlands bully, Netherlands mirage, Netherlands Kylie, Netherlands Leonneke, Netherlands Joep, Netherlands crabje, Netherlands vis
United Kingdom United Kingdom: United Kingdom Dusty, United Kingdom Crumbs, United Kingdom Jam, United Kingdom Ditto, United Kingdom Mini, United Kingdom Nova, United Kingdom dictator, United Kingdom MerlinatoR, United Kingdom Lasher, United Kingdom unicron
Germany Germany: Germany Cliffdark, Germany fro, Germany Showtime, Germany Thrill, Germany Stownage, Germany sonar, Germany jackh4mmer, Germany reflex, Germany doza, Germany fireball
Poland Poland: Poland h2o, Poland waflu, Poland risk, Poland abject, Poland Fragstealer, Poland WuT, Poland Hunter, Poland pasek
United States of America / Canada North America: Canada brandon, Canada murkey, Canada source, United States of America parcher, United States of America Kittens, United States of America Nigel, United States of America bru, United States of America luna, United States of America eternal
Norway / Sweden / Denmark / Finland / Estonia Pseudo Vikings: Norway Kris, Estonia mata, Finland Sipperi, Finland sirkka, Finland Raw, Sweden ozzy

Brackets, standings, rules

Useful Links:
RTCW Discord Channel
Download RTCW 1.4 (pre-installed)
RTCW Configs
RTCW Troubleshoot FAQ

Active Public servers:
ECGN (shrub):
Chicago DM (deathmatch):
Osp Pub server:
AVI for germany, ez
komm discord und lass drüber sprechen:) https://discord.gg/4cXsS2
This Team mixing doesn't make sens to me.
Team-NL can do an own team with joep & rezta (for example).
So mixing BE & NL on the one hand and not sweden&norway (5+1=6) is strange too.
This has not much to do with a nationscup for me, more like how you get the best competition Lineup,
Nations with more players are "forced" to use them where smaller countries just mix up.
Belgium for example could just search for 2 more player, one of them could be Elsa and then you just need to search a bit.
Only my opinon, still good work and thank you for keeping RTCW alive!
I understand what you are saying. Honestly, I would rather play with Belgium as a standalone nation. I contacted several players but nobody had interest or didn't reply :( If more be or nl players are available we can still decide on splitting, but how it is looking now, its unlikely..
NL has enough to make their own team of 6 though. maybe BE mix with another nation that only has a couple of people :D? seems RIGGED m8
could just change it to EU NA all-stars cup? or run one after this xD
I am a true Belgian, I like Beer, chocolate and Ronde van Vlaanderen. Pick me.
+1 for those arguments!
i kinda agree.
Crab, Joep and Rez for NL!!
It does make sense to merge BE NL simply because we speak the same language. As homie said we don’t have enough for 6 BE players so we decided to merge. It seems there’s quite some interest from the NL scene so I welcome anyone to make a pure NL team for the 8th team that can still be created. PM me in discord with lineup should this be the case.
did an extra effort to find more belgian people and i found some, we are now split up.
edit: elsa aka kylie is dutch btw
wish it was et :(
Risk lol, gl hiding behind walls.
<3 have you heard from xylos in recent years?
Bring Italy back yes !
>corona nationscup
>teams not quarantined to one nation each

image: 61IxCyY
Where ET nationscup??
good question m8
Where is team Finland with sipperi??
he's playing with the vikings team, just added him
Why don't they just get 4 other Finns
I don't know... :D
i feel like you want to play with team finland ;)
Always avi for serving my ex country!
you can serve team vikings!!
wouldve been too ez
Go Crumbs
you got old.
dlaczego ktos ustala sklady bez konsultacji Xd
really nice lineups - looking forward to see mystic vs mAus finally
drah dellort D:
homie when he forgets to copy the original lineups & codes

image: download
Need French players come on ffs
Nice April 's Fool day!
Hahaha le confinement il titille mon envie de rejouer
Il n'a pas fait que le titiller de mon côté.. Je m'y suis remis :D
Laisse moi le temps de trouver un clavier sans moisissure et c'est parti
would like to cast Poland matches
never did it for RTCW, but will try mu best :D
Feel free to give a link to your twitch profile and I can add it to the article
update: sweden dropped. They are allowed to play with pseudo vikings
Why so few teams :(
I'd say avi for Belgium & Greece but the first one is full and it seems pretty unlikely to build a team for the second one :D
omg dAv1d omg
<3 aMenti, convince wingy to stop playing valorant for 5mins and joint your team p: I heard he is 69% spanelgian :o]
How was it? Any matches to watch?
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