NEW: ET 3on3&6on6 ODC weekend #2!

image: n1WJVmU

Given the success we had during this weekend with both formats having 18 teams signed for cup and some absolutely amazing games, i can announce i will be hosting another one day cup weekend in both 3on3 and 6on6 format yet again! This time i will be doing it a bit differently to give each team even more game time.
For the previous cup u can read main news here and post up journal here.
In both formats we had teams split between Division 1 and Division 2, which i felt like was a good choice as teams could have more even games to play through the tournament. So this time around i will be doing same, but instead of elimation format, i will be running round robin format. Without further delay, i present to you another splending and exciting weekend of great ET games!

ET 3on3 One Day Cup #2

Cup date and time: Saturday, 9th of May, 20:00 CEST (Berlin timezone) (GMT +1)

Team format: 3on3 (Round robin)

Signups till: Saturday, 16:00 CEST (GMT +1)

You can sign up your team by sending me PM on discord (Aniky#3784) with your lineup.

Each team captain needs to join Our discord channel and PM me to be given appropriate role.

Additional information:

Broadcast: Yes, ETTV for semi finals and finals.

Schedule for the ET 3on3 ODC is:

- Division 1 and 2, divided by two groups of 4 teams, with each group match having two forced maps

The mappool for the ET 3on3 ODC is:
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_beach
  • et_ice
  • et_ufo
  • frostbite
  • sp_delivery
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • supply
  • te_escape

Currently signed up teams:
1. Queens (razz, mayan, REINA)
2. 30stm (Damon, GiZmOoO, uYop)
3. Momentum (Bystry, seeD, Jimi, xrb)
4. kakkes (s1LENT, simon, fireball)
5. rektem (ohurcool, ipod, CrimZon)
6. Team jam ( jam, Swanidius, Oxy)
7. vesi imee munaa (Abject, lEku, h2o)
8. energy team (konradek, mariuzs, rafalek)
9. 3 Amigos (Kris, Lakaii, matz)
10. eSPERANCE (Graecos, Patriot, Keytaro)
11. kettutytot (hazz, devix, jassi)
12. FROgz (quAke, snjh, returner)
13. Noname (crabje, ohnoes, rezta, goking)
14. team #68 (Sklamak, Hfls, kazatel)
15. Divide ET Impera (base, eron, kApot)
16. plankermen (ratrider120k, 10k USD, zezima)

image: n1WJVmU

ET 6on6 One Day Cup #2

Cup date and time: Sunday, 10th of May, 20:00 CET (Berlin timezone) (GMT +1)

Team format: 6on6 (Round robin)

Signups till: 16:00 CET (GMT +1)

You can sign up your team by sending me PM on discord (Aniky#3784) with your lineup.

Each team captain needs to join Our discord channel and PM me to be given appropriate role.

Additional information:

Broadcast: Yes, ETTV for semi finals and finals.

Schedule for the ET 6on6 ODC is:

- Division 1 and 2, divided by two groups of 4 teams, with each group match having two forced maps

The mappool for the ET 6on6 ODC is:
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Currently signed up teams:
1. Mongols (mayan, uyop, razz, bobika, bloodje, Kirej)
2. turbot (Swanidius, Vokki, Walle, Mikza, lettu, Olden, Clouver)
3. Elysium ( Jere, Sebhes, insAne, outlAw, hayaa, REINA)
4. bird in barrel (rezta, ohnoes, scuba steve, overschie, ProfLayton, depwner)
5. CBD (ohurcool, ipod, anim, detdet, joker, DabSter)
6. dot (bRAH1, majin, termit, jinx, znajda, kermit, z3R0, Pasek)
7. BAN IMO (Mesh, meehow, blAuss, Krepox, , Enigma, ScarZy)
8. deti (eron, anger, kapot, base, tba, tba)
9. 1 full tbh (juicy, carnage, tba, tba, tba, tba)
10. Team toNy (toNy, Abject, dialer, Joshua, toxic, s1LENT)
11. Yermanz (FiREBALL, Bl4d3, stRay, Aquila, FLoPJEHZ, TBA)
12. team #68 (Sklamak, Hfls, Wolf, Kazatel, quish, T3aw)
13. BigFrench (snjh,quAke, jeanbicrave,ben, smirzz, snake)
14. Team Germany (psiquh, mKs, zeif0, t1mmae, stownage, tba)
15. Momentum (seeD, Bystry, Dmxj, Xrb!, Plumps, Jimi, Kimi)
16. eSPERANCE (Graecos, Keytaro, Patriot, Fitz, Ionix, TBA)

I hope that we can repeat the same success we had last weekend with the amount of teams, i am aiming to get at least 16 team in each format, so hoping for the best, wish you all to have great and enjoyable weekend yet again!

Note: When signing up your team, please specify which hour (19:00-20:00CEST) would your team prefer to start the tournament, as I am willing to start both of the tournaments at 19:00 CEST already if everyone will be up for it, so it wont drag so late to finish it off.

Nationality: Dutch
Skill: Decent
3v3 or 6v6: For both avi
Have discord, searching for fun. Really would like to play Wolf ET!

My old name/account: (don't know the password/mailaddress)
unban i want to be kapitan
Może chcesz do nas?
I po co zaczepki Łukaszu
dzieki ale tak tylko patrze co mi te zjeby odpisza
medic/engi avi for a dutch or english speaking team.
Good job!
jAm and h2o should have teamup, they could be a favourite team
i am avi... you can pm here or discord.
Still avi, really would like to play! Pm me
Not avi for this one but avi 16/17 weekend if you organise anything then Aniky
The one weekend i wanted to make a break :D
30/31 also good, 23/24 Im busy.
Maybe we go bigger than ODC :P
Draft Cup with player pools wolala
Imagine, when u have gathers, nt try
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