ET 6on6 NC Captains announced

image: NC-logo-2

It has been less than a week since i posted my first announcement about Nations Cup for ET. And today I can proudly say that we are good to go. I honestly expected 10 or maybe 12 nations at best case, but you guys have done and gone over the board yet again, having a total of 17 Nations signed up!

We will yet again be able to enjoy some great spectating and exciting games between different nations, so lets publish all the captains for their respective countries. For some nations there were more than one signups and I selected those for which I believe will be able to gather and make the best nations team as well as past experience they have had with other NC's.

National team captains are:

Belgium Belgium: Kevin
Brazil Brazil: Spyke
Canada Canada: TunnEl
Chile Chile: mgZa
Czech Republic Czech republic: Sklamak
Finland Finland: Swanidius
France France: ReturneR
Germany Germany: stRay
Iceland Iceland: rNz
Italy Italy: mamalukes
Netherlands Netherlands: Sebhes
Norway Norway: Domi
Poland Poland: BloOdje
Portugal Portugal: mesh
Sweden Sweden: tornis
United Kingdom United Kingdom: jkzZ
United States of America United states of America: ipod

I would like to congratulate to every team captain being selected for their nation. Going forward, each captain will be given access to the private channel at our discord and will have one week to publish their lineups.

ET NationsCup 2020 Schedule:

Tuesday, 12th of May - Captain applications open
Sunday, 17th of May - Captain applications closed
Sunday, 24th of May - Lineups are announced by team captains
Wednesday, 27th of May - Groups published
Sunday, 31st of May - Start of the first matchweek
Sunday, 7th of June - Start of second matchweek

Additional info:
Given the fact we now know how many nations will participate in this tournament, i can now publish as well the format of it.
- There will be 3 groups by 4 nations and one group with 5 nations in it.
- From each group, first two nations will proceed into playoffs while two last nations will proceed into honorary playoffs, so they can have some extra games.
- Group matches will be BO3, with forced maps each round.
- In playoffs, BO3 with each nation able to select one map from maplist.
- Each match week will consist (or try to) of two games for each nation, so the tournament can be done as fast as possible.

  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

All the additional inforomation will follow each week with lineups and groups to be published next, so stayed tuned for more good news coming up! I wish all the participating nations some great fun and a lot of exciting games!

A huge shout out to Aniky for making this possible! I’m honored to be the captain for the Netherlands and would like to wish all nations the best of luck in their road to glory.
Gl hf everyone
omg t tjrs la toi :D
Sebhes m'a envoyé un message sur watsapp du coup je suis venu faire un tour ici :P tu vas faire la NC?
non la flem, ma connexion c dla merde, juste backup si besoin ;)
bloodje being a PL captain is a joke? Was there really no other applications? brah1 would be better even than bloodje tbh
brah1 xDDD no offence ale,jak gość który wrócił na pare ODC ma zostać kapitanem TP , i kto by tam zagrał ?? Przynajmniej blood ogarnie normalny lineup.
w sumie już ogarnoł xDDDD
I'm proud to present :flag_pl: Team Poland 2k20 Lineup: (c)bRAH1, buggs, topek, SkyLine, Jason Hayes, seeD
gl everyone :)
Playing for team UK?

Don't be a little bitch <3
17 nations, good job.

Looking forward to see line-ups of some countries I didnt even know ppl were still playing ET :--)
no Slovenia Slovenia?! :/
Avi for team UK if you can't get 5 better players
avi for team cambodia
Chile mgZa, muck luck. I hope we will face each other during the tournament at some point
Thanks buddy ;D ! looking forward for that match ^_^
vamos Chile! jogo pal pico
Belgium is looking for some pracs. Message me here to set something up.
We would like to prac some as of next week
pm Sklamak, oldies need some pracc
We would like to prac
Go Norway!
You in for a comeback? ;D
Haha, mayybe! Well, only for as long as COVID-19 lasts :D
Have fun everyone.
swani tuo poika kotiin.
can't wait :)
Salut ! Ca va?
omg cojiine omg
Wesh Youri bien?

Hey BRObika ! :)
ca va trankil, t en nouvelle zelande la ?
COJINE TEAM FRA OMG !!! next winner
Ca me touche beaucoup venant de toi,
Tu es pour moi comme une référence à la rifle.

Merci de ton soutien
still waiting for the pigeon with invite
I’m here Yoshi
I wrote pigeon, not mosquito
That’s not nice to say
I wrote mosquito, not bloodje
Alright, glad to hear xD
Whats up, No slovenia?
Me, sascha and stownage can make a slovenia trip. So we can olay for your country izi
i dunno, we have got like 5 players, i think we could find 6th, obviously nobody interested.
Gogo belgium xx
any RussiaUkraineBelarusKazakhstan avi?
inb4 FORWARD[UA] comes back
this would be epic, and too
Russia humM3L should be ready
frag mal ob er bock auf team russland hat und er evlt kontakt zu joke 4live zerender etc hat?
Add Oasis to the maplist.
After our wery fun game yesterday?
basically it would be good to see because teams wouldnt be really prepared for oasis, some surprises could happen :)
Agree, I've always been a fan of a newer map pool than the old regular six. I wouldn't mind having karsiah_te2 / reactor_final / sos_secret_weapon / missile_b3 in the map pool
Basically anything to get back to 2003 and 2004. I believe a few teams would surprisngly drop out if the mappool would change :)
I agree again, being the best team / nation in ET is not about being the best in supply and goldrush. It would be interesting to find out what new strategies would be found when teams suddenly had to play sw_oasis_b3
new strategies require practice :(
Practice makes perfect !!
na imo supply, supplydepot2, winter edition would be enough for the mappool
Remember that in 2.55 you had to click the correct flag to avoid backspawn in supplydepot2 l o l
You forgot the best map; special_delivery
I have no doubt in my mind Coach ipod will be able to assemble a dominating squad able to bring back our former glory from 2013 (the fuck that was long ago).

I also have no doubt we will smurf the shit out of this and make some Swedes write out essays after they lose supply to them damn gringos who spawn camped them. The mighty Tupac, who has not played since then, will make them weep once more!

Ultimately, the mighty Team USA will get disqualified once more due to unforeseen circumstances.

Honestly surprised there are still so many people playing. Have fun!
Imagine your country's biggest moment in this game beating a depleted Estonia mix team
The excuses have officially begun!
why you always gotta trigger them man
Italy Mama :-D
Heiner alte Säge!!
Was geeeht?
dlul supppp ?!!
France Emorej France Maxuh je vais pouvoir vous spec sur ETTV mes couilles !!! :D Switzerland Dabster impose toi gros !! met le brassard !! MISS THIS GAME OMG, best game ever <3 GL TO EVERYONE !!! PUTAS <3
Pas de team ESP Spain pour toi LA PUTA DEL PUEBLO !

A toi la Belgium MTN !

Tu as une chance exceptionnel de représenter tous les barakis de Belgique, saisie ta chance !!!
WeZoR ch0b0 <3
I miss those days..

Santé à toi !
Bonne chance Comrades !
wp aniky
Gulag stray (formerly known as shmoe for the newSchoolers)
wow, did not expect so many nations to participate (or being able to find 6 players with couple back-ups), should be fun to watch. GeeäL turbot!
Good luck Belgium Kevin and Norway Peterboy
Czech Republic nerd detected
Yep, on the road again! :) I'm already in contact with Sklamak.
That would be absolutely amazing, I'm glad you are around again mate. Hope you are doing all fine
Would be nice to play against old friends. :) And everything is fine in my life. I've got great girlfriend, the best son (already 5 years old, 6 on November) and good job :)
Back to bitch slap fools
Avi for team UK. message me if you need any!
No Ireland, no win!
Avi for team UK.
I am awaiting eagerly for your reply to the message I send Deryn this morning
i did say id do it il talk to you tomorrow my man
lol what a downgrade :-D two becks pls
after brexit not allowed anymore. sorry gav
Sorry, benched you mate xo
lmfao how u doing mate
yeah all good mate kids doing one over on me fucking animals the pair of them hope all is well my man
yeah man kids are rough LOL
im all good man
Like always Turkey isnt allowed to participate with their active 3 players
Who is mesh?
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