ET Nations Cup finished

image: NC-logo-2

Who would of thought that at the very beginning of this idea to bring another Nations Cup to ET would be such a big success and showing that we still have that activity to pull something like that and on what scale!

When i first started off with random one day cups over weekends it felt like that was the thing this game definitely needed and we have seen a lot of players making their come backs to enjoy yet again some quality games with their mates on the battlefields, but that was simply not enough and i wanted something more, something greater and i thought to myself, why not give NC a try and see how it would end up.
As crazy as the idea sounded, i was very surprised by initial response from community and fast forward we are at the end of succesful run of tournament with a lot of exciting games behind us.

The grand finale of the Nations Cup took place yesterday between Netherlands Netherlands and Finland Finland where even the third time this tournament, Finland was unable to win against the Dutchies and we had in total 375 viewers spectating the game, which is definitely amazing number for ET at this time.

image: game61139

I believe that we can be happy with how this cup ran out and with the amount of games we were able to see, one of my favorites is definitely the finals of consolation brackets between Chile Chile and United Kingdom United Kingdom where the South Americans came off on top, finishing in total on 9th place overall.

The final placement of all nations are:

Netherlands Netherlands
Finland Finland
United States of America USA
4. Belgium Belgium
5 - 6. France France, Germany Germany
7 - 8. Canada Canada, Poland Poland

9. Chile Chile
10. United Kingdom United Kingdom
11. Czech Republic Czech Republic
12. Brazil Brazil
13 -14. Portugal Portugal, Norway Norway
15 - 16. Italy Italy, Sweden Sweden
17. Iceland Iceland

Playoffs brackets can be viewed here
Playoffs for 9-17th place can be viewed here
Group stage can be viewed here

Special thanks goes to all participating nations, captains for organizing their games and pracs, our dear shoutcasters for spending their free time making the games even more exciting to watch and everyone else watching the games to make this game feel alive again.

What was your favorite match?
Who was the biggest upset and biggest dissapointement?
Was there any specific player that surprised throughout the tournament?
Which was your best or most clutch clip, frag of the games played?

Hopefully players and spectators enjoyed this Nations Cup and felt some nostaliga yet again that can ET bring, stay tuned in for some more exciting cups after summer!
Was fun. What's next?
Thank you I enjoyed it; brought me back from a 5-year hiatus!
Hey Aniky, I would like to thank you once more on behalf of the Dutch team for your efforts during the last two months. I would also like to congratulate yourself with running a very smooth tournament. I can imagine it takes a lot of responsibility to host such tournaments by yourself, but I hope in the end it was worth it. The introduction of discord for captains is what really helped this tournament

Personally, it’s been a bliss playing ET in a serious competitive way again. The preparation for each match was exciting and I’m proud our nation managed to win this tournament undefeated.

Favorite match? Chile Chile vs United Kingdom United Kingdom (also one of my lifetime favorites)
Biggest surprise? United States of America USA
Biggest upset? Poland Poland
Biggest surprise - player? Chile outload
Biggest clutch? Chile Chile winning radar in the last few seconds

Most players from NL will take a break and enjoy the sunny days that this summer has to offer. But sooner or later, we will be back :)
Also a thank you to Team NL, but you in particular Sebhes for getting more of the dutch community involved with tryouts. I think it helped boost activity in the game globally. At least for me, since i found some people to play with again.

Enjoy your holiday guys;p
Congratz for the organizer(s) Aniky and others from gamestv, koop, merlinator, vein, lord for the streams.. For all participants. Was a pleasure to me be part of this epic NC! Was my first envolved directly, but appears to me that was the best NC ever!

The best game was Chile vs UK... Nobody could expect that moves from both sides! Realy realy well played match!

Congrats for team NL.. Awesome job guys... Hope to see a mix of the best NC players playing against you to a show match... ( i will bet on you again)

Biggest surprise? USA
Biggest upset? NL
Biggest surprise - player? [de] Blade and M@x from Chile
Biggest clutch? Same from sebhes

Now, im Waiting for the next NC... Hope that we will have it!

And i think that all of get engadged with this NC would be proud, because was an Epic Championship experience!

Thanks for organizing this. I haven't really followed any game but it was nice to see some activity. Other than that and in all modesty, I would put myself as the best member of the executive board since for the first time in its story France makes it to the top 5 World. Coincidence ? I don't think so.
What was your favorite match? Chile Chile vs United Kingdom United Kingdom
Who was the biggest upset, dissapointement? Poland h2o's antics vs Belgium and Czech Republic Czech team
Who was the biggest surprise? Chile Chile
Was there any specific player that surprised throughout the tournament? Finland Mayan
Which was your best or most clutch clip, frag of the games played? Finland mayan's nade on frostbite and docrun vs USA
Who was the biggest surprise? Finland my comeback
nice comeback for two games and some trashtalk :x
What was your favorite match?
Any match with mayan

Who was the biggest upset and biggest dissapointement?
mayan carry vs USA
mayan not carry vs NL

Was there any specific player that surprised throughout the tournament?

Which was your best or most clutch clip, frag of the games played?
ggs thanks for cup

USA #1 #3
thanks for the cup!!

we all enjoyed it (not only the players, but also the spectators) !! we had so much fun !!

We even got one of the most entertaining games of the ET history (Chile vs UK).

We got USA getting top 3 and defeating top teams in europe.

Chile getting in top 10 teams.

Favorite match? ChileChile vs United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom (also one of my lifetime favorites)
Biggest surprise? AnonymousUnited States of America USA
Biggest upset?Poland Poland
Biggest surprise - player? ChileChile outload
Biggest clutch? Chile Chile winning radar in the last few seconds (tactitc pause by me).

CheerS! whats next?
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