Battle For Berlin - Tournament Championship Match

image: bfb_banner_xf

Battle For Berlin is proud to present the last match in the tournament, the tournament championship match!

United States of America Hostile Inc vs. Europe HighBot on Ice tonight!

Hostile Inc is made up of Slayaya (fX, opp), Remedy (wSw, fX), Rambo (-a-, fX) and their backup Serum (fa, -Tv-). They are a solid team, with alot of experience with each other. Good shots, quality strats, and dedication to beat their opponent took them this far, will it get them the gold? Only time will tell.

HighBot is made up of HumM3L (Intellic, HighBot), FireBall (HighBot) and z3ro (HighBot). They are a well oiled machine, being a very dominant force in EU. They have acceled in their matches over their EU competators and really shown that tactics are more important than guns when playing against US teams. They played Hostile Inc and where knocked out to the Losers Bracket, and now they face off again in the finals - Will they best the team that beat them, or fall to them once again? Again - Only time will tell :).

The map, Ice, has shown up alot in the tournament - and is one of my favorite maps for this format because of it's quick paced and long ranged gameplay. It has really shown to be a fair and enjoyable map in the past. And hopefully, it will suit as a good battle ground for the last tournament match.

Thanks to all the teams who competed, and all the people invovled, this tournament has been a blast. We've had our bumps, made our enemies, but overall we are in this boat together and I feel you made this tournament a great success. Thank you all!

Vradi of Radio iTG will be covering the match. Tune in here when the match starts for some great shoutcasting!

The match will be @ 10:00pm EST / 4:00 CET.

We WILL have WolfTV, the IP is - Cam will most likely be WTV-Mortal, but someone else could take the cam if it's confirmed later on.

Thanks alot!

Zach "Mortal" Hooper
Battle For Berlin Tournament Director
its simply called final
Time? :)
Sorry, added the time now :)
Bit late for me ;) But I will watch the demos, hope it will be an exciting match!
To Sync WTV do as follows:

Vradi will call out times on his shoutcast, when he does so pause winamp and wait until the WTV feed you are watching goes to that time, then play winamp - the feeds should be insync and thus you will not be hearing ahead of the match.

we know it from et shoutcasts :p
Nice, good stuff Mortal.

gl Highbot
Remedy got butsed hacking in ET, gl highbot!
TWL-ET doesn't ban for cvar violations as someone could force the cvar on someone if they joined their server, etc. It wasn't enough proof, and was ruled out by TWL - thus he is legit by their standards and ours.

Godmode no-gravity servers with PB streaming and force commands on aren't usually the most viable servers to catch hackers on. But who knows.

Should be a good match. Tune in to Radio iTG and WTV when it starts!
Goooo humm3l!
So this was what my brother was whining about...
a bit boring but was to be expected with that kinda ping on highbots side
Can demos be found somewhere?
ive played with remedy and serum (HAX!)
slayayayayya bruh fa empire for the win!
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