RTCW Corona NationsCup III

image: HO9CKXB

Corona is still here... Time for another RTCW NationsCup! This time we'll both run in 3v3 and 6v6 format! Non european teams are allowed to sign-up. We'll use RTCWPRO for matches like UK vs. USA. We'll start the cup once the RTCW.Live Season 1 has concluded! The goal is to run this as a league.

General information 3v3

  • If we have enough signups for the tournament, we might split it up into 2 divisions
  • There can be multiple teams per nation for the 3v3 cup. There is no assignment of captains. Just form a team and sign-up. Max 4 players for 1 team!
  • The general goal is to play these games somewhere during the week

Schedule 3v3

  • Thursday, 29th of October - Sign ups open
  • Sunday, 15th of November - Sign ups closed
  • Monday, 16th of November - Ruleset, brackets, maps etc published
  • Tuesday, 17th of November - Start of the tournament

Signups 3v3

General Info 6v6

  • Brackets: https://brackethq.com/b/ox6i/
  • Schedule Deadlines (EU times):
    WB R1: Saturday 21/11 (1-2)
    WB R2: Sunday 22/11 (3-6)

    LB R1: Saturday 28/11 (7-8)
    WB SF: Sunday 29/11 (9-10)
    LB R2: Sunday 29/11 (11-12)

    LB R3: Sunday 6/12 (13-14)
    WB F: Sunday 6/12 (15)
    LB R4: Sunday 6/12 (16)

    LB F: Sunday 13/12 (17)
    GR F: Sunday 13/12 (18)

  • Rules:
    • Teams plan their own matches. If team captains cannot agree on a date, the match will be forced onto 21:00 CET at the last day of a deadline.
    • Streamers can note down availibility in a discord channel for team captains to see, to schedule a match with the possibility of a streamer/shoutcaster casting the match.
    • Team captains will be added to a discord channel for scheduling and map choices purposes.
    • Teams should try to keep to the schedule as much as possible.
    • Teams that delay the start of a game by more than 15 minutes forfeit the first stopwatch round of the game, each subsequent 15 minutes will result in another round forfeited (Note: This does not include delays due to previous games overrunning).
    • Teams who continuously delay the start of matches will be removed from the event.

    • Matches will be standardly played in RTCW 1.4 and OSP 0.9 in Stopwatch Mode.
    • Matchest with 2 teams from different continents (eg. South America vs. Italy) should be played on RTCW 1.4 and RTCWPro mod in Stopwatch Mode.
    • 1 panzer allowed per team.
    • 1 flamethrower allowed per team.
    • 1 venom allowed per team.
    • No weapon boosting.
    • No intentional blocking of spawns or doors with revives.
    • Each team has two pauses per round.
    • Scoreboard and console messages. Accept the OSP console message to determine who won the round.
    • In some cases, Refs may be designated by the admins to oversee some matches. They will have the ability to make decisions on behalf of the admins during these events. Unfortunately, not all admins can admin every match so some additional Refs may be asked to assist.
    • Team captains schedule the match before the deadline using a specific discord channel. If the match is not scheduled before the deadline, the match will be forced onto the last day of the deadline at 21.00CET.

    • mp_assault
    • mp_base (10min timelimit)
    • mp_beach
    • mp_ice
    • mp_village
    • te_frostbite
    • adlernest_b5 (or adlernest_b5_rtcwpro for rtcwpro matchups)

    Map Selection
    • Ban map, ban map, pick map (each team).
    • Lower seed starts the process
    • Remaining map is the decider
    • The 2 main maps are played using the ABBA format.
    • One point is given for every AB won.
    • In case of a double fullhold, no point is given to either team.
    • The decider is one round played using the AB format.
    • In the case of a double fullhold during the decider then play another BA round on the same map.
    • In the case of two double fullholds play another AB round on the final remaining map.
    • LS chooses side on the decider.

    • Players may only play for one team.
    • Players must use a clan tag.
    • Players must not use an extremely long clan tag.
    • There is no limit on the roster size of a team
    • Additional players can always still be added to a roster. Granted he qualifies for a certain team
    • Players must record demos and submit them if requested.
    • A team can play with a minimum of 5 players.
    • A single merc of equal skill is allowed if none of your backup players are available and the admin and captain of the opponent team approves the player.
    • Captains of teams cannot refuse a merc if the merc is considered to be lower skilled than the leftout player.
    • Using a merc is not allowed when there are 6 available players.

    Servers and Crashes
    • All games should be played on the official servers provided. An admin will supply you with a server from the central server pool via the appropriate discord match channel.
    • If you have a problem with the assigned server for your match, please speak with an admin.
    • If both teams agree you may switch to an 'outlier' server outside of the central pool of servers. This server must still be provided by the admin team. Please discuss well in advance if you want to switch from your assigned server.
    • If the admins decide you have purposely crashed the server this will result in the current stopwatch round being forfeited.
    • If their is a legitimate server crash restart the current stopwatch half as needed.
    • Each team cannot play on a server hosted in their own country. For mixed nations, the "own country" is considered to be the country where most players live, who play that match.

    • Your team does not have the right to refuse match casting/streaming. If a caster/streamer is available and willing, you are obligated to provide the information to your communication and game server if he requests it. Refusing to do so will result in penalties that are at the discretion of the admin team*. Streamers need to have at minimum a two minute delay for all casts to be allowed.

    • Weapon boosting is forbidden. However, accidental/incidental boosting does occur and it is legal. However, if a team feels that an "accidental boost" was intentional, they may contact the admins who will review the case.
    • On mp_village, the documents ARE NOT allowed to be passed on through the gate located near allied bridge/spawn. Doing so results in a forfeit of the round.
    • One panzer per team at one time. Player who spawns with a panzer is the only one who can shoot the panzer. No panzer swapping is allowed.
    • On mp_beach, teleporting through the floor/sinking into the ground near the basement barracks is ILLEGAL. Using this tactic will result in an immediate round loss.
    • Document duplication glitch: In the rare event that the documents become duplicated on any map, you are NOT allowed to transmit the fake documents to complete the round. Doing so will result in an immediate round loss. Utilizing a pause as soon as this happens to straighten out the situation is highly recommended.
    • Any use of external programs f.e. spawntimers are forbidden.
    • If your team has a question about the legality of a possible tactic or exploit, contact an admin as soon as possible to avoid being penalized. If a player/team is found guilty of using an exploit that gained an obvious advantage, "It wasn't explicitly stated as being an exploit in the rules", "I/We didn't know," and "Everybody else is doing it," are NOT valid excuses. Spending an inordinate amount of time searching for the next undocumented exploit that gains your team an advantage in a match will almost certainly result in a penalty/forfeited round.

    • The admins reserve the right to modify the following rules as necessary. Teams should check the rules on a regular basis and prior to every match to ensure they are in complete compliance. Rules are marked with an update date and we provide a log of changes to assist in this capacity. These rules are guidelines by which the this group of tournaments operate to ensure a fun and even playing field for all teams. At all times, these rules are subject to interpretation by admins. While our cup strives to provide the most comprehensive rules possible, not every scenario can be anticipated. Those matters are left to admin discretion based on the spirit of these rules and the situation at hand. Remember, this is just a game and good sportsmanship should be displayed at all times throughout the cup.

    Common Sense Clause
    • Players and teams will be held responsible for your actions. We recommend good judgment when making decisions that could impact your team and teammates while playing with us during this cup. Use common sense! Community discord rules apply.
    • Admins can not make decisions on their own matches.

    • Belgium homie
    • Netherlands Enigma
    • United Kingdom Dictator

    Last updated at: 22/11/2020 10:30

Signups 6v6

  • Belgium
    Belgium homie (c)
    Belgium faster
    Belgium syL
    Belgium mouly
    Belgium Kevin
    Belgium mAus
    Belgium dAv1d
    Belgium Jin
    Belgium Toryu
    Belgium Fable
    Belgium eron

  • Netherlands
    Netherlands Enigma (c)
    Netherlands Bully
    Netherlands crabje
    Netherlands Joep
    Netherlands Eddo
    Netherlands Domi
    Netherlands Haaizor
    Netherlands Leonneke
    Netherlands mENACE
    Netherlands oranje
    Netherlands rezta
    Netherlands Zenix
    Netherlands Adeto
    Netherlands Mirage
    Netherlands Bangbus

  • Germany
    Germany Cliffdark (c)
    Germany Showtime
    Germany myst'x
    Germany stownage
    Germany c0nsecro
    Germany Doza
    Germany Thrill
    Germany Delgon
    Germany twister
    Germany fro

  • United Kingdom
    United Kingdom Dusty (c)
    United Kingdom Crumbs
    United Kingdom MerlinatoR
    United Kingdom Dictator
    United Kingdom RaZz
    United Kingdom Ditto
    United Kingdom Nova

  • Sweden Norway
    Norway utrolig (c)
    Norway Rivjee
    Norway Kris
    Sweden askungen
    Sweden Ozzy
    Sweden Malmen

  • Finland Estonia
    Finland Nizou (c)
    Finland Plaz
    Finland Swanidius
    Finland Xrb
    Finland Webe
    Finland Spaddu
    Finland Sipperi
    Finland Sirkka
    Estonia ZeD
    Estonia mata

  • France Keytaro (c)
    France Fitz
    France Spike
    France Zoko
    France StrAf
    France douille
    Belgium Graecos
    Canada John Mullins
    Canada Festus

  • Italy
    Italy Bonehead (c)
    Italy Die
    Italy Sengo
    Italy D3v
    Italy Ter
    Italy Mister
    Italy H1cks
    Italy Dan
    Italy Virus

  • Australia New Zealand
    Australia Nosy (c)
    Australia pingrage
    Australia spdr
    Australia tofu
    Australia dash
    Australia Elmo
    Australia Peng
    New Zealand blox

  • Chile Peru
    Peru Fox (c)
    Chile Virkes
    Chile V1ka
    Chile Blazk
    Chile Deskiciao
    Chile Snipercat
    Chile Kaiser
    Chile Pipe

Useful Links:
RTCW Discord Channel
Download RTCW 1.4 (pre-installed)
RTCW Configs
RTCW Troubleshoot FAQ
Maybe avi haehae
gl, is rtcwpro already finished?
They are still working on it but we played with it against SA a couple of times and it worked fine :)
HF Pasek ♡
Need Mitsotakis to order a lockdown in Greece to help me finding some lost fellow Greeks for the NC.
wtf still alive Graecos :o
Damn yeah RAF! I started playing again with the first lockdown around March with Patriot & Keytaro. I haven't stopped since. How are you doing, mate?
Good luck :)
rivjee :o)
Its surprising that Sweden doesnt participate they have many great players (malmen, askungen, FeTTe, etc..)
ez team turkey
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