ET Spring CUP 2021 Teams

image: SpringCup

Hey guys,

The draft tournament is slowly coming to an end.

We thought it's about time we get another tournament where you can play and pick your friends!

We hope for active participation.

It will be played in the format 6v6 and 3v3.


  • adlernest
  • frostbite
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_ice
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • braundorf_b4
  • adlernest
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • braundorf_b4

INFO: During the sign ups there will be a voting on discord. Another map will be added to the 6v6 map pool.

To sign up, simply send one of the admins a private message on discord including your team name plus roster.



Discord Link :

If you don't have a team, but still want to try to get into one, follow the link , contact PortugalSHiVAj#7527

Monday, 8th of March - Sign ups open
Saturday, 13th of March - Sign ups closed 23:59
Sunday, 14th of March - Tournament format will be published

Registered Teams

  • Benelux
    Belgium eron (c)
    Netherlands kApot
    Belgium ViKO
    Netherlands L4mpje
    Belgium Kevin
    Netherlands Cupra

  • Europe
    Netherlands GiZmO
    Netherlands iNsAne
    Netherlands Jay
    Belgium Jere
    Netherlands Sebhes (c)
    Netherlands outlAw

  • Italy
    Italy Plainkey
    Italy HeDo (c)
    Italy Trauma
    Italy Mama
    Italy Rebb
    Italy Bakki
    Italy Alprax

  • Europe
    France uYop
    Czech Republic Bobika
    Finland mayan (c)
    Malta Toxic
    Netherlands Squid
    Poland Abject
    Poland BloOdje

  • Netherlands
    Netherlands iNTER. (c)
    Netherlands Helldembez
    Netherlands biZZy
    Netherlands zenix
    Netherlands rezta
    Netherlands Kyks
    Belgium eMMiel
    Netherlands flEXICAN

  • Finland
    Finland Swanidius (c)
    Finland walle
    Finland Toni
    Finland Plaz
    Finland Lepari
    Finland Xrb
    Finland Lrd

  • Europe
    Netherlands mENACE (c)
    Netherlands Krepox
    Belgium JuiCy
    Czech Republic agsor
    Poland h2o
    Poland dialer

  • Czech Republic
    Czech Republic t4Mj (c)
    Czech Republic Wizrox
    Czech Republic desitka
    Czech Republic tezaXo
    Czech Republic Atal
    Czech Republic Sklamak
    Czech Republic Rifleman

  • Portugal
    Portugal shivaj (c)
    Portugal ag0n
    Portugal caga
    Portugal mesh
    Portugal r0th
    Portugal setupj
    Portugal takerj

  • Europe
    Germany mKs (c)
    Germany Lazy
    Portugal hAFER
    Slovenia squaze
    Slovenia seareal
    France Jeanbicrave
    France snjh
    France Aniki

  • Europe
    Netherlands Testi (c)
    Germany Ava
    Finland caej
    Finland olden
    Germany sPECULA
    United States of America ipod
    Finland devix
    United States of America candy

  • Europe
    Finland Jonkkeb0b (c)
    Finland Good
    United States of America Axcess
    Germany asmogan
    Germany crs
    Norway Sinche

  • Portugal
    Portugal n'papo (c)
    Portugal vieri
    Portugal L0g!c
    Portugal Mpo'
    Portugal Mr.Chuck
    Portugal Chicken Nugget
    Portugal spb.
    Portugal YUMMY

  • Europe
    Poland Kirej (c)
    Germany schNee
    Netherlands Lightning
    United Kingdom med1xza
    Finland Lettu
    Sweden Nuggan
    Netherlands Leonneke

  • Poland
    Poland bRAH1 (c)
    Poland cymky
    Poland termit
    Poland SkyLine
    Poland znajda
    Poland Kermit
    Poland Topek
    Poland hunter

  • Chile
    Chile mgza (c)
    Chile Max
    Chile hanZ
    Chile nozz
    Chile Outload
    Chile LuxO
    Chile Switter

  • Europe
    Germany s1lent (c)
    Romania Damon
    Netherlands Enigma
    Germany Timmae
    Germany Aurora
    Poland Buggs.

  • Europe
    Germany nicon (c)
    United Kingdom niSmO
    Germany pArZi
    United Kingdom Fantasy
    France mille
    Canada TunnEl

  • France
    Belgium Graecos (c)
    France douille
    France Keytaro
    France Ionix
    France Fitz
    France Ryder
    Belgium xAv
    France jAu
    France delta

  • Europe
    Cyprus seeD (c)
    Finland mAhla
    Israel LoLeRRR
    Germany Stownage
    Poland Bystry
    United States of America Vein
    Slovakia Kimi
    Germany ScaTman
    Germany psiquh
    Belgium carnage

  • Hungary
    Hungary sebi (c)
    Hungary varadi
    Hungary adze
    Hungary alps
    Hungary isl4m
    Hungary powi

  • United States of America
    United States of America Rainman (c)
    United States of America Aresen
    United States of America darkman
    Canada Dynasty
    United States of America Sl!ck
    Canada CrimZon
    United States of America Bape
    Canada Crono

  • Europe
    Norway w3st
    Portugal godz
    Estonia arMando (c)
    Germany Hansi
    Finland absolute
    France mouss

  • Europe
    Netherlands Joep
    Netherlands Haaizor
    Netherlands crabje (c)
    United Kingdom ditto
    United Kingdom lasher
    United Kingdom nova
    Norway Domi
    Belgium fbl

  • Europe
    Finland smak (c)
    Netherlands Woott
    Netherlands freddyb
    Finland Rsp
    Netherlands Soccer
    Finland Smiche
    Finland Froxe
    Finland tOMBA
    Finland latee

  • Slovenia
    Slovenia carniee
    Slovenia illy-ya
    Slovenia imb3cil
    Slovenia immoo
    Slovenia overdoze
    Slovenia superboyy
    Slovenia vektor (c)
    Slovenia xiwang
    Slovenia Olympus

I want to share how great it is to make such an effort. Having more people being able to organize such events is wonderful and I salute you guys for doing so. I'll probably sign up myself later and am looking forward to the event.

If during the entire process you have any questions or would like to get some advice, feel free to reach out to me. Good luck!
Awesome post!
I'm calling out mayan and co to defend their title, bring it on
btw creative name, let's hope it's not the only tournament this year
call it Easter ET Tournament then :D
better now :P
Yes baby
You made a comeback on me!
You are welcome!!!
Avi 6on6
ET ReBorn From The Ashes Tournament Edition 612904u89012341239058390582349023

glad to see i can still put a smile on ur face :$
Good job guys!
Discord to gather people
gl tites & iceq
avi for 6o6 team :)
nice flags gg
Srbija do tokija bato bre xddd
avi for dot
Złożyć podanie trzeba na stronie i wymagamy min 200xp na mape... xDD. Ale jeżeli faktycznie masz chęć z nami pograć to zapraszamy
Really no information regarding the format? With no schedule or anything, It's not really appealing imho
Monday, 8th of March - Sign ups open
Sunday, 14th of March - Sign ups closed 23:59
Monday, 15th of March - Tournament format will be published
Thanks a lot! You helped me so much
Will it help you signing? Perhaps you can be more specific on how it can help you out such that we can provide answers accordingly.
kijk sebhes customer support spelen :D
The admin pmmed me and it was solved quite fast.
And idd, it helped us to know whether we will sign up or not
Yermanz will win it all
one can't win if you don't sign up :clown:
kresti hat nein gesagt :(
Kannst für uns spielen. mks wird als back up abgeschoben
Hehehe jenau!
Could imagine to play a few games again
komm doch discord, da wird auch noch aktiv nach leuten gesucht =)
Wer weiß wer da so rumlümmelt.
fast alle(s) eigentlich...
So wie auf 4chan?
^vom spamfaktor ähnlich an manchen tagen
Tag are going to take all as usual
GL Mongols
can't wait to cast PL games!
me and ska and 1 more ! (3on3 ofc)
gl junky!!!

you can sign me as a back up :)))
to może się i 6x6 nazbiera
nice signups
rifle avi if someone need :o
du fragst ja nichtmal el capitano...
:( hätte nicht gedacht das du von WoW weg kommst :P
Fürn SMASHED Revival immer :(
Gl Clowns & joep :3
Momentum playing with 2 teams?
can i ask for this logo in Full HD? (1920x1080p)
a da rade zrobić tak, żeby te czarne paski były równej wielkości na górze i na dole? ladniej to bedzie wygladac :)
jest miodnie, dzieki bardzo!
damn so many teams in 2021 :o
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