ET Spring CUP 2021 Information

image: SpringCup

Maplist & new map system (written by Netherlands Sebhes):

  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • frostbite
  • erdenberg_t1
  • et_ice
  • sp_delivery_te
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te
  • adlernest
  • braundorf_b4
  • bremen_b3
  • frostbite
  • missile_b3
  • radar
  • supply
  • sw_goldrush_te

Starting with this tournament, we like to introduce a new map selection system. While Enemy Territory is a beautiful game that has much to offer, over the years it changed into a stale concept that boils down to which team is the best on supply and goldrush. By introducing a new system we hope to contribute to a more diverse and fair game.

During the group stage, this implies that the new selection procedure will work as follows:
At the very beginning of a match, both teams get the opportunity to eliminate one map from the map pool. This means that after elimination six maps will remain to choose from for the match. Coin toss will decide which team may start the elimination and which team is able to choose the first map to start the match with.

To improve both the diversity, quantity and quality of games, we abolish the BO3 system. During the group stage, every match is 3 maps, regardless of score! As a consequence, matches can result in 6-0, 4-2 or 3-3 score. As mentioned before, both teams are able to choose one map. The third map is determined in advance and is featured as map of the week.

Point system; who advances to the play offs?

Unlike previous tournaments, the number of map victories is what counts. The rankings in each group are determined by the amount of map victories. Each map victory, counts as two points. Each map draw, counts as one point. To elaborate, if your team loses a match with 2-4, this still results in two points added to your teams total. By construction, it implies that the third map is always relevant, regardless of score.

The 3on3 format consists of 5 groups of 4 teams each. The top three of every group and the best number four will advance to the next round.
The 6on6 format consists of 5 groups of 4 teams and 2 groups of 3 teams each. The groups of 3 contain the highest seeded teams. These teams will automatically qualify for the play offs, regardless of score. For the other 5 groups of 4 teams, the top 2 will advance to the next round.

Finally, if teams forget to play a third map during the group stage, there is no opportunity to catch up on this after the group stage is done. Both teams will get 0 points added to their total.
nice dude
Diversity in 2021 in ET.
Nice format, great work!
good ideas, time for some changes!
It can be said that this is a good idea, the information is very detailed and attractive.
wordle hint
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