Lugerfrag Episode 9 - GA to Talk and Talk

image: lugerfrag
The show is delayed by 1 hour because foonr can't get home in time :-) Therefore the show will start at 2100CET

An all new Lugerfrag will come your way sunday at 2100CET! Of course as always I wont do this show alone, but I will be accompanied by the only man who really knows what an emo is, foonr! It has been about 2 weeks since our Episode 9 fiasco, so therefore we will do another episode 9. Hopefully Murphy's law wont apply this time. Readmore for the content.

A lot has happened in the past two weeks, and a lot will pass the revue.
As always we will start of with News of the Week.

Followed by me giving foonr a gestapo third degree interrogation on 2 subjects! First off I will talk to him about Crossfight, I don't know about you, but after reading what he wrote, I sure do have some questions. After this we will talk about configs! Of course WL/Crossfire/ESL will announce the config soon, and foonr was one of the guys also trying to get the global config. He can shine his light on the subject once more.

We will end the night with a small preview on the NC (a much bigger one will be written by Anaconda, Nightraver and myself, to be posted soon) and we will talk about the upcoming Eurocup.

If there is still timeleft, we will adress Crevasse and the PGA Lan. Of course all during the show we will have open phones and anyone can call me and foonr up on skype. Just add stewie144 as a contact person. If you are too shy to call in, you can start a discussion in #lugerfrag.

You can tune in via that link.

At 2200CET, some time after the show, I will shoutcast vs Amenti, on the same server.

So here are your plans for sunday evening, don't miss it!
sounds boring :&
Yeah interviewing foonr seems boring to me too. :D
I agree ;-)
Prominent cups like #ET-Cup will also be joining in on the config fun. Anyway, looking forward to the show. :)
As in, they will use the config?
That's what he said yes.
Not rly, he said they will be joining on the config fun, which can mean several things.
BOOOORING, no idle news:/
Who can tell what the content of News of the Week is ^^
puit it in the overview - preview here pls !
hes gonna talk about how shit doneX is now? getting boring.
Hoe kom je daar nou weer bij?
is ie al dagen mee bezig
oh foonr. Ik dacht dat je mij bedoelde. :D
ja foonr egt gwoon zo dom wat ie doe beetje op xfire mensen lopen afkraken alsof ze dan van gedachte gaan veranderen.

en de community er op zon manier bij betrekken is zielig. dit is 1 kant van het verhaal hij heeft geen bewijzen laten zien hoe de gesprekken zijn verlopen dus niemand weet wat er egt gebeurd is

fu foon
plz search on all fucking journals and add this at each comment that aint english k?

Vind je 't erg om dat ook in het Engels te zeggen zodat foonr zelf mee kan lezen? Mensen afkraken in een andere taal is anders ook vrij dom.
k heb precies t zelfde al vaak zat in t engels gezegt dus hij weet wat er staat.

en dat ie dan post gaat editten en neerzet dak engels moet praten is ook grappig.
done drone drone drone drone

the show is getting boring with out PwningDJ
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