ESL IPS in the spotlight

image: 30599The ESL International Premiership Series is reaching it's final rounds. 3 playdays and 5 matches left, untill we know which team get the biggest part of the 1500 € prizemoney. 5 Matches and everything is still possible. As everyone expected, the top teams did not show any weakness in their first matches and are facing now each other to find the king of Europe's most important online-tournament. Let's take a look at the matches so far and what all participating teams have to say about the running competition.

To keep you up-to-date of the running International Premiership Series we prepared a short review about each team and asked all of them to give us a statement about the IPS. Each team gets a seperated news on the ESL Page, to keep track of everything in this news.

[img|left][/img] Germany Team-Helix
ESL Account
Rank: 1 (5-0-0)
Current Budget: 160 €
ESL Article

ESL Account
Rank: 2 (4-0-0)
Current Budget: 80 €
ESL Article

[img|left][/img]Poland The Netrunners
ESL Account
Rank: 3 (4-0-1)
Current Budget: 110 €
ESL Article

[img|left][/img]Europe uQ.Gaming
ESL Account
Rank: 4 (4-0-3)
Current Budget: 50 €
ESL Article

[img|left][/img]Europe aMenti
ESL Account
Rank: 5 (3-0-1)
Current Budget: 60 €
ESL Article

It's no secret that Enemy Territory has a problem with dropouts. Clanbase EuroCups, Warleagues Seasons or previous ESL tournaments, there is nearly no event in the past where you cannot find any dropout. But as a big surprise we had almost no dropouts at our national and international qualifiers which were with more than 250 participating teams the biggest one in ET's history. The first dropout this time were Europe sFx LAN who tried to become the new challanger of Estonia But after losing clearly against Germany Team-Helix on first playday they rejected this plan and called it a day. The next one was Poland Fear Factory. The Poles did not went into inactivity, they just wanted to concentrate on the Polish PGA LAN at the end of November and had simply no time to go on playing in the IPS. Last but not least we have Russia violence is bad. The best team out of Russia played more than one year with the same lineup and seemed to be one of the most stable teams. But contrary to all expectations violence is bad got suddenly member problems and had to give up.

Running one of Enemy Territory's biggest online events is quite easy - connecting it to a big idea makes it even bigger. To make our teams even more professional and sending our 2 cents to make them even more stable, having ET's history with its dropouts always in mind, we added a absolutly new feature for all ET teams. We implemented the ESL Pro Series system where the winner of each match in the regular season gets money. For the first ET IPS season we set this part of the prizemoney to 560 € which results in 20 € for each win. In addition to this all teams get antother chance to earn money without ending on one of the first three places in the final ranking. For each match that will be shown live on GIGA or GIGA 2 the participating teams get money out of our GIGA moneypool. This money is not fixed, it consists of the given penalty points for every team and money out of all matches with forfeit win. Due to the fact that several matches weren't played or had to be reset, the GIGA moneypool achieved already a size of 210 € - the money based on the given penalty points is not yet included and will be added after the season to the 210 €. You see, the teams who played on GIGA have already a nice sum guaranted.

image: image01

[img|left][/img] No other eSport medium in Europe has more power than GIGA . In cooperation with GIGA and GIGA 2 we brought several IPS matched directly to your home and offered all participating teams an uniquely chance to play in front of thousands of viewers. The teams and all spectators enjoyed it, therefore we're giving our best to present you as many matches as possible on Europe's biggest eSport channel in the upcoming weeks. We have also two VoD's for you:

Matches on GIGA:
Estonia vs. aMenti Europe - Video on Demand
Germany Team-Helix vs. HighBot Germany - Video on Demand
Poland The Netrunners vs. violence is bad Russia
Germany Team-Helix vs. violence is bad Russia
Germany Team-Helix vs. The Netrunners Poland

Based on this matches we have currently following distribution of the GIGA moneypool (210€ - 7 still active IPS teams):
Germany Team-Helix - 3 Matches on GIGA -> 90 €
Poland The Netrunners - 2 Matches on GIGA -> 60 €
Estonia - 1 Match on GIGA -> 30 €
Europe aMenti - 1 Match on GIGA -> 30 €

image: small_3d While GIGA and GIGA 2 were the ultimate highlight for all teams, we had another big partner on our side. broadcasted every match of the running IPS and made sure that nobody could forget a match. A total of 22360 TV slots provided since now and many thousands are already guaranteed when the IPS is coming to it's final matches.

The absolutly highlight at the end of the ESL IPS will put face to face and Team-Helix. A match that many are looking for, especially as both teams stand far above the reamining teams in terms of experience and constancy and both teams have 6 players whose individual play can make the difference in any game at any time. The most promising match of the last weeks will show us who can get the biggest part of the 1500 € prizemoney, be sure to check the news in the upcoming days!

Upcoming Matches
Estonia vs. aMenti Europe
Germany Team-Helix vs. aMenti Europe
Estonia vs. The Netrunners Poland
Poland The Netrunners vs. aMenti Europe
Estonia vs. Team-Helix Germany

The full and original news can be found on the ESL Website.
nice news or better nice article :D
nice work kafux :)
Good write up Kafux! <3
Nicely written, good job
yarr ! nice
Brilliant. A good read, looking forward to some more kafux.
heh yup, kafux if your next piece is not as good and even longer, chosen said you're fired :(
lies - u wont get the chance to overtake him for xf :D
(17:49:42) —› nick: (ESL|Kafux) is now known as (cf`Kafux)
(19:11:36) —› nick: (chosen) is now known as (cf`chosen)
(19:11:36) —› nick: (kankersukkel) is now known as (cf`kankersukkel)
need more CB news !
nice chosen, kafux and co
nice news.
Why cancel idle vs amenti? :<
gl all the participating teams - nice article ;)
you're not there!

LoL :P
you always reply to my comments ffs! - I think you are in love! :P
im only in love with mandy :(

oh mandy
oh fucking mandy.. i love her too..
We need to steal the ESL team images (:

gj, team helix will win this.
gl hx :)
gj kafux
very well done
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