Vote ETPro Mod Of The Year 2006

image: promo
Another year is drawing to a close and so as happens every November, the annual Mod of The Year is launched, the event consists of just over a month long wait for anyone and everyone to vote for their favorite mod for that particular year, and with Enemy Territory being this site's game of choice, what other mod would we want to win than our very own ETPro.

From it's initial launch over three years ago to this very day it has been the very base that competitive ET was built on. Who knows, if ETPro was never released would we even still be playing this game, and would it be drawing the thousands of players every day that play it?

The amount of time that has been put into ETPro by all of the coders that have worked on the mod is just an indication to how much they are willing to please and push forward the game itself and make sure everyone in the community still enjoys playing.

So think about the hundreds of hours you have spent playing this wonderful mod and the hell we would be going through if we were still using ETMain 2.56 with akimbo pistols, XP rewards and constant airstrike spam and unlimited soldiers to name but a few of the horrors of ET's history.

And don't forget to thank all the developers behind ETPro - Bani, Rain, Zinx, Fretn, Ikkyo, Reyalp, as they didn't JUST make ETPro, but are also behind the ET 2.60 patch and also the ever so popular ETTV system.
Ahh a direct link <3

Tried to vote earlier from the etpro forums but got lost :(
<3 Bani, Rain, Zinx, Fretn, Ikkyo, Reyalp
go to sleep
QuoteRemote site voting is disallowed. Please vote via the mods profile.

What am I doing wrong here?

P.S. Vote Anonymous Fusen Admin Of The Year 2006
stop trying to cheat!
Bani is almost a bigger God than CeltiC to me
What am I, chopped liver?

lolz i will vote for jaymod!

now add the auto rename function for demos and vid_restart for netsettings in the next etpro version :-)
-fix fps/spread.
Spread is depended on the FPS
-fix fps/recoil.
same as with spread
-add demosave functions
preferably the way CB uses to save demos. Would be very nice for all the people uploading demos :)
clanA_vs_clanB_pov_gametype_map_date (or something like that, its been a while since i was an admin).
-add an ammo notice when playing fieldops. You would then see how many ammo your teammates still have. OSP had this. (tnx to urtier)
-fix netlaming by restricting changing FPS/MP ingame (tnx to swine)
i should vote again
- fix that not really fixed riflebug

in fact you always loose your riflenade if you get shot and revived while not having weaponbank3 selected and switch back.
overdrive ftw <3333
didnt know that there are soo many et mods
Bani, Rain, Zinx, Fretn, Ikkyo, Reyalp. Nice worke guys \o/

Now we just need a bunch of people who can start updating Punk Buster a bit more often.

jaymod with bots ftw
etpro ftw!
tr00cömbAth 3lite
i voted, great work etpro team. are they currently still working to improve it? if so, any date on the next release ?
I vote if:

* you fix the crouch hitboxes
* you force to vid_restart for every connection/netsetting cvar...
Otherwise you'll vote for etpub?
for none ;)
crouched hitboxes are fine
ofc that is etPro thuah
jaymod > etpro
ok voted where is my cooky?
I don't know if I would vote for ETPro based on the list of changes on that page, but ETPro has so much more...

Once again a big thanks to the ETPro team.
if you love them that much, why not listen to them if they say that cl_maxpackets in 60 100 is useless?
who is this directed at?
not at you ;) i appreaciat this since its a reward for their work on that stuff. More likely a complaint about the lots of whine around it. Maybe the "you" isn't correct, and should rather be "we"
Go as CPMA & w§w and create superhud!

-draw ping in fireteam
-shortanames in fireteams
-cg_drawping (like cg_drawfps)
-ammo drawing like rtcw@osp (great idea by overdrive)

-enable (uncheat) cg_dragunX/Y/X
Almost half of the votes are for "Unreleased" mods?
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