European Allstar - Captains chosen !

image: euallstars1As everyone knows, European Allstars #2 is a fact and it will happen at 22th/23th December, to make it a good we need few certain things like wise captains, strong teams, big amount of ETTV and some decent shoutcast, at the moment we have only two of these.
First thing is our beloved United Kingdom TosspoT which wished to shoutcast whole event, second is captain, which you all had chance to choose.
After 2 days of voting we have received 140 votes, that's far more then we get on last event and it can mean only one thing - THIS GAME AIN'T DEAD !
And here they are:

East Europe - #east-europe:

- Estonia Night - 53
- Poland doktor - 57
- Latvia C|own - 8
- Czech Republic Butch - 13
- Estonia Holz - 9

West Europe - #west-europe :

- United Kingdom Ste - 15
- Germany urtier - 60
- Netherlands Lunat1C - 26
- United Kingdom Mztik - 24
- Germany ernie - 15

North Europe - #north-europe:

- Sweden LotiX - 24
- Sweden crajsor - 12
- Norway Gjerry - 13
- Denmark Arachon - 16
- Finland saintt - 75

Southn Europe - #south-europe:

- Austria potter - 54
- Israel CrozZ - 20
- Malta ToX|c - 19
- Slovenia Ravenous - 17
- Spain Winghaven - 30

So know we are all waiting for informations about lineups which captains will choose, if you want to be a part of the team, contact captain on one of your region irc channels.
Also remember that we are waiting for any support which you all can provide (gameservers, ettv and other forms of coverage).
For any info please contact us at [email protected].
Rosters should be announced at Wednesday 21th December

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