OpenCup Groups Released

The groups for this seasons OpenCup Fall season have finally been released. A total of 296 clans will complete across 7 divisions all looking to claim gold.

An unusually strong Premier League sees RTCW legends KiH (yes it is them), last seasons medalists cdap oddjob and new allstar team quash pain compete. Drop outs aside this could almost be as interesting as the EuroCup.

Group A

Europe A†R
Europe dFIANCE
Croatia elite
Germany Nappetshow

Group B

Europe VP
Spain aurea
Netherlands Innocense
Finland bangros

Group C

United Kingdom cdap oddjob
Croatia Cortana
Italy Rebels

Group D

Europe dtekt
Poland Logitech UVM
Germany Oceans6
Germany one4one

Group E

Poland First Line Soldiers Gaming
Estonia Qlasics o2
Sweden overdose
Europe retro4u

Group F

Poland Frozen-Gaming
Czech Republic infrag
United Kingdom sublime
United States of America Rated

Group G

Bosnia Hercegovina Death Murder Killers
Sweden Knö i Hörn
Europe quAntocius
Europe team massacre

Group H

Poland Infection
Europe quash pain
Austria Ultima Ratio
Italy Vagrants

You can find the remaining divisions here.
gl @ all teams.
hahahhaha... 2nd league here i come:P! rly funny...
matisyahu 3rd league, eazy bash!
VP at premier league!?!?! roflorlfolololroflrolfololol

haha lollleeeeeeed
I see s0m3 n00bs :D
i lold...
bangbros doesn't play 6on6. or atleast they dont have 6 right now. vauhti and (slyfox) will play in a another clan with me and some others.
KiH wont play imo =)

EDIT: oke they will!

elite & dFIANCE

aurea & VP

Cor & cdap

Logitech & 141(if they play)

o2 & overdose

sublime & infrag

KiH & quAn(?)

uR & qP
they took "EC Only" when they signed up, but i talked to an admin before that he must ask them.. dunno if he did rly :D
Blame Adacore
yes ofc vp ftw we got arni and swhine who can stop ous, really?
cant even count how many times you have been owned by the power of #clan.mvk and still u would pick some random co.. well randoms over us?
nice groups gl hf to all clans
gl to all in this season! :)
Group e of premier league is a little insane with o2, overdose and retro

+some mid teams randomly put in 6th league
I've sent my mail to NR, proposing 17 clanchanges ^_^

GL everybody btw.
Bosnia Hercegovina Death Murder Killers

wannabe Bosnian
this OC leagues/divisons are rly not cool...
in 4 League we must play vs half team-portugal, some of team-slovenia, and versus not bad polish clan ... and this in division 4
I reckon groups will be re-released, at least i hope so :x
some of the premier league groups look overly strong with 3 teams in one group who could win the entire division for example. Other example of faults

-overload euthansia are in div3 despite making open cup premier play offs last season and even beating angeldust (who went on to finish 2nd overall) in the group stage.

-dtekt are in premier despite being dead for some time now

-esr despite playing in eurocup last season are in div3

-3/4 teams in premier (especially the polish) ive never heard of ever.

-polewka again despite playing in eurocup last season are in div2 (i know half of the team left but still)

-core92 are in div 5 lol

ah nvm

gl sub/rated/o6 for premier
polewka is just another team who joined the polewka multigaming, I don't think they have anything in common with the previous one (now netrunners)
nah they still have some players from last seasons eurocup there, at least 2 maybe 3.
Please, put us (mmf) in premier league, now we are in third :<
do cb think that azure is a 5th division clan?esrael a 3thdivision clan? infernus(like some guy said almost half of team-portugal) is a 4th division clan? etc etc etc plz check the groups again and change it. btw if any team of a higher division want to switch to 3th pm me on :*
ok lets own some noobs christian ^^
na dann schaff die bonzen an ^^
Instead of the EC are the OC Groups like always just a very very very bad joke...

Maybe OC Admins should check a few results and cups instead of the voice of the clanname...cronyism

VP and quanticious are in the premier league? VP lost against us(with Urtier, but gl they deserved the PL) and quan get fullholded. And Levo from the 2nd Division are the biggest noobs on earth and get fullholed at teh first step for twice. I could continuie the list for at least 10 other clans but ok. I know it must be a very hard work and faults are humanly. It's just impossible to have a bit knowledgebase about the ET-Scene but ok. Ill shut my fuck up like always. Peace !
Kojak at 2nd DIVISION!!! here we come!
looool :D kojak premier b and vp 2nd division plz :o
really nice groups :D

GL DnC @ 2nd division!
lol, the groups are just a joke. gg putting teams who were in the eurocup last season in 2nd and 3rd division, and national team players in 4th and 5th. gl vp in premier lol.
wtf, last year we played 3rd, now we got way better and we play 6th :I. really good joke cb :/
image: mmfyu

what an allstar team
ik zal deze als puberale 15 jarige reply interpreten. Zo moet ik hem toch interpreteren
i think it's pretty hard to put about 300 teams in groups by level without some mistakes ...
oh pls again with TWK and infrag at same group in 3v3 oc :[[

nP tho!
6on6 OC groups are just a f*ckin' bad joke? Are they made by random script?
Nah there made by hand :)

You are always going to get whine with Groups. But tbh as an ex- CB Admin they really do look like a Joke and I dont even play ET haha. But I have some knowledge to know that there ROFL

Sorry should be supporting the admins as they give up there free time to do all this work ( 300+ Clans ). But its funny tbh :)


Gaim, Ex RTCW boys who returned RECENTLY to play some ET are in 2nd division lol while Sykotic are in 3rd with experienced ET players. Funny to me anyhow :)
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