Netrunners and FF split PGA!

image: nrff6
In an amazing turn of events the two polish hotshots and Netrunners who had both overcome European challenges from zP and CDAP split first place in a crazy scenario!

Netrunners & - Joint 1st - 2000 Euros -
zeroPoint! - 3rd - 500 Euros -

Due to the enforced closing time of the venue, all the players had to hightail it out of the Poznan Gaming Arena and with a tense final tied at 2:2 nobody knew where to turn. It looked at once stage that a knife round may infact be the decider for first place, however on second thoughts the two teams decided to split the 2000 Euro pot between both teams and call it even!

In the grand final it was FF that drew first blood taking Radar with a mere 10 seconds left to go, Supply Depot was to host the second map and with the pressure firmly on Netrunners they eased to tie the score. Forced into action the teams played a knife round to decide the match, FF won it, but, that round was to bare no relevance on the result of the tournament as both teams decided to share the pot and the placing.

Its been a fantastic days entertainment in Poland, with upsets and action at a dime a dozen! A big thanks to Foonr, and Headshot radio for their excellent coverage, aswell as the whole PGA Admin team!

The days coverage summarised:
:: PGA Opening Clockwatch
:: Group Stage Review
:: Final Preview

In case of a split of first place, there is no 2nd place afaik :)
atleast the olympics
grats netrunners & ff
Any photos of LAN?
Tbh, official result: 1st FF, 2nd Netrunners, 3rd zeroPoint! :).
gg's, and off to the next lan.
wp all of you :]

nice coverage foonr
kot for best player of the tournament. :o)
I don't know about best of the tournament but brilliant play on radar to take NetRunners to the final :)
cdap :O ?
inet only
i can see u from over here!
shush lan only
great event
Nice tournament, but the suckiest ending EVER! Should've play till the end
Nice Final tbh :)
Congrats to NetRunners and Fear Factory, well played.

Too bad about the time delays and enforced closing time, would've been interesting to see double elimination.
QuoteAs a result of the time delays, the two final teams called the game a draw after two maps and split the prizemoney between them.

reminds me of the netgamez cod2 compo ;s << PHOTOS FROM PGA LAN :)
no pictures of foonr hair

Good gaime.
great job mashed, casting for hours - well done!

you've joined my personal list of "accepted" shoutcasters which consists now of TosspoT and Mashed - congrats for that!
The final was hilarious, I know people are saying it sucked and stuff but really was very entertaining. I believe the stuff on camera from PGA is going to e made into some kind of movie - featuring a rare glimpse of Foonr on camera :P
where did kris's and logic's (2/17 stats) skill went to? they had walls! :O
better coverage than qcon?
Hehe... wasn't kniferounds used to decide who attacked first on decider maps or something like that, back in 2003.

I remember the kniferound area on goldrush, was on the bridge :)
polish power
hax :p
the official results for this game and whole tournament are:
1st ff
2nd netr
3rd zp
Why ? explain to me why FF won? The called a draw. that knife fight was joke right?
They've decided to split money before final, round was played to show the winner and add him to tournament protocol. If you will check PGA site you'll see FF will be called winner of whole tournament.
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