PREVIEW ET LAN: 20th Anniversary

On the 29th of May, 2003 a game was released that was titled: Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Please, read that again. Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. A game that turned out to be a tremendous milestone for gaming history. Next year, 2023, marks the 20th anniversary of our beloved game and we will celebrate this incredible landmark in style.

Ladies and gentleman, we are extremely proud to announce our plans for yet another LAN event! More than three years since we saw our last offline tournament, it is time to dust off your weapons and get back in action. This news item is intended on giving the community an update regarding initial plans for an up and coming LAN. We are proud to announce that the following names will corporate to ensure you with the best experience:
  • Poland Bystry
  • Sweden Ekto
  • Belgium eMMiel
  • Netherlands Sebhes

In honor of the 20th anniversary, it looks like the LAN will take place between Friday, the 26th of May and Sunday, the 28th of May, 2023. Get in touch with your teammates now if you interested in creating a team for the coming event!

We are still thinking of a fitting name to entitle this event. We are open for ideas from the community. We would like to have a title that includes both the nostalgic feeling ET has given us, but also to remind everyone in a positive way that this event celebrates the 20th anniversary for this game. Feel free to leave a comment below, if you think you have the name it takes or, alternatively, send a PM to either Bystry, Ekto, Emiel or Sebhes.

Online Tournaments
To prepare teams and players there should be online competition. For this reason, we will announce online tournaments somewhere in November 2022. More information on this will follow in subsequent journals.

General information
Signups for the LAN event will open later this year. The coming weeks will be used to ensure promotion of the event, find a suitable location, lock in the dates and more. We are delighted by any suggestions that might improve the quality of the event. If you think you can be of help, please do not hesitate and get in touch with one of the admins. Send them a message that includes in what way you be of beneficial value to this event.

As time goes by, so has the ET community. As of right now, it is likely the next LAN will be held on the mod Legacy. We will carefully take all things into considerations before finalizing on this decision. If you are interested in playing a game or two, we kindly refer to the discord community. ET:Legacy

QuoteIn light of Tosspots' recent announcement, the future of this website seems limited. Future news items will therefore be shared on different platforms, including discord, GamesTV, Facebook and more. Please stay tuned if you are interested in attending this event.

ETPlayers, this is it! This is how things will come to an end. This will be… our last dance. Remind yourself of all the beautiful moments you experienced throughout these years. We are going down this road, one final time. More information will follow in the next weeks. Spread the word, we are not done yet. Enemy territory still has enough in gas in the tank to pull a last one. Something it certainly deserves.

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.
It has been a couple of years, but I am happy to be back and serve the community once again. I am definitely going to enjoy this ride, one more time. I am looking forward to all the things that will come. I can promise you one thing, I will give my best to make this event successful. That's a promise.
Gather Lan :>
2 normal 1 lemon
Enemy Twentytorry xd

I hope it will be a success ! :)
Great idea guys! If anyone gonna need a player - let me know ;)

I’m quite busy now but from end of the year I will be avi online and ff you gonna need any help with tournament or something - I’ll be more happy to do.


Tosspot - that big news it’s another reason why this community should be online for at least one more year ;)
I hope it is on etpro
2 lemon 1 normal
Wow, warzone pro might need to make a comeback @ et
Ps can someone help me install this game
pretty mad ehhh :)
Nice! cu@lan
Looking forward to this, CU@LAN :)
Team TLD is there.


"The end of an era" @Sebhes ;)
This statement will bite me back at some point xD

Think this needs some bolding by the way or to be more front an centre!

QuoteIn light of Tosspots' recent announcement, the future of this website seems limited. Future news items will therefore be shared on different platforms, including discord, GamesTV, Facebook and more. Please stay tuned if you are interested in attending this event.
Thank you for your feedback. We decided to highlight it
Brilliant! Congratulations for this iniciative! It will be forever remembered!

Hope to see a massive engadgement in this final round of ET!

My name suggestion for this tournament is: Wolf:ET 20th anniversary - The Last Respawn

Waiting for the interviews, games, scores and the best ET streamers and players doing this happen.

ET: The best game forever.

pretty cool name
Thank you for your suggestion spyke
V44 Bro...

I have another suggestion for the name:

Wolf:ET-20th anniversary - Gibbed to Eternity

And as the Trophy could be a personalized Knife for each player of the winner Team
(Knife With ET logo and the name of the competition)

Here in Brazil is easy to buy knives like this
And wish a good luck and good job for all the Staff Team responsible for this event!

You rock, guys!
Hmmmm, Looks like some gayming gonna be happenin
I hope you can make it happen, but it seems highly unlikely. Rooting for it though!
hope that i will be able to see a polish team in the roster ;)
ready to shoutcast!
Shoutcasting at the venue or online? ;)
Online - I am still poor as rat :D
Where are you from?
Rumors are it might happen in Warsaw. If that will be the case, we could figure something out!
Warsaw? I am in! :)
cu lan w takim razie :))))
siema there will be
GL! Hope this will happen, gotta start fetching the cats
I'll try to gather some old hungarians to form 8bits, and join the lan!
Wow sebi, hearing that makes me smile. Us together have a long, very long history. It would be my pleasure to welcome you to this LAN event. It’s still a very long route till the 26th of May, 2023, but who knows. Thank you for showing interest
Sweet, cu there :D
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