GameArena ET Season 8 finals

image: galogouk9 Across the globe Australia Australia and New Zealand New Zealand's GameArena ET Competition has just begun it's season 8 finals series.

In the GameArena league, the 8 highest teams at the end of the regulation season play through brackets to reach the Grand Final.
This season, the maps chosen were frostbite, ga_el_kef and braundorf. The Grand final maps won't be announced until the teams are decided.
Like the regular season, GameArena finals matches are played best of 5 (first to 3) on a single map.
The Grand final best of three maps, with each map decieded by best of three rounds.

Teams which qualified:
1. Australia
2. Australia Team Modus Operandi
3. Australia Team Potentia
4. Australia Regiments of Khaos
5. Australia Das Reich Elitetruppe
6. Korea, Republic of dEviance
7. Australia novüs klamateürus
8. Australia teamredux

These finals will see some strong competition between - winners of the previous season, Team Modus Operandi - known internationally through quakecon, and teamredux - Australia's third highskill clan.
ETTV demos will be available for almost all matches.

GA Ladder
Unoffical finals Draw
Official finals info
GameStah Shoutcasters
There will also be Gamestah shoutcasts from Australian ET shoutcasters. Go to for the shoutcast links when live, or download the games from the Gamestah file library if you're interested =)
Australia Adversus and Korea, Republic of dEviance for the win!
lol havent seen before this point Australian members...

ok maybe Dersaidin...but not more :P
Korea, Republic of dEviance will take it.
We won't, but thanks!

Adversus easy
mo* 2nd
Sounds cool, good luck all
gl hf :D
go eat kiwi's :P
GOGO REDUX :D <3 forty&eagle and all !!
5. Das Reich Elitetruppe <-- lol
need ettv!
remove team #5, plz!

not funny!
dEviance :o
We've had a cross atlantic battle. Europe vs America. Should we have a Europe vs Western Hemisphere:)

Best players from the NC hehe :)
CB will only play euro servers ;/

the only reason AUS didn't enter a NC team.
CB doesnt have to host it :)

Could be a Crossfire vs Gamearena game.

Crossfire put there best 6 from Europe
Gamearena put there best 6 from Aus / NZ / Japan

Get a Neutral server and BANG a Good ETTV game.

We could even have a Tri-nations :) Including the USA
I'd help in any way you need, just let me know
if you can set up a server in hawii :)

best ping australians and asians could get to america (mexico server) is about 180

it's logistically very hard to set any kind of america vs australia match up, let alone europe vs australia. i mean come on you euros complain about a ping over 80! it'd be 200 vs 200 at best. australians seem very open to playing with that ping, but unfortunately i doubt many high skill american/euro players are (and really, why should they be?).

hopefully in future games more aussie teams follow mo*'s lead and make it to quakecon :)
Australia created an All-star team to take on a H3rf organised US all-star team. Unfortunately H3rf & co. could not agree to any even-ish ping servers & thus the game never happened.

I don't see why they shouldn't play on an even ping angelus, and fail to see what 'high sjill' has to do with anything, unless there's an ego factor with potentially losing. Ofc if you want to play a match with a team on the other side of the world there will be high pings.
Will there be an european ETTV where we could watch the games ? :P
Tossy you know me :) I play RTCW. I dont even play ET competitively. So wouldnt know where to start organising this hehe. Im just throwing out ideas, Hoping someone would grab the santa reins hehe :)
I got the nod for a texas based server before asking CB about NC. Arni was getting around 100ish ping, I was getting 200 or so.

Well within the limits of playable.
Drop me a message on irc sometime
150 vs 300 ping :\
ga_el_kef o_O
GA El Kef is a modification of SW El Kef. I contacted Marko about making some changes to his map to make it more comp friendly, and he then engaged with the GA ET community via the GA forums in order to make some positive changes.

The basic layout and structure of the map is the same, but there are a number of changes -
Axis spawn to 30
Dyno wall that opens up access to CP removed
Passages to CP area widened
Ladder at first-stage flag moved slightly
Much better FPS
Most people share this feeling.

Terrible map decision by the admins. While it may be an ok map if people played it, I don't think one match has been played on it by a top 8 team since it's been released. Our gameops still want to promote new things, which is great, but not for finals please.
same here, they wanted warbell in the mappool
if most people share this feeling, they arn't very vocal about it.
gl guys

nice to see some real competion out of Europa and the States.
riCo sux :]
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