Hello Eurocup!

[img|left]http://www.student.dtu.dk/~s020561/img/eurocup.png[/img]image: crew-icon Tonight the very first game of the 14th edition of the Clanbase Eurocup will be brought to you on a screen nearby! At 2100CET Sweden zeroPoint! will take on Europe Morrigu. Now as you can see on Clanbase zP! are the major favourites. Will Switzerland gifty and co be able to beat this 'unknown' Morrigu? Have they regained their faith after their defeat in Poland? Have they pracced enough for this game?

Morrigu on the other hand, as major underdogs, have 1 special card they can pull out. His name is Netherlands tekoa. But wether or not tekoa will actually play is not certain at all. Tekoa has quit gaming, and will only come back on some occasions. He will therefore not really train with the morrigu guys. So even if he plays, will his talent alone be enough? So the question is here too, will the dutchie Canada Wesbo and co be able to take down this team?

When you look at their group for both teams losing does not necessarily mean being kicked out of the EC. But if mQ wont be able to beat zP! they will have a very hard job in beating NETR. Atleast when you look at what happened at the LAN ;-) For zP! if they lose it will be very hard aswell. But as they say over at Adidas, impossible is nothing.

So there you have it folks, tonight you know what to do! Your evening is a evening full of EC! At 2100CET you can go connect to the ETTV servers. Of course a Eurocup game is not a Eurocup game without a shoutcast from Inside the Game. At 2030CET you can tune in to Inside the Game where Wesbo will be joining me for a quick preview on the game.

Austria Darky
Austria Rapture
Austria Potter
Germany Butchji
Germany hatred
Switzerland Gifty
4-2 morrigu[/b]]
Canada Wesbo
Poland nrs
Norway Lakai
Netherlands joop
Germany Brot
Denmark gyzr

Time: 2100CET
Maps: sw_goldrush_te, adlernest

Netherlands iTG`stewie (english)
Poland HS-Thoro (polish)
zP 4:2 mQ
same opinion : )
4:0 Butchji
image: eurocup

because a gif logo for a black background looks like crap on a white background.
the text is harder to read now.
I'll add a transparent border, see if that helps.
I love you lagger!
looks nicer ;D

I also made an ec banner, its a bit stolen cuz I'm to nooby for doing it all alone ;)

image: ecag3
Looks even better....
looks like fnatic style ^^
fnatic > all ;D The style is like the one they use, FF uses same news banners at their new page :>
It says EC 13:-)
sorry, 11, I mean. It needs to say 14.
looks very grey :(
thanks lagger i pinched it for my article as well :)
hokay, just a reminder tho, in a week i will be replacing it with a picture of you and a happy little monkey.

/although my uni page can take an insane amount of traffic, the admins don't really like it. So if you want to keep using it, please get someone without nagging admins to host it :)
I've already got Done to host it on his amazing spanish site for future use by CB ET :D

image: eurocup14
will be rape!
I love you stewie. I thought I was going to have to do this coverage instead of my ridiculously important project work this afternoon!
I have feelings for you too.
Ha! "Feelings". Simple feelings are not worthy of Adacore's attention. You better come up with something better.

gL mQ. :o)
2:0 adolfnest
pimped cb-logo
go teKoa!
go idle

... oh wait
viel glück potter, rapture, darky
should be a piece of cake for potter & darky :)
gl chibi, potter, darky
nice ...

4-0 for zP. but its gonne be hard for them imo...
Austria zeroPoint will make it for sure
4-2 Zeropoint, don't forget the lucker map "Adlernest".
morrigu fo sho... 4-2
als je verliest pik ik kitty van je af wesbo, dus ik zou maar ff goed je best doen ;<

gl both
Hello Stewie!
god thats an annoying writing style
Quote So the question is here too, will the dutchie Canada Wesbo and co be able to take down this team?

It's a dutchie with a Canadian flag ?
It's a joke :>
Ok, but I don't get it :<

Share the fun!!!
I'm Canadian but I live in NL =) problem solved!
Aaah, zeg dat dan!
gl mQ, but i feel zp will take this one :<
zp are too strong 4-0
gl gifty ^^
gl gifty and wesbo :D
tekoa for ec invite only? :)
potter power =)
gg , nice prediction neLLie
I don't think THIS zP! will beat Idle..
team which can win a map with zP doesnt have tax on supply?
mQ will be interesting to watch in the future - but believe me, _aynone_ can take adler vs _everyone_ ;)
you're so right, they took adlernest as map because its so lucky and its usely one rush and than boom over.
They took adler because zP didn't have any tacs or prac on adler imo :D
you behave unprofessional laughing at one team on EuroCup while adminning.
the maps are forced hm?! :p
Good point, we didnt chose adler if thats what people think :P
And Adacore, I think we were just as new to the tactics on that map as they were.
Sorry - I misread what he said. I thought he meant 'they took adler' as in 'they won adler'.
I agree it could be over in one rush if you're lucky, but you can't deny we held you for almost 9 minutes which is a very long time on adler. Thanks for the compliment =) we try to do our best and hope to proof a lot of the "mQ don't deserve EC" guys they're wrong.
No worry wesb, i don't wanna take anything away from you, believe me - you played adler very well. And you were just better on this map, I never denied that. That we are weak there is also nothing I would denie - _but_ we also can beat every team on adler, thats the point. This map can go anywhere whilest maps like supply and gR need much more then a lucky moment, if you know what i mean. And believe me, I am sure you won't end up last in our group and you will show some nice matches. Gl again =)
I didn't feel offended and I agree I lost this map soooooo much times just because of an unlucky spawn the first spawn! On goldrush we were a tad bit unlucky with securing the gold, but it's just not our (well kinda my, 20 fps :<) map. On supply it wasn't just a show we were performing when we were going spectator, we actually hadn't pracced supply at all and therefore we really had to do tactics. I believe we were a bit too happy about the fact we won a map and about the going spectators thingie which made us a bit unconcentrated on defense. Attack went smooth untill we got the depot gate where you set up a really nice defense which we wouldve broken (I think) if we had a little more time. All in all I think it was a really nice war for us, we showed the many doubters we are EC worthy and it showed some stuff we can improve in the future.

Anyway good luck to you guys and I hope we'll meet again! And maybe maybe.. we'll be the winners!
Wonder how zP's grush courtyard defence will hold up against a stronger team.
It does seem to rely quite a lot on the star players getting big frags, rather than a cohesive crossfire, certainly. We shall see.
Idd seems fairly old school, smg heavy.
we know that we need to pracc it :> havent played 6on6 for the last 3 or 4 weeks and not even a warmup.. thats what u have seen yesterday :> just need to pracc
Gl to both teams.
too many mistakes in your post Netherlandsstewie tbh
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