Talk ET Cup - The All Fin Final

#Talk.ET 6v6 Cup Finals drawn

With the Talk ET 6v6 Cup drawing to an end, only the finals are left to be played.

The Two Teams are closely matched in skill and also both from the same country, Finland.

The Two Teams Involved are:

Finland Team AngelDust

These two teams will be fighting it out for the crown of Talk ET 6v6 Cup Champions on Tuesday 20th December, 20:00 CET(19:00 GMT)

Please keep and eye on for ETTV Details for this match.

Finally, on behalf of #Talk.ET - We would like to thank all the Teams that participated in the cup, and also our Sponsors:

FPS Clan Servers (

As without them, this cup wouldnt have been possible.

Good Luck To Both Team angelDust and SKIT-EVIL in the Final!

Thank you to all the people that have contributed to the cup, both in the forefront of activity when reffing matches, and people behind the scenes making the cup run smoothly.

Thanks especially to Bulld0g, Vowel, and all the Fusion Guys

For more information feel free to check out

#Talk.ET @ Quakenet
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