The Best of Germany

image: eurocup Tonight there will be the first game in the group of death. After noll8 vs sFx-Monkeys being rescheduled to Monday 21.00 CET after Mystic didn't show up its up to Germany Team-Helix and Europe Rewind to decide who's going to take the first point in this group of death.

Group D may well be this years group of death meaning every win and every map win is crucial to the outcome of the season and with it both sides will be looking to inflict as much damage prior to matches against Finland sFx-Monkeys and Sweden noll8. Look to adlernest in round one of the matches this season to potentially being a pivitol moment in the entire season should the group be as close as expected.

Rewind known as HighBot before had some small changes in the line-up in the few weeks before EuroCup. Team-Helix on the other hand got a stable line-up for quite a long time. They are seen as one of the challangers for idle this season together with cdap-pi and sFx-Monkeys.

[img|left][/img] image: rew
Germany Team-Helix versus Rewind Europe
Time 22.00 CET
Admin Belgium Bartichello
Germany Team-Helix: biqq, drago, evil, conan, riddla and ramin
Europe Rewind: criatura, humm3l, fireBall, viol, ohzor4 and silent
[img|left][/img] image: adlernestsk9

Statement from both teams

Germany helix^drago
QuoteWe had a tight schedule the last weeks so we could not fully prepare for all maps but I think we will leave the battlefield as the winner tonight.

Russia [<<] humm3l
QuoteI think Helix is clearly the favorite tonight they got the better teamplay , they got alot of experience . I dont say a score now we will see whats gonna happen , but odds 30/70 for helix we got a little chance if we play good. But the favorite status goes to Helix.

Sweden rat : I dubt the new rewind squad will stand a chance in this game, helix is a solid team who have played together with basicly the same lineup for ages, rewind on the other hand had many lineupchanges and are far from helix in both induvidual skill and teamplay, so should be an easy bash for helix

Sweden blaze : i think hx is the stronger team, but with a good day and some luck rewind stands a chance

Netherlands Wesbo : I think Helix will beat rewind, because they just have a better line up and seem like a more stable team than rewind. 4-0 hx.

Germany bigmassa : This fight of the Yermans can only see one winner, which is clearly HX to me. They skipped this years Nationscup to focus on the clan, that is a clear sign to me they take it serious this time. Sorry for rewind but that will be 4-0 for the other yermans.

Austria n3co : Well, I think helix will win this match because they didn't change their lineup since ages. Rewind have really highskilled players too but I think they won't have the same teamplay as helix. Maybe they can win one map but in the end the winner will be helix

Thanks to Team Modus Operandi for the map images.
go viol !
Easy for helix imo
easy bash for hx
hx no doubt
i like the lay out =) nice one bullvox mate
eazy for hx
ez 4 hx
No statement by biqq = no "auf zum atem"? -> :(
drago is noob!
i asked him if he wanted to change it when he answered but he said no
Auf zum Atem! D'oh!
hmmm, hx 22411518578 - -5884 [<<] is my prediction ;o
entäusch mi net cihan!
hx > rew
whole team germany ;d
hx no lineup changes since ages ?
that's abit odd !

hx = v&e + previous hx team


last Team-Ger team without butchji, urtier, senji ..

in other words, this hx team have been playin together
for team-ger before they collide together as the new hx.

why collide? some of them didn't liked eachother before they
meet as team-ger team :P

oh yeah .. conan is the cream on top of it !

clark kent wrote to me! :O
Jawohl Herr Kapitän! <o/
easy for helix

uberMix played against rewind today, wasnt impressed
silent > all
mhm I can't understand why rewind lost this match, because they have #4 rifler, #5 spammer, and #5 aimer so what tha hell?
wie lang probiert ultimaratio scho in ec zu kommen? xD
wir haben halt keine top 5 aimer und so wie rew :/
wie kommst eig. auch drauf? xD

sorry hab xfire leider net so oft gewatched ^^
das erste mal das ich dir komplett recht gebe :D
aber auf der lan hast du mir auch schon rechtgegeben! :)
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