The Ashes are coming!

image: DeathofEnglishCricketIn Cricket there is a rivalry between England and Australia and each series is called the Ashes, it is ongoing right now. Its called the ashes because a bird was hit by a cricket ball and tragically lost its life, it was burnt and its ashes along with the birds death were to symbolise the death of English cricket who lost that series.

Today ET gets its ashes! Although its unlikely an English player will play, an Englishman (or a pomme) will admin and thats enough to give it this most unoriginal title (It has much to do with the fact Europe has no notable rivalries with Australia!). The popular Atlantic Battle series has possibly had its lifespan as the American's have given up, but the Aussies have come forth and challenged Europe to a war.

The match will take place on December 23rd at 14:00 CET which is 24:00 Australian time. The server is located in California and Australians are anticipated to ping around 200 with some European testers getting in the 150-175 range. The maps will be Supply Depot & Goldrush.The match server is kindly provided by seek from #snd-gaming and #Crossfire will be hosting the tournament itself.

Shoutcasting will be a joint effort between United Kingdom iTG's TosspoT and the Australia Gamestah crew, which should be an experience not to be forgotten! will lend their irreplacable hand to all things ETTV.

As for the teams? The European Captain will be selected in the coming days who'll then by up against Australia angelus who has been both hard at work getting a team together but also organising things for this event down under!

Be sure not to miss out as ET gets intercontinental once again!

The series is named after a satirical obituary published in The Sporting Times in 1882 following the match at The Oval, in which Australia beat England in England for the first time. The obituary stated that English cricket had died, and the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia. The English media dubbed the next English tour, to Australia (1882-83) as the quest to regain The Ashes.
Sounds good =)
Get 4 1ife! No one posts news at this time of the day.
Don't laugh with TosspoTs jetlag illness!
should be fun, hopefully we can make a game of it :]
I can see people getting hurt!
Cheers m8:) Sounds good :)
nice nice...
and when will you make another EU Allstar Battle TosspoT? :)
thats also coming
whose playing for europe ?
Just read that... sounded like UK vs Australia.

Pff, the title is lies :<
UK vs Aus would probably be a bit closer, considering EU's population of 600+ million people vs Australia's 20 million :P
Oh, wow China has 1.3 billion ppl -> China vs Europe would be unfair!
It's a very simple concept tbh butchji.

How many ET teams are there in Euro land that play comp? In Aus/NZ ET there are ~40 teams - a reflection on the much smaller population. This leaves a much smaller talent pool from which to draw players. With a FAR greater # of people, you are far more likely to find more good players (and bad ofc).

Assuming that players across the world are basically similarly skilled, then you're likely to find 30 great players for every great Aus player. Ofc this isn't factoring in the scene in Australia, which is far smaller with less quality competitive teams & less activity.
I dont think its realy the ashes if we're playing against all of europe, but great to see. GW angelus.
Agree to your first point...
i think eu players shud take english cricketing names :P for instance whoever is pwnin shoul dhave the name collingwood or pietersen, and whoever is getting pwned should take the name mcgrath xD
"i think eu players shud take english cricketing names"

Cool, looking forward to it
sucky newspost, I want to see whats news is about in one second, n ot have to read it.
Lets just send Idle and get this over with :)
"Its called the ashes because a bird was hit by a cricket ball and tragically lost its life" LOL
never realised it was such a dangerous sport :p
i heard a different story about "the ash" on TV last week
Nice work.

I'm already looking forward to seeing all the different lineup suggestions by xfire members and the flame that will follow the post :P
Attention Whore!
viel spass beim spielen imo :(
hoot hoot n1 news
easy bash 4 europe =)
All i will say is that Europe better bring there gay game, opps i mean A game as the Aussies downunder will give you a run for your money, All i hope is that you dont go blaming the pings!

Good luck

and about time the top Aussie Players get to play on near even terms with the top Euros

Aussies 2-0
Is that the original Goldrush & Supply Depot? :x
No I'm just sick of putting all the other crap in!
wtf we're not that noob down here ;p

although we still do use ladder supply, but with scripts to fix spawn bug. i think it will be the latest Supply though :)
Theres another question - whats the config?
Will be standard euro config
There are two. But I assume you'll be using the CF config, as Tosspot is behind this?
ok but wtf is cricked ?
some kind of baseball just many times more boring!
Nice idea but the post sucked a bit =)
cricket == the most retarted sport in the world
It's retarded you retard.
drepstu úr eyðni fjárans englendingur!
ernie and me are avi
Night for a captain*!
sorry, I had to add the real reason behind the name so that people aren't fooled by the dastardly mr tosspot
lol a bird that was killed? Where'd you hear that shit!

wiki says:

QuoteThe series is named after a satirical obituary published in The Sporting Times in 1882 following the match at The Oval, in which Australia beat England in England for the first time. The obituary stated that English cricket had died, and the body will be cremated and the ashes taken to Australia.

QuoteA small terracotta urn was presented to the England captain Ivo Bligh by a group of Melbourne women at some point during the 1882-83 tour. The contents of the urn are reputed to be the ashes of an item of cricket equipment, possibly a bail, ball or stump.

I went to the 4th ashes test last time and its far from boring, beer+mates+8 hours of cricket is the win.
pick laggers!
send FF :D
Why not actualy play England vs Aussies.

You really cant call it the ashes as europe are not even part of the real ashes.
True, but truth nevers gets in the way of marketing hyperbole =)
the saints are coming
omg u2 gay
As long as riico will play, I'm happy =]

Angelus, can you give the line-up asap?
iceman34 (Adversus)
riCo (Adversus)
HANZ (Adversus)
maxxxx (Modus Operandi)
shaggy (Modus Operandi)
haste (Modus Operandi)
forty (teamredux)
riCo oonz:)
wow thx for putting ur work and effort into this:)
rico is so fkn overrated...

can you have my babies anyways?
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