Seasons Greetings From #ET-Cup

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You should recognize the name by now. #ET-Cup is a relatively small scale operation trying to provide quality competitions for the ET community. We’ve been through four successful Cups to date, from an allstars invite event to the latest 3v3 offering.

A landmark 5th Cup is on the horizon, scheduled to start this January though no date is set as yet. This is where you come in…

We want you! Your contribution on map choices, do RTCW conversions just not do it for you? Are the customs available just not fun enough? Sign up and have your say.

Discuss anything from team sizes to the map pool, should it be an exclusive invite only competition or a free for all?

SPU9 has kindly donated 2 BNC’s which will be awarded to the two most constructive posts.

Have your say here! - the competition closes Chrismas Eve (24th December)
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