dM raid H2K again!

Dutch Call of Duty has often in recent times broken down into a two horse race between digitalMind and H2k(TMP) and the pendulum of power has swung from H2k well and truly to digitalMind but now the situation and the pendulum has taken a turn to the bizzare with digitalMind most certainly out on top.

Since H2k's 4th place at the Crossfire lan things have taken a turn for the worse, capitulating in a Netgamez tournament that did the side no favours what so ever. Not long ago digitalMind seized the initiative and turned to H2k for replacements picking up Netherlands zem and rapz and now they've turned to one of the sides biggest names.

To replace the outbound Roy, digitalMind have picked up their third H2k player in the shape of Solz who, as interviewed here on Crossfire was one of the biggest characters in the team, not only that but on of the most vital players. Solz is one of the few survivors from the old Northern Darkness team who went on to become TMPClan and finally homing with H2k, however some 3 months later he leaves to organisation for one of their biggest Dutch rivals, a team Solz even cited as a rival back in October.

The switch see's dM lineup as follows:

Netherlands rikk
Netherlands nutec
Netherlands zem
Netherlands rapz
Netherlands solz
Netherlands roy

Rumours of H2k's demise are greatly exaggerated however as the side have vowed to continue with big guns Joepoe, Doekoe, lrs and qwertY looking for a new friend!
zem zonder solz dat gaat eigenlijk ook niet :[
damn DM them thiefs!
I'm pretty interested in seeing suXus play versus digitalMind in two weeks.. we will finaly see who is the real dutch champion in CoD2
True, think dM would win tho.
ill join h2k np
where is
svo aka
Soldaat van Oranje(wannb) aka
SpawN aka
SNOOZER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

zem is z3mme right?
are you sure?
I'm asking.
Edit: But no I don't think so, since the website states that his name is Nils.
Netherlands Lunut3c?
Netherlands zem?
Estonia Hsolz?
Austria Rapzture?
Belgium Trikkz?
haha nice
Help me with the last two :(
Rapture and Trix!
Nice hopping in CoD2
Nice move by dM and gl to r0y and h2k!
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