Born dead, buried alive...

image: logoToday is the day. Vicious and Evil is proud to announce their new ET Team and Webpage. Long time ago our first ET Team with Germany Benjamin biqq R. left to play under the flag of Germany Team-Helix. That was right before the first Crossfire LAN, so we decided to take our time till we get a new Team.
So we are proud now to announce the new area of Vicious and Evil, with 3 Squads in 3 different games. Only our new ET team might be interesting for you, that’s why I keep it short and will announce the former Sweden Knö I hörn as one of the new Vicious and Evil EnemyTerritory Team. With Sweden smutzig as the Captain they are going to play the Clanbase Opencup in the Premier Group.
The history of Knö I horn is a long one but smutzig tries to tell you the main facts about the Team.

Sweden smutzig:
Quote KiH all began back in the days of Rocket Arena 2 when fette and westi started up KiH for the first time. After we got tired of Quake2 ra2 we started playing Return to Castle Wolfenstein, a game unfamilar to us, first being at the bottom of the scene we made to the top tier in no time. We've been kinda on/off for the last year trudging about in the et swamp.

After they made the 2. Place at the RTCW Eurocup X and the 1. Place at Warleagues they had some achievements at minor RTCW tournaments. Their latest success is the 3. Place at the Quakecon 2006 ET Tournament. Their first main goal is to attend and be successful at the upcoming Crossfire LAN #2.

Sweden smutzig
Sweden fette
Sweden askungen
Sweden arnjee
Sweden lelle
Norway zerom

The second ET Team is the old silentium Team who are playing in the 2nd divison of the Clanbase Opencup. Their lineup can be found here.
Currently we are looking for a new CoD 2 Team and a Quake 4 Team, since our old Quake 4 TDM Team is playing Warcraft 3.Dota now. Newsposter and tons of beer are welcome aswell.


Thanks for your attention.
gl to the new teams!

nice website :-)
GL guys ;)
glhf smutz&asskiss :> <3
QuoteFurthermore as most of you will know, our VAE.ET squad has left us nearly by that time and went to Team-Helix - thanks for that.


thx 4 the info! *<:) gl
lycka till pojkar förutom askiss,

jävla tjockis

lycka till svensker
hypocrisy! \o/

gl pannowk :p
the band roxx, but you already noticed i cant spell it right :)
that is ages ago! :p
i wish u the best of luck!
You forget the 2nd highskillsquad with our lovely miTTi!!111
Good luck mates.
Gl Stentorn din lata jävel
2 weeks

nice homepage
haha gl Daniel and l3lle :)
I bet u must hear "ho men" a lot on comms :p
lycka till killar.
gl smutz, askiss en lelle :)

zniff :O)
viens jouer a ET avant de suxxer trop pour ca :)
jpeux pas, jai pas de bonne connection, back in februari ;)
Welcome back KiH

GL in the future!
Norway zerom is my favourite player so GL!
old page > new page
welcome back :)
I expected more comments on their return. :o
hi2u mr. biqq!
talking about vae or kih? :p
blame that sticky news :<
gl smutZ
nice lineup. gl
magic, moments ....
<3 arnjee smutzig

gogo swedes <3 :>
Gl folks, and nice webby!
gl KiH !
fan va nice
Nice. :)

good timing, good luck.
gl arne, fette D:

i remember the times we played on the efterlyst.rtcw server 3.5 years ago l0l

and gl smutzig!
yay hf :O
trickjumps for sure ! fette >3


(one of my fav. team ever) :]
gl lelle, askungen, smutzig
raj raj :)

GL leifi :)))))))))))
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