Snow tourney

image: banner
After a long period of inactivity duels is reopening it's doors for players to compete in RtCW 1vs1 competition once again.

I, Netherlands [ACF]alm, have been back in the scene for a few weeks now and noticed there is alot of 1v1 activity going on. Many newcomers have reached quite an impressive level of skill and are clashing on public servers with a few ex players who still play occasionally.

Since the rivalery in RtCW 1vs1 has always been enormous and still is today, I have decided to start a new tourney under the duels organisation. This snow tourney will be held in the upcoming weeks and hopefully turn out to be the best tourney ever. We already have some of the greatest players ever competing, which will push the standards to a high level. Still, we would like to invite all players to reinstall RtCW once more and start practising and signup for this upcoming event.

Snow tourney's maplist will consist of the known badplace and newcomer basement. Both maps are exessively played and provide an excellent playground for this tournament. Signups will open on sunday 10 december and stay open for a week. After that each round of matches gets a deadline of a couple days for players to play their matches. It is required for every player to record demo's so that after the event a movie can be created.

I hope I've inspired at least a few of you to signup and compete in this tourney and prove that you're the best duelist out there!

You can read more about it and signup on our website duels, snow tourney or visit us on irc #duels
nightkiller, hf with my key :P
nice idea imo

haven't played RTCW for a loong time :x
which servers have players on ?
try these xeon

nice that u're starting this up again, might enter myself, rtcw still is the most fun game imo
(maybe multidemo and/or valhalla in the next tourney? :>)
thx for IP's !
lol, i still remember that jolt and tigerclaw server :D
and rtg i suppose?
those servers have been around for aaages, thank god for that!
yep, rTg too :>
just reinstalled RTCW :D too bad i deleted my config :<
rWD was also ^^
sounds good, count me in alm 8)
rTg, jolt 3 and rTg are the best serevrs on rtcw imo :)
they are the only 3 servers :PPP
ugly banner imho ;<
Create me a better one ;D
great! <3 basement
gL arne :-)
Ready to lose and to do that so hard! <3
I want to reinstall RTCW just for that cup but i can't find a date anywhere.Me and at least 50% of ppl go inactive from 20 december-5 jan...
Signups will close on 17 december and the first round will start immediately. Every round wil have a couple days for players to play their matches. A full match should take about 30 minutes so if you don't have time for that, don't signup. Ofcourse depending on the number of signups the tourney will end this year or the next.
So it's a christmas cup.All cups stop 25-december-5 january or something.bad decision man..
I like it just because u were in ACF, I miss Eisen :(
He's 'studying' in spain.
nice to see you back in the scene alm,

rtcwduels ftw ;)
w1k still alive? =]
whats about a snowBOARD tourney? cu @ swiss alps
lol ofc u win, u live in switzerland....
tbh if u can't do a double backflip by now u SUX :)
xeon from team be rtcw 2004?
nope, just xeon
ich hab mal n fs boardslide ueber ne rainbow die ueber ne gondel geht gestanden - am sommercamp in soelden! so pro, mehr geht nicht!
[acf] nostalgic:F)
btw 999 newspost! :X
ik doe mee almpje, mattie!
my little nephew stole my cd...
rabbits alrdy scare the shit out of him, dno what he is gonna do with rtcw o.O
oh nice =8>
the good old rtcw times :)
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