Oceans6.. Back on Track

I am once again proud to announce a new lineup of Germany oceans6.
Hopefully the team can maintain the reputation of o6 that has been built upon previous teams.

It wasn't an easy step to get here, alot of mixing and matching was done. The core lineup of United Kingdom Sa!nts had to trial numerous people prior to this moment, but they finally decided to inject some more experience into the team and go with a well known multigaming clan. So without further to do, here is the team!

United States of AmericaGermany kuRAIGu (paid the cost 2 b the BOSS)

Netherlands Frenky (manager)

India Hype (ex Team UK, sublime, n1ce)
United Kingdom FaTaL (ex Team UK, riZe, uQ)
United Kingdom clarkje (tacky, sublime, dtekt)
Norway Lakaii (Team Norway, morrigu, dtekt)
Finland besche (ex Team Finland, sublime, roistot)
Hungary Nonix (Team Hungary, gods inc, underscore)
Sweden tornis (Team Sweden, dtekt, uC)

Quote by HypeI think there's a nice team here, bags of experience, we have all played at a top level in one form or the other so I see no reason we cannot achieve great things. Our main goal will be to at least get a Eurocup qualifier and maybe even attend CDC5 :>

update: due to misunderstandings ohzor4 wasn't part of this team. therefor tornis of sweden rounds it up ;)

#o6 @ irc
o6 @ internetz

image: o6-logo2