AusTourney RTCW Cup Results

image: moatchamps8ri

On Sunday May the 14th Australian RTCW clans got back together for a comeback to RTCW, in the first competition for the game in years down under. The competitors included past RTCW champions of Australia, and Intel sponsored Team Immunity. It also included several teams with highly rated Enemy Territory teams, featured among these were Quakecon participants Team Modus Operandi. There were to be three rounds played, single elimination on Base, Ice and finally Beach.

Unfortunately two of the higher seeded teams came up short with numbers come game time, however an oldschool RTCW night continued on unabated.

The highlight of the tournament was said to be MO vs Elevation, a game which featured 4 players from the MO ET Quakecon squad - 2 on each side. It made for a fast paced and close game and demos are available on the MO website.

Overall it was a great tournament, run by great admins and made for a lot of fun. Fitting that it was on Mothers day here in AU, as the game was the mother of many of our gaming careers. Long live RTCW!

Final Standings:

1. Australia Team Modus Operandi
2. Australia Death Kill Verification
3. Australia Elevation
3. Australia Illusion

AusTourney RTCW Cup Bracket
MO POV Demos
MO Website

#modus-operandi @ qnet