Last day of Japanese warfare

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Japanese ladder league gonna ends today with marvelous success and satisfaction. As already every kind of shit has thrown, everything is defined that the left two team are better. Now this is the time that we gonna thrust our face into ETTV to see something highskilled beyond our expectation.

I would like to introduce the top two teams that going to duel tomorrow.

JapanThe Beautiful People
The team electrically formed by the Japanese superstar JapanRollStone - known as former team-Japan member - since then, they keep going as the best team in Japan. Other team-Japan members are also joined this team recently, as Japansirokuma and Japanarmk to be more and more better. They had 10 matches in the ladder league and won 7 times, keeps #1 rank whole time.
JapanTeam ALT
As the countervailing power of The Beautiful People, JapanTeam ALT is deserved. This team have formed by JapanRemishi, JapanRollStone's contemporary of team-Japan. Some of them are playing ET for +3 years together and their cohesion is better than anything. They had 7 matches in the ladder league and won 3 times(well they were lack of starting lineup).