RtCW FallCup 2005 winners


Congratulations to the winners! of the RtCW FallCup 2005

The clans that are walking away with medals are:

1st: Europesvperfrogs
2nd: United Kingdomone.soldier
3rd: GermanyHighFiDelity

First of all we want to thank clans that participated. We realised that this cup was a small one, but We hoped you had a chance to enjoy it. We want to thank the admins, specially doneX and Cash that helped when we needed them I would also like to thank Adjk who cammed that season with me, and BurnerTV for providing us with WTV server.

Take care all,
ToxicGirl, Dino

RTCW - OC Fall Cup 2005 - announcements

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Hello people!

First of all I'm the new co-supervisor for the Clanbase RTCW OpenCup. I will be assisting ToxicGirl. You can contact me @ #clanbase.rtcw

Now lets get to business. Do to the fact that not many clans signed up this season it was decided that there is not going to be any divisions, just groups.

Group A
* Germany Circle of Haste
* Europe Death`s Embrace
* Europe Prisoners of War
* Europe svperfrogs

Group B
* Europe aZe-clan
* Benelux The Haunted
* Germany HighFiDelity
* Europe Oceans6

Group C
* Europe HighBot
* United Kingdom one.soldier
* Italy Zone Trap Preys

Group D
* Netherlands Camp Kill Yourself
* Europe DeViLs TaiL
* Europe Fallanx
* Germany powermaurerclan-germany

* mp_beach
* mp_base
* mp_village
* mp_ice
* mp_assault
* te_frostbite
* te_escape2

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Reminder: Your responsibility as a clan leader is to prepare a whole list of active players at ClanBase. It is also required that all of them have entered a GUID before the matches start - November 21st.

We need Admins, so if you have spare time in the evenings and would like to help us out please sign up! :) More info below.

Admins needed
Your help is need to make this the best cup it can possibly be, so please try to get at least one member from your clan to sign up.
* Good knowledge of written english.
* Knowledge of the commands available.
* Able to stay neutral and to make fair decisions/judgements.
* Good knowledge of the rules
* Ability to write matchreports/upload screenshots
* Sign up here (url), you need to be logged in if you want to sign up.

GL & HF!
(url) source