Crossfire NC Captains

image: nc

Your captains for this NC are
Australia Australia - kad
Austria Austria - spion
Belgium Belgium - Anaconda
Canada Canada - sHAUN
Chile Chile - Max101
Czech Republic Czech Republic - Flash
Estonia Estonia - EmeRica
Finland Finland - Squall
France France - milit
Germany Germany - Kuraigu
Greece Greece - HellHammer
Hungary Hungary - Tuvok
Israel Israel - TBA
Italy Italy - neve
Japan Japan - Kirark
Latvia Latvia - Clown
Malta Malta - KilL3rBoY
Netherlands Netherlands - perfo
Norway Norway - Lakaii
Poland Poland - n00n
Portugal Portugal - setupj
Ireland Republic of Ireland - flushje
Romania Romania - quad
Russia Russia - Joke
Slovakia Slovakia - blade
Slovenia Slovenia - carniee
Sweden Sweden - rat & tornis
Switzerland Switzerland - Rapt6rr
Turkey Turkey - TanQ
Ukraine Ukraine - malczik
United Kingdom United Kingdom - Mztik
United States of America USA - vader

Totaling at 32 nations, qualifiers may be required. News regarding this will be announced shortly.

Rules and the cup config can be found here.

- Can all captains please idle when possible, and can be recognised via +av
- Captains must issue their lineup by the 9th of July.
- Captains are expected to create a team page for their nation on crossfire (i.e. Once teams are made, a url to the team page must be sent to NCAdmin via crossfire pm. Once this is done, players in the team must be added by the 9th of July. A leader is responsible for adding each players ETPro GUID to the clan page. Leader rights will be removed on the 9th July, effectively locking the page, meaning any changes must be done by contacting either United Kingdom hentai or Belgium Rafiki.
- Players can be added at any point during the cup, but will be forced to wait 24 hours before they can play if added after 9th July. Team lineups are unlimited in size. For a player to change a GUID, approval from United Kingdom hentai or Belgium Rafiki must be gained.

Good luck to all Captains and nations - get your lineups together, and don't forget to post news on crossfire via the contribute url if you wish to do so!

Any further questions may be asked in

Crossfire NationsCup Announced!

image: nc

An opportunity to compete for your country - what could be better? Prepare for another season this summer as nations from all over the globe battle for the prestigious title of the world's best! Whether an opportunity for new blood to shine, the community to rejuvenate, or even some games to watch on ETTV, NationsCup is something the community can only welcome! Hey, and guess what - It's 6v6! So regardless of who you have your money on, be it The Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, or even Malta, as new players come and older players go, look forward to fresh action coming your way very soon!