Warleagues WinnerCup Reaches the final stage !

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We have come a long way to this point. After tight matches now it's time for the grande finale ! the showdown. Who will be the king of hill in Enemy Territory: Quake Wars scnene ! Well, atleast in Warleagues.. The semi-final match was played by Finland Pelit versus, Finland retro4u, the game was tough but the winner team was Finland Pelit

But now it's time to play the final stage of this show. The mighty Finland Pelit will be head-to-head with yeat another team from finland called Finland Afterlife

The final game is not yeat to scheduled but, we will let you know for sure when you should bother to sit in front of you monitor, eating popcorn we have a little tidbit for you to read. QWTV and shoutcast will be presented for you to watch !

The Head-admin of Warleagues Austria godfragger interviewd a couple players. And ofc from the teams witch are playing the final match. Click the link below to see the interviews.

Interview with the Finland Wilcoz from Finland Afterlife
Interview with the Finland Late from Finland Pelit

WL's ETQW mainpage
ETQW.com - Warleagues Winnercup ZERO finals