#uQ.Gaming UPDATED cup info!

image: uqgaming1go2

Its been crazy times recently in ET, with a second quakecon and CPC over in europe. All this activity has stired a name not seen in ET for a while.

I can confirm that uQ-Gaming are once again going to support Enemy Territory.

Applications for the new ET team are already open and talks with a few teams have already started.

But this time uQ.Gamings support goes further than just its own teams. They have put forward £300 (440Euros) as a prize fund for a cup within ET. Already some other sponsors have put forward interest in supporting an online event, and so we can expect more than just the cash by the time the cup starts.

Since we only got the support confirmed a few days ago, its still early in the planning stages, but so far i can confirm the following:

The prize pot is a minimum of £300 (440Euro)
The cup will most likely support 5v5
It is likely to be a 16 team cup (although we will try and hold qualifiers to include more teams)
It is likely to start within the next 3 weeks

#uQ.Gaming are looking for people who can offer support or admin experience for the cup, so if you can them please pm Munchies in irc.

If you are interested in the spot as one of the uQ.Gaming teams, pm Venom.

#uQ.Gaming (quakenet)

EDIT: I can also confirm that if this cup is a success, uQ have promised to put forward at least the same prize fund for repeat events, with the idea of making a seasonal cup.

UPDATE: Click Read More

uQ who?

image: uqgaming

After lots of rumors and speculation, its now official that Suc6 have picked up the gauntlet from parodia and are now the new uQ-gaming ET squad.

Roster Rundown:

Portugal SexyHot
Belgium lioco
Belgium Dodgeh
Sweden Blaze
Sweden Eddie
Belgium mesq
Switzerland kmt

With the last uQ team dominating in Eurocup, as well as many other previous successes, this team of fresh faces has an extreemly big set of shoes to step into.

uQ-gaming wish to give huge thanks to their old ET squad, and a huge welcome to their new one. Best of luck to everyone involved, and we look forward to some more great games ahead.


Sponsored by www.ultimatequest.co.uk and www.kralcomputing.co.uk


Taken from www.swertcw.com

Well this seems to be the end.

I founded this site a couple of years ago with some friends with the same burning desire for RTCW. At this time I had no idea of what this was going to become. I started to learn PHP and soon we had a working news page with comments, a poll and some other sections. We got a pretty cool design by Hipshot, which later was reworked to what it is today. The site developed and grew more and more. After some server craches and lots of lost data we got the site up in a real serverhall.

At some point I met celtiC who started to write news. Back then, I had no idea of what great and devoted person he was. Today, the whole scene got him to thank what this site has become.

Sadly, I lost the interest for the game about a year from the release, but I kept the site running since it became so much more than I ever could have imagined. I also had a great interest in programming which kept me going.

All great moments has an end. Now it's time for sweRTCW. I barely got any time left to work on this site. It also takes alot of administration since I'm running the server at home. celtiC has already given his statement as you all know. I find this is the time to close the doors here. I would like to thank everyone who have helped sweRTCW in anyway.

I will keep the site running a while until i figure out what to do with all movies.

Good bye,