Interview with .de ET NC coach

image: kuraigu

From noname to coach... Germany Kuraigus way in Enemy Territory. I can describe it something like that. One year ago, Germany Kuraigu was a noname in the scene but now hes managing the german nationscup team. Therefore it was a pleasure for me to meet this person. Beside his eSport career, he`s still active in some other scenes and running nice projects. So read more about the person, who is still calling himself Germany Kuraigu.

Austria nAxiD had a nice talk with the manager of team Germany Germany.

Austria naxid: How did your eSports career begin ? Did you want to be something more like a hobby gamer, who is switching on his computer to play some comfy rounds of his favorite game title ?

Germany Kuraigu: It began with RtCW. In the beginning of 2000 I mingled with a RtCW clan called GpK (German Pale Killers). After that it really began. People like "die suesse fisso" (<3 <3), "nordland", "hardly" and "flipmo" joined. With these people it was just more than hobby gaming. We got better and better and wanted more, so then we left GpK and joined a legendary Q3 Clan called "Deathreign". There, some players like pbreazer, dom, pk, speebrake and glotzer joined and so we got to be more professional in eSports. Together we were in 4 Clans like dR, Team-why, KinG and Team-helix.

Read the whole interview on the new eSports Community page