The reason behind the departure!

It has been only one or two days since 4i have announced that FinlandSquall will not play with them at the Crossfire Prizefight. Leaving with a big problem just before this event is about to start. But what are the reasons for this departure? Not one good reason was given untill now..
It seems that Squall has left to hook up with former idle squad, Dignitas. Making the Dignitas lineup for CPC 2 the following :

Finland Squall
Estonia r3vers
Germany urtier
Germany senji
Estonia reload
Slovenia jakazc

I hooked up with Squall to talk to him about his departure from 4i and his future at Dignitas

Hi Squall, first of all congrats on joining probably on of the most powerful teams around! How does it feel to actually be part of the dignitas team?

Well, thanks haha! It feels great you know, everyone knows dignitas is pretty much the best team around and when they asked me some time ago about the last spot in their team I was quite suprised and very honored to be picked! :):)

I can imagine that! But you leaving 4i in this way leaves some pretty big questionmarks about your loyalty towards the team? This because of the fact that 4i will attend CPC 2 aswell, why this last-minute switch?

Hmm, this is indeed something I had to think about for quite some time before I could make a decision. I had so many good times with 141 ( red. 4i. ) that it really broke my heart if I was to leave them. But on the other hand this was a one time oppurtunity to play on a skill level at which I have never played before! And I think that was the main reason I made the switch, playing on a higher level.. Thats why I play the game, I wanna be the best and play with the best to beat the best

You sound like one motivated player! Last question: What is to become of you and the team when Estonia Night returns after CPC2?

Ofcourse we have spoken about this inside the team but I can not give you any information about this at this point

Well, thanks for the interview, good luck at CPC 2 and play well!

Haha, no problem!

Now we can only wait for the 13th of April to see in what way FinlandSquall will replace EstoniaNight at the upcoming CPC

And allthough the timing might make you think otherwise, this is not a april fools joke..