Warsow 0.12

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Earlier today the Warsow team released Warsow 0.12.
It's main purpose is restoring mod support following the begining of public mods being made. The patch also features a couple of bugfixes regarding BE, HUD items issues, demo playback, the armor decay during a timeout,doors and many others!

The patch includes some slight gameplay tweaks that involve less ammo for the weapons, this is more of preliminary test as we started doing weapontweaks for 0.2 and we think these new ammocounts will be beneficial for the game ( less spam and more of a tactical need to control the ammo packs). Possibly the most signficant change however lies in the CTF change, the flag reset timer has been reduced from 10 seconds down to 8 to overcome those who learnt how to trickjump to bypass the need for teamwork!
There are a lot more things that have been done for your pleasure! See all the other changes in the changelog !


- ChangeLog
- Update from 0.11 to 0.12
- 0.12 Full Install