TWK unmasks

image: news16kz0After 2 years since the release of my first Enemy Territory movie - superboyy puran - I've finally finished my second big project.

This movie is about our 3on3 fun clan called The Wolfenstein Killers. Since we played under other aliases, and I had just finished my first movie, which got a great response, I've decided that presenting TWK with a movie would be a nice introduction to those who dont know who we are yet (yawn ruined the surprise a bit tho:P ). Frags used in the movie are from 3on3 practice matches, many are from official wars. The whole idea of creating a new movie, was too give something fresh to the community, a movie that wouldnt get lost in the sea of movies we're getting today. I came up with many new effect and sync ideas that were never seen in an Enemy Territory fragmovie before. Hope you enjoy.

TWK was founded in june 2004. The funny (killer[pl] style) name originates from a slovenian clan that was full of 13 years old kids, who thought they were the new RaZieL of ET, but when it came to an official war, they couldnt get to either ammo rack on goldrush as allies. Some of the player names were taken after those players, some were made up. The main intention of TWK was to blow off some steam while playing (trash talking, insulting, laughing at the opponents when we won :P), some opponents found it funny, which was the original intention - fun, some found it offensive and quit after 1 map. After a few days of practice matches, and not a single lost round, we decided to play a bit more seriously, and started to participate in european 3on3 ladder on clanbase. The 1st lineup was mostly me and jakazc with a swaping 3rd (ravenous, c0ld, illy-ya, em0rej, dAv1d). In a little over 2 years of activity we were holding #1 for over 10 months in total time. The main reason for quiting the ladder and other competitions was RL obligations and ofcourse the constant rise of cheaters, which is a well known problem in ET today.

I started to work in august 2005. I was determined that i would have a lot of cameras in my movie, since that was the trend of most of the movies. At that time Camtrace3D wasnt "public" yet, so the only choice i had was GTK radiant. To finish drawing that intro curve, and all the look options took me about 5 hours, getting it synced took me twice that much. Everyone who uses ct3d on the newest patch of ET knows that exec_at_time and .cfg camera make the execution pretty much automatic. .camera file doesn't know anything like camera_at_time. And in addition to that the scene with us on top of that builing was recorded in warmup. Meaning no roundtimer, which left me with a stopwatch in my hand. After i finished the intro i lost my motivation for the project, since i spent about 50 hours total working on it. As soon as i learned about ct3d i grabed it and harassed gg67, the creator of ct3d, ever since. The next greater problem occured when i was working on the camera on goldrush where illy-ya killes the allies coming from command post. Here showed one of the weaknesses of ct3d scripted cameras: fps does matter. The difference betweed previewed and recorded take was too big. Mostly because ET cant stay locked too 50 fps at 1600x1200, even with a high end PC. The best case scenario is fps jumping from 48 to 50 or even worse, which makes a difference of 4% or more compared to te recorded clip. With a .camera there were no such problems, and you could record with any fps while using the same .camera, in ct3d you need a new .cfg every time you want to try a different fps. I usually previewed the ct3d camera a few times without recording, and then started to record, and adjust every little detail , which required another record after the change - very time consuming, but effective (i was hoping chaplja could include a "cant write to disk: full" option in his upcoming moviemaking hack, which would speed camera making for about 100% - faster "recording" preview, no need to delete files). I spent countless hours making cameras, then i made ET:Q3 for the crossfire competition, and when i saw q3mme, i was amazed by the camera making tool, not to mention tons of other extra stuff. Going back on ct3d was hard, but with the experience i had the things didnt move that slow. By summer 2006 i only finished about 2-3 minutes of the movie, and with the upcoming year at uni, i had doubts about ever releasing this movie. Untill june 2007 the projects wasnt moving very fast, that was until about 6 weeks ago when i really got into the zone again, and rushed with editing and capturing, which resulted in about 8-9 minutes of the movie and the completion of another big project.

I might write a few tutorials (advanced caming, or some of the effects), if many ppl are interested in it, but please dont expect me to answer every single pm concerning basic stuff.

More info about the movie and download links in the movies section.