gAim is back!

The ‘gAim Boys’ is an oldschool rtcw-gaming clan, ontsproten from [GLAD] back in 2002. The clan was formed by a bunch of Dutch real-life friends. In 2004 when Enemy Territory was released we decided to take a break from online gaming.

Some achievements gAim had in the past:
- Winner Regroup LAN
- 3rd place Best of Benelux 2003
- 3rd place GamingUK X-Mas Cup 2003

The team decided to revive the clan and only with old players from gAim. We have a lineup with an accumululuated era of RtCW experience. Some of the players haven’t played for years and have to learn the ET maps and everything. The main goal is to have fun!

Netherlands nozem (cl)
Netherlands nappie (wa)
Netherlands zeffl
Netherlands xar
Netherlands mind
Netherlands masta
Netherlands bull
Belgium reutel
Netherlands morgn

The team will play in the Clanbase ET 6v6 Open Cup (as low as possible) and fun it'll be!

Idle at #gAim on Quakenet or visit our new homepage.