IEM World Championship at CeBIT in Hannover

image: IEMDrop all of your 'other plans' for this week, stock up with food and drinks ... and get ready for the Intel Extreme Masters World Championship Quake Live!

Expect mind-blowing Quake Live duel action brought to you by the charming ESL TV commentators United Kingdom James '2gd' Harding and United Kingdom Joseph 'Joe' Miller most likely alongside of great interviews by the head of the Intel Extreme Masters Poland Michal 'Carmac' Blicharz.
Can the probably strongest among the underdogs Sweden fox, surprisingly the only swede who made it to the event, or the long-time lone representative for italy in terms of quake Italy stermy, convince and make it out of their groups into the playoffs?
Will the eastern european star-players Poland av3k, Russia Cooller and Belarus Cypher along with the overseas competitors United States of America DaHanG and United States of Americarapha dominate as expected or will France strenx be able to exceed his performance at the European Championship Finals a couple of weeks ago?
Did China Jibo prepare at all this time and what about United States of America chance, United States of America dkt and Canada griffin, who are not to be underestimated?
Find all the answers and a lot more, this week!

Group A

Russia Cooller
Italy stermy
Poland av3k
United States of America rapha
United States of America Chance
China Jibo

Group B

United States of America DaHanG
Sweden fox
France strenx
Belarus cypher
United States of America dkt
Canada griffin

To keep track on all the action ahead, be sure to bookmark the following links during the course of the event:
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