showhpleft on CF-pub. on or off?

Should the HP-Left information be on or off by default on the public? (The lua system resets everyone to the default setting on each round)
43.1 %
(276 votes)
25.0 %
(160 votes)
32.0 %
(205 votes)
dont know how it looks like so i voted yes to see it :D
Quote(The lua system resets everyone to the default setting on each round)
is that necessary?

anyway i'd prefer it to be off by default
btw nice work Ronner!
Don't know if it's necessary but it's just that it happens and there is nothing I can do to change that. It's simply within ETPro that the entire lua system within is resetted each map-change. Can't help it really!
Can't you use boolean?
dude.. read.. the LUA SYSTEM simply RESETS ITSELF and EVERY single variable you define with every map change ;-)
Link it with an external file with the preferences/pbguid is not an option I assume ;)
COULD WORK..but then it'd have to be a profile setting again on crossfire :) tala will kill you :)
Wouldn't be the first time ;)
good idea imo
yes pls !
Off pls, like I care how much HP my killer[pl] has, somebody is just dead or alive for me
turn it on coz its annoying! :D
jij kleine irritante kaaskop ;-p
;d net alsof ik ooit op die pub ga spelen ;d
niet op de crossfire pub? :o:o:o

de skilledste pub van allemaal...
pubs zijn allemaal low+ max :(
deeze is de low+ste van allemaal!
turn it on coz its annoying! :D
Ok after playing on the server, i think its just annoying when the server is full ... we played a 2on2 and that is the maximum tbh...
who cares about u hurens0hn
huh? what do the ammount of players have to do with this feature?
more players means more HP spam, when you get revived and short after that you get killed.
the only one seeing it is yourself. NO ONE ELSE sees how much hp your killer had left.
I know, but when u get killed and revived and killed again and revived and then killed again :P it can happen with 20 players. then you'll have 3 lines of spam in like 15 sec.
oh noes.. you have 3 lines stating the hp's left of the ones that killed you those 3 times in a row.. OMFG!!! APOCALYPSE!! DOOM!

do a backflip !
Keep it on :> but options to turn it off don't hurt anyone eh :>
It's getting pretty annoying after a while, so rather off by default.

If people are interested in it let them turn it on.. won't annoy anyone then I guess.
I also want the KILLINGSPREE after 5kills without a death :)
Yes, and MONSTERKILLLL !!! would be cool.
turn it off... i hate when i'am shooting with some1 and i get backraped. [xxx has 140 hp left] ... annoying...
How about adding a command instead : /hpleft would display the hp left of the last player who fragged you. That way
1) those who dont care would never notice anything
2) those who occasionally want to check after a close fight can type it in the console
3) the whores can bind it
Whats all this talk about? :S Its not like its anything new and its not like its in the way for someone or anything either.
Just keep it on, i hardly notice it tbh..
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