Should heavy vehicles be used in ETQW 6vs6?

The game has been out for about 2.5 weeks now and what do you think? Would also be fun to see comments from W:ET players regarding the topic, would you be more interested in ETQW if 6vs6 was played without heavy vehicles?

(Heavy vehicles= Tanks/Cyclops)
23.5 %
(217 votes)
44.7 %
(413 votes)
31.8 %
(294 votes)
hmm...guess they should...
let only those who actually play et:qw vote.
most likely the players who aint playing et:qw are voting option 3
let them in as a tactical element. Only use an Engineer to build an AVT. I think most people who want the heavy weapons out of the game don't know the countermeassures yet.

1 engi and 2 soldiers with panzers

what can a tank do ?
you can shoot the panzer every 5 seconds
I think a lot of ET players will vote "no" because they're just against vehicles and maybe haven't played ETQW once. Imo they should allow them since it's a part of the game :)
i want vehicles

i love the game as it is

its perfect

but not if every1 keeps removing stuff

no plains ?
why not ? .. 1 panzer and the plain is gone :/
insted of removing the plain remove the flares
then its a flying duck

and besides a man who can control that thing that he can make kills with it is a has to be born

so let ppl prac with it so they can get better at flying
Yes, if tank/cyclop would be easier to destroy. Right now tank/cyclop aint in balance to gameplay. Remember theres also desecrator and apc.
1 vehicle max per team, cant stand the vehicle spam !
Of course yes, but with current restrictions.
chelmianin(H) whats up m8?
I think nothing serious, looking for an ETQW clan... :P
I dont like them, the game wont get worse if they are removed. Besides that, it will be more fun for the infantry.
They belong in this game, play 4on4 only if you dont like them.
So why are we allowed to remove them in 4on4 and not in 6on6?
I guess some of the vehicles could also be used in a 4on4, maybe not on every map but I don't see the problem of using a buggy or an icarus (No stroybombs) causing much problems in a 4on4. It also adds a bit more speed into the game and some variety in tactics wich
sounds pretty fun to me!
OMFG! This restriction issue has gone out of hands. You cant make it RTCW 2 can you? Lets just draw the line into this no radar thingy thats fine for me, but if were going to end up into no vehicles...

Heavy vehicles are easily destrictuble and not raping anyone if you have any battlesense or tactics at all. If not so you earn to get assraped. And this, no vehicles in last spawn makes things comfortable enough
Funny that every game is evolving more and more into ET. x-]
inf only plx
QuoteVoted to see the results: 35%

tnx for adding that option :P
Let them be for a while and then think what to do, not just remove them immediately, because you can't handle them or because there are no drivable vehicles in W:ET

And as most of here living 24/7 refreshers scream that ET:QW != W:ET, then why to make it as ET in the first weeks already? Reminds me of OMFG YOU TURN ET INTO RTCW LOLOLOL

So I say definite YES, let there be vehicles!
if they remove vehicles i'll probally gonna buy qw, otherwise not
go pro. participate in only inf tourneys and such. they rock. actually more fun then the normal vehicle 6on6 :>
I think ET would be the perfect game for you!
it would've perhaps been the perfect game for me.. let's say, 4-5 years ago. now W:ET is ruined by cheaters and it won't ever shine again as far i'm concearned.

ET-ACE could be ET's saviour if it's 100% cheat free.
doubt it. and et looks like shit anyway so i doubt it really has much of a future, other then well.. a small scene that refuses to give it up :>
Competetive players do not care about graphic's!
well.. let's say you're looking for a "new game" to play.. would u really pick a game, allready ruined by cheaters, 4 years old, ain't got support, does look like shit? :)

only good parts with w:et (imho) is the gameplay and the engine itself. the downsides with this game is just to big. and even if et ace comes to its rescue, i'd say it's too late.
If I haven't played it before it doesn't matter if it's 4 years old and the graphics are shit. I would just check one of the most popular website the scene has to see if the people are nice and play the game a bit to see if I like it myself.

For alot of the guys that play/played W:ET ET-ACE will be to late, for the newer players that are still excited about W:ET it could be the future.
well. that would mean looking at crossfire. and seeing this site spammed to death by random kids (ofc some discussion is mature but that's a very tiny part) and ppl supporting cheaters/x-cheaters or ppl on a daily basis find new busted hackers..

it wouldn't really help me if i wanted to give w:et a shot. eitherway. i doubt w:et will die completely, as it still is, one of the very few really good games that's completely free to get your hands on. and that fact will always keep the game up. however, the et-scene itself have seen its best days.
This scene has seen it's best days indeed. But if ET-ACE really works it should make it's own scene and the crossfire ET scene should not have any influence on it with the exception of a few guys wich really want ET to have a future. (Grab your chance sm0ke!)
fuck etqw
vehicles suxx to strong
yes but make them weaker (armor/weapons) and outside only
if they remove vehicles i'll probally gonna buy cod4, etqw without vehicles = WTF? :)
insted off removing the vehicles

increase the power of a panzer and the avt
voted to see the results.
Yes, but with the latest ruleset of the demo.
Voted to see the results
Ridiculous question.

If you don't want heavy vehicles in the game, play a different one.
why don't you!
Yes should be used in the game.
no, more like for 8v8
qw is awesome
This shouldnt get more ridiculous omfg

I'm not against infantry, but this is just bs
not like im rofling

this is no inf-only game, go play cs

if u want without then do some 4o4 instead...
They're part of the game, there are none-vehicle maps for teams that prefer that. Get over it.

Polls on a site that is 90% W:ET aren't much use for ETQW either.
ban's pretty shit for example when you attack on area22 and they have a tank in the last defense.
Plasma mortar, RL + nades, scrambler nades. There are so many options to disable a tank and it's not even that hard.
tell me how plasma mortar works inside.
Tanks aren't allowed inside.
they are, according to the latest esl rule
They will recieve loads of complains about it and change it to something like this.
doesnt say anything about vehicles indoor
It does say something about the last stage I guess.
says that new vehicle arent allowed.
but i think that means that if you can escape with your tank or something to the last defense you can use it, till it gets destroyed.
Indeed, so when you're about to go into the last phase you make sure you destroy any vehicle that is in use or would be harmfull if they get to use right before the last phase starts and your problem is gone.

Dignitas ruleset = win (maybe putting aircrafts in the heavy vehicle section would make it even better)
i just read on that esl and cb will use the same rules for the future. from what i read there you arent allowed to use any heavy vehicle when the last stage starts. that would be the best solution imo :)
vehicles sucks, etqw sucks
omg this is just hilarious , ofcourse they should be used. The game will lose a load of its possibiltý's when they get removed aswel! ITS NOT W:ET for ppl who want to make it this way. I like infantry alot. But i cant imagine this game without the heavy vichles it would just ruin the intire game.
I think the community has to much power over deciding whats gonna happen to the game wich are the restrictions etc. Its going out of hand its redicilus. Clanbase just annouced a realy good ruleset and already ppl whining that heavy vichles should be removed, i mean they are ALREADY restricted , not allowed to use them on the last objective!? so their hardly even in the game anymore.

Let the flame go on now.
you cant ruin a shit game
Yes. It's not good enough to be an infantry only game.
With current rules that only allow 1 heavy vehicle in use at a time, I would like the fliers to be classed as a heavy vehicle so instead of a titan you could opt for a anansi for example, I think it could be interesting to see how that works.

Anyway yeah I voted to keep them in but also suggest that we come up with ideas to make them a bit less dominant to avoid problems arising with their use but saying that we already have counters for them and I've seen clans handle opposition's heavy vehicles pretty well with combination of emp/scramble nades and rocket/nade use. On the other hand you do get times where they become a problem with spawn camping and what not but is this just a case of a better side vs not so good side or bad map design or bad game design for that matter?
Putting aircrafts in the heavy vehicle section would be an interesting idea idd!
This idea = win!
Nice idea actually
ET:QW should burnt itself. So no big vehicles are there.
BF players VS ET Players.

Noone can take ETQW serious atm until there is some mod mad.
altough many competitions take this game very serious , since they are putting prize money in an online competition.
I believe CB ETQW OC is the first OC ever with prize money?
and what about the ESL EMS? not taken serious huh?
It's activision that puts money in it, and atm the game is not serious at all in the way that almost every clan is whining about rules and how the game should be played etc etc.

Get a mod fixed and then will have a look again until then hf in a dying game.
dying harharhar
yes, CPL FEAR 1vs1 XBOX tour, WSVG WOW and Guitar Hero

serious games

taken seriously
and you are a serioss businessman :)
thanks for sharing your config in your profile description.
Rename the third option to "#care"
add the last option to every new poll, please!
Let them stay. It's not only cf playing quakewars so doubt you'll even have a say at this
Nice idea yes.

Go play cs, cod or back to ET.
Also dont sit round and wait for rtcw2 and ruin this game cos you have to wait or is bored or want to pratice your aim.

If you make it inf only take, Refinery, Area22, Ark and Sewer our the map list make it a 3 map game gj people.
i don't give a fuck
I love the ET players come along and go aha this game is new and has Enemy Territory in it therefore it must be inf only.

That makes no logic at all really stupid.

Go back to ET for inf only this game is not an inf only game PERIOD.

Or wait for rtcw2 or play with yourself till then that may work for some.
why would ET players like playing inf in etqw? INF is just so shit in that game really. atleast I want to play with the vehicles.
etqw=no win
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