Should the attention hype with kenta stop?
21 Oct 2007, 12:50
With having 2 stickys, one poll and 50 journals after every kojak match, kental1ty is one of the most known crossfire users so far - should the hype regarding the avis stop and should go on like it did with suspicious stuff from danone, butchji, junky or maus (means without stickys and polls)?
33.0 %
(202 votes)
35.1 %
(215 votes)
32.0 %
(196 votes)
Dumbledore ist schwul - was halten Sie davon?
[x] Finde ich super!
[x] Hätte nicht sein müssen.
[x] Was ist ein Dumbledore?
[x] That's great!
[x] Sux!
[x] What the fuck is a Dumbledore?
U don't get it what a neutral position means
this poll is just removing the "lets ban him"-orgy from the mainpage, it's on his mates, himself and the admins to decide, not on a random poll. Go on here: (url) [url][/url]
lol u say it after ur not sure if he cheats? rofl
sorry ich werds nciht noch mal lesen
If u want some more attention to this, write a blog at about it, the next review will bring u attention since u and others can show up what humanized aim means and what bots might can do, doing it in a poll to take the attention a bit off him and regarding other in a terrible discussion isn't useful at all, neither for busting or defending him.
Also checking my reply in the last topic, collect scene out of a match where he had no real reason to hide it every second or doing whatever with his bot - since there was no ettv and just a random pracc, good stuff for proving much more? And if you cant, you might should think about it again aswell >_<
oh wait :D
edit: qw is awesome
So quad's analysis shouldn't prove anything
But there's another point: aimbots don't track opponents behind walls. They may track through smoke, and sometimes behind doors/destructible objects, but never walls. So if the motion started when the opponent was behind a wall, it can't be an aimbot :S